Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 137/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, October 10, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 29, 2005 Law on Environmental Protection:
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 178/2004/QD-TTg of Octobers. 2004. approving the overall Scheme on development of Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province, up to 2010. with a vision toward 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment and the president of the People's Committee of Kien Giang province,


Article 1. - To approve the overall scheme on environmental protection on Phu Quoc island up to 2010 and orientations toward 2020 (below referred to as the Scheme) with the following principal contents:


1. To protect the environment of Phu Quoc island (below referred to as the island) on the principle of sustainable development, integrated and inter-sectoral management and combination between performance of state management and enhancement of communities' awareness, responsibility and participation.




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3. To protect the island's environment in a regular and long-term manner, taking prevention as the main measure while controlling pollution, remedying deterioration and emphasizing the application of scientific and technological advances to environmental protection.

4. To minimize adverse impacts of socio­economic development on the island's natural environment: to refrain from reducing forest areas and the quality of water, air and inshore seawater. To develop clean and environmentally friendly industrial, agricultural, forestry and fishery production and services which cause no or less pollution. All wastes from production, business, service and daily-life activities must be treated up to national environmental technical standards before being discharged into the environment.

5. To mobilize all resources for environmental protection activities on the island, making the fullest use of resources of various authorities, branches, mass organizations, association, enterprises, population community, people and the entire society; to combine promotion of internal sources with enhancement of international cooperation.



To preserve and protect environmental elements and natural landscape on Phu Quoc island to serve sustainable socio-economic development and contribute to building the island into a large and modern center for international tourism, resort and trade in the Mekong River Delta and, step by step, into a tourist and trade center of regional and international caliber.


1.The 2008-2010 period:

a/ Building capacity and perfecting institutions and policies:




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- To closely and harmoniously incorporate environmental protection contents in newly elaborated or adjusted socio-economic development plannings, plans and projects for appraisal, approval and implementation so as to ensure the sustainable development.

- To promulgate a system of environmental standards and technical regulations stricter than national standards and technical regulations for application in the island:

b/ Restricting the increase of environmental pollution:

- All priority projects and key models on environmental protection shall be formulated, appraised, approved and allocated sufficient capital so that they can be implemented effectively and on schedule:

- Environmental impact assessment and environmental protection commitment shall be made for all development investment projects under law;

- All newly built production establishments shall apply clean and environmentally friendly technologies or have equipment to minimize environmental pollution and treat wastes up to environmental standards;

- 70% households in urban centers and residential quarters and 100% enterprises shall have devices for sorting garbage at source: 100% public places will have waste bins;

- All production and business establishments which have products for export shall apply ISO 14001 environmental management standard;

- Clean energy (hydropower, wind power, solar power, bio-energy etc.) will account for 10-20% of total annual energy consumption in the island;




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- Duong Dong river section running through Duong Dong township shall be upgraded to tackle its environmental pollution:

- All inhabitants will have access to clean water;

- Encroachment upon Phu Quoc National Park and Marine Conservation Zone will be prevented;

- A solid waste treatment facility of a capacity of 2(X) tons/day will be built and put into operation.

2. The 2011-2020 period:

a/ Building capacity, institutions and policies:

- To promulgate documents to specify legal provisions on environmental protection, setting particular and incentive policies for application to Phu Quoc island district;

- To make investment to upgrade material and technical foundations, increase environmental protection specialists and managers and the environment police force and allocate more funds to localities in order to ensure effective environmental protection activities in Phu Quoc island district.

b/ Restricting the increase of environmental pollution:




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- Rainwater-collecting systems and daily-life wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards will be built in An Thoi and Duong Dong townships:

- Wastewater shall be collected and treated up to national technical regulations before being discharged into the environment:

- All households shall have devices for sorting garbage at source.

c/ Improving environmental quality:

- All heavily polluted areas (points currently polluted with wastewater, solid wastes, dust or hazardous fetid odor) shall be treated:

- The forest coverage will be 75% or higher;

- The biodiversity area of Phu Quoc island national park and biosphere reserve zone on the island will be conserved in accordance with planning.


1. Spatial scope: The whole land and inshore sea area of Phu Quoc island district, encompassing 8 communes and townships and south An Thoi archipelago.




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1. Promulgating documents to specify legal provisions on environmental protection with particular and incentive regulations for application to Phu Quoc island district:

a/To formulate and promulgate a Regulation on environmental protection on Phu Quoc island in order to specify legal provisions on environmental protection, creating a legal framework for management work and a mechanism for inter-branch coordination, biodiversity conservation and protection, and environmental pollution and deterioration prevention and remedy so as to contribute to the successful implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks;

b/ To institutionalize particular mechanisms and incentive policies applicable to environmental protection activities in the island; to formulate and apply on a trial basis some new and particular mechanisms and policies in the domain of natural resources and environment protection such as payment of expenses for environmental services and eco-tourism and collection of charges for public-utility services on environmental protection on the island;

c/ To promulgate regulations to restrict or ban investment in some production sectors and types which are unfriendly to the environment or destroy natural resources such as exploiting or catching natural living creatures by destructive tools or methods, or in improper seasons and with excessive quantities; exploiting, trading in, consuming or using wild plants or animals; and production and business sectors and types which cause harms to humans, organisms and the local ecosystem; production and use of construction materials containing toxic elements exceeding the permitted level:

d/ To formulate and promulgate particular environmental standards and technical regulations for application in the island.

2. Making investment to upgrade material and technical foundations; increasing environmental protection specialists and managers and the environment police force and allocating more funds for environmental protection activities in Phu Quoc island district:

a/ The People's Committee of Kien Giang province shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in. intensifying investment to upgrade material and technical foundations of environmental protection agencies and units; increase environmental protection specialists and managers and the environment police force and, at the same time, increase funds for the People's Committee of Phu Quoc island district (the district-level Natural Resources and Environment section and police office) so as to effectively implement the Scheme's environmental protection contents and tasks and promote the examination, inspection, prevention and combat of environment-related crimes and violations of the law on environmental protection in the island district;

b/ The People's Committee of Kien Giang province shall, based on its competence, current legal provisions and the local situation, appoint more staff and allocate additional funds for state management of environmental protection in the island communes in the course of implementing the Scheme's contents and tasks:




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3. Elaborating and promulgating specialized plannings on environmental protection:

a/To elaborate, appraise, approve and organize the implementation of a planning on water drainage, wastewater treatment and solid waste management systems, covering the following contents: the building of two medium-sized wastewater treatment stations (8.000-10,000 m3/day) for two urban centers (Duong Bao and Suoi Lon) and industrial parks and clusters; the building of rainwater drainage systems in these two urban centers; the building of a daily-life garbage recycling and treatment plant of a capacity of 200 tons/day in An Thoi township: the development of models of biogas tanks and hygienic toilets for rural households in order to thoroughly stop the direct discharge of excrements into rivers, streams and the sea and. at the same time, make the fullest use.of bio-energy to meet daily-life needs of the island. In the course of elaborating the planning, it is necessary to ensure that wastewater, after being treated, must be qualified for watering crops in the dry season and being discharged into the environment in the rainy seasons. In commune-level centers, on the basis of the population density, to apply technologies to treat and reuse wastewater for watering crops;

b/To elaborate, appraise, approve, and organize the implementation of. a planning on conservation of the island's biodiversity, paying attention to the conservation of Phu Quoc national park and the protection of Phu Quoc biosphere reserve zone and marine conservation zone; to restrict the construction of large-sized facilities which cause adverse impacts on the national park; and to minimize impacts on the environment and ecosystem of the national park caused by the construction of works (airports, reservoirs, roads, etc.) inside or near the national park;

Measures to ensure the implementation of the above-said planning include:

- Re-planting submerged forests, tending forests planted on waterlogged alkaline soil, planting trees which can stand waterlogging such as acacia tree. Applying solutions for enriching submerged forests by diversifying species of aquatic animals and plants, birds and bats. Taking measures for preventing fires in cajeput forests and fire-prone forests; re-planting plots of cajeput forests which have been cut down;

- Planning and zoning coral reef and seagrass areas, then forming a coral and seagrass conservation zone; taking measures for managing and supervising coral and seagrass ecosystems; tending, nurturing and restoring coral reefs and seagrass upon occurrence of incidents;

- Formulating plannings on eco-tourist routes and sites in the national park and its buffer zone. Preserving the original state of ecosystems in natural forests and headwater protective forests of streams flowing to Bai Thorn and Cua Can residential quarters. Organizing, further building and perfecting the system of forest protection stations. Providing technical support and facilities to the community for forest protection:

- Protecting the ecosystems of coral reefs seagrass and submerged forests:

c/To elaborate, appraise, approve, and organize the implementation of, a planning on environmental observation and supervision networks, by 2010. continental surface water observation will be carried out at 18 points, inshore surface water observation at 26 points, ground water observation at 9 points, air observation at 10 points noise observation at 10 points and earth observation at 16 points. To increase observation points and set up an automatic observation system, consisting of 3 points for continental surface water, 5 points for inshore seawater and 2 points for air, by 2020.




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a/ To study and adjust the approved planning on sustainable transport development in Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province, up to 2010 and orientations toward 2020 along the line of reducing the number of road lanes and not expanding road sections running through the national park and the biosphere reserve zone (which will only be upgraded and concreted); to attach importance to the building of roads for bicycles and pedestrians in conformity with the objective of developing Phu Quoc island into an eco-tourist and resort center. To build viaducts at some road sections so that animals can easily pass the core zone of Phu Quoc national park. To study and build a traffic system of tramcars, gas-fuelled vehicles and bicycles.

b/ To study ana adjust the approved master plan on the construction of Phu Quoc island. Kien Giang province, up to 2020 along the line of reducing the number of golf courses already planned and not building golf courses in areas adjacent to the national park and the biosphere reserve zone and the ecologically delicate area north of the island; to propose a new plan to supersede the plan on construction of a horse race course in conformity with ecotourism purposes; to re-plan the permitable limit for construction of public facilities on the beach so as to create tourist landscape and avoid adverse impacts of natural disasters and climate change. To adjust the planning on the reservoir system and water sources in the direction of stopping the building of or reducing the scope of Cua Can reservoir, upgrading and expanding Duong Dong reservoir toward the lower basin in order to increase its water-bearing capacity and building scattered small spillways (reservoirs) at streams in the island so as to ensure non-encroachment upon forest land and the flow of lower streams. To adjust the planning on the construction of a wastewater treatment facilities in Dam bay and a separate sluice network (D600-2000) running through urban centers and tourist resorts to gather all wastewater to a single treatment center, paying special attention to the fact that urban centers in the island are built scatteredly on uneven terrain;

c/ To study and adjust the approved master plan on tourism development in Phu Quoc island. Kien Giang province, during 2006-2020; to formulate a detailed planning on tourism development in Phu Quoc island in the direction of making intensive investment to restore and embellish beauty spots and historical relics of important significance to the community; to develop and improve the environment in traditional trade villages which play an important role in tourism development, for example, Ham Ninh, Bai Thorn, Rach Tram, Ganh Dau, Cua Can, Mui Chua and Hon Thom fishing villages. To affix the ecological mark to well-known products of Phu Quoc island such as fish sauce, pepper and Sim (myrtle) Brandy in order to attract tourists' attention and contribute to creating a distinct image of Phu Quoc tourism in the future. To combine environmental protection with the development of eco-tourism models and encourage the community to participate in the development of eco-tourism. countryside tourism, craft village tourism and gastronomical tourism while implementing the planning on conservation of biodiversity in the island, especially the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity in the national park and marine biodiversity;

d/To study and adjust the planning on the use of land in Phu Quoc island, incorporating environmental elements, territorial planning and adaptations to climate change. Specifically, to consider and reduce the proportion of agricultural land and forest land to be used for other purposes, reduce the proportion of unused land and further change the use purposes of land, especially for tourist activities: plan appropriate locations for the construction of small- and medium-sized reservoirs; and replace the plan on zoning a 15-hectare land area in Dam bay to build a concentrated wastewater treatment facilitv bv a plan on the construction of several wastewater treatment facilities in appropriate locations:

e/To closely monitor environmental impacts (according to the results of strategic environmental assessment) in the course of implementation of plannings. To monitor environmental impacts in the course of implementation of socio-economic development plannings and branch plannings for which strategic environmental assessment has been carried out so as to make timely adjustment, if necessary.

5. Preventing and controlling environmental pollution:

a/ To set up a database on and closely control polluting sources, especially sources of wastes discharged into surface water, ground water and inshore seawater. To expand the water supply network in urban centers, especially in Duong Dong and An Thoi townships. To plan and build some small-sized water supply stations; build rainwater tanks of proper sizes right at inhabitants' homes to ensure the adequate supply of water in the dry season. To apply measures for re-using and circulating water in order to reduce the volume of consumed water and wastewater to be treated. To change crop structure and apply advanced irrigation methods so as to restrict overexploitation and overuse of water resources;

b/To control the quality of water environment: to apply ISO 14001 environmental management standard to production, business and service establishments: introduce cleaner production methods in factories and industrial clusters: promulgate environmental technical regulations stricter than national technical regulations for application to wastewater of urban centers as well as hotels and guest-houses located along the beach.

To control all sources of wastes discharged into the environment. To step by step complete the water drainage systems in Duong Dong and An Thoi townships and commune centers. To develop and expand the system of public toilets in marketplaces and wharves and work out a typical management model. To regularly collect garbage and vegetation floating on rivers, canals and ditches and the sea area south of An Thoi township. To develop and ensure the regular operation of the network of water environment observation in the island;




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6 Accelerating the transfer of pollution treatment technologies and environmentally friendly production technologies:

a/ To promulgate encouraging mechanisms and incentive policies to encourage the transfer of pollution treatment technologies and environmentally friendly production technologies. To develop a system of environmental science and technology research and application agencies;

b/ To implement programs and schemes on research and development of pollution treatment technologies and environmentally friendly production technologies to meet practical and state management requirements regarding environmental protection in the island.

7. Mitigating and adapting to climate change:

a/ On the basis of climate change scenarios outlined for the whole country and each region, to forecast impacts of climate change on the island. To anticipate newly affected areas, especially those affected by sea level rise, in order to serve the elaboration of development plannings;

b/ To propose plans and solutions suitable to each industry aiming to mitigate and adapt to impacts of climate change. Mitigating solutions include: reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the application of environmentally friendly technologies, promoting afforestation, etc. Adapting solutions cover the incorporation of impacts of climate change into development plannings. formulation of measures to protect dykes and dams in sensitive areas: and issuance of warning for lowland areas prone to the impacts of sea level rise.

8. Conducting communication and education to raise the community's awareness about, sense of and responsibility for environmental protection:

a/ To launch campaigns to involve the population in environmental protection activities; to promulgate criteria on green, clean, beautiful and safe commune, ward, township and house, incorporating them in the campaign of developing cultured residential quarters and families; annually, to award and commend communes, wards, townships and families which record outstanding achievements in environmental protection:

b/ To organize mobile propaganda teams to conduct public information on environmental protection: to regularly introduce environmental protection contents in public-addressing programs in communes, wards and townships; to disseminate and raise public awareness about environmental issues and provide them with information on environmental protection; constantly advocate the community's campaigns on environmental protection, praise and expand advanced models in environmental protection.




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The total fund for the implementation of 16 priority projects under the Scheme for 12 years (2008-2020) is estimated at about VND 800 (eight hundred) billion which will be raised from the central budget, local budgets, investment capital of production, business and service enterprises on the island, concessional loans or donations from the Vietnam Environmental Protection Fund, non­refundable aid, preferential credit capital and supports and donations of domestic and overseas organizations and individuals. This total fund level has been determined on the basis of the fund of each specific project approved by competent authorities in accordance with law.


1. To promote dissemination and education work so as to raise the community's awareness about and sense of responsibility for environmental protection in the island district-administrations at various levels, mass organizations, enterprises, organizations and individuals.

2. To enhance coordination among agencies and branches in the course of implementation of the Scheme according to the viewpoint of sustainable development. To closely combine requirements on protection of the island's environment, biodiversity and natural landscape and incorporate them into the elaboration, appraisal, approval and implementation of plannings, plans and projects on socio-economic development of the island. Specialized and managerial agencies in charge of environmental protection shall elaborate mechanisms and policies as well as formulate development plannings and projects together with relevant agencies and branches in accordance with the environmental protection law. At the same time, to work out a coordination mechanism, clearly identifying responsibilities of managing agencies and coordinating agencies in implementing the Scheme's contents and tasks.

3. To increase regular and irregular examination and inspection of production, business and service establishments in the island so as to promptly detect and strictly handle violations in environmental protection in accordance with law.

4. To promote people's participation in environmental protection activities in the island, promulgate mechanisms and policies to enable people to actively participate in environmental protection, integrate environmental protection issues into regular activities of population quarters and communities and bring into full play the role of these social entities. To accelerate the mobilization of all social resources for environmental protection for the effective implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks.

5. To increase and diversify investment capital from the state budget, enterprises, communities, organizations and individuals for the implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks. To timely and adequately allocate capital from the state budget (central budget and local budgets) for the priority projects while attracting investment capital from enterprises, communities, domestic and overseas organizations and individuals for the implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks. To set up and develop Phu Quoc Environmental Protection Fund. To manage investment capital for environmental protection in the island in an economical and efficient manner, avoiding extensive and inefficient investment.

6. To increase international cooperation so as to effectively implement the Scheme's contents and tasks. To work out programs and projects on regional cooperation in environmental protection,

which need cooperation with neighboring countries such as Thailand and Cambodia, paying attention to areas in which Phu Quoc island has advantages such as setting up of sea conservation zones and protection of marine biodiversity. To enhance cooperation with regional countries in technology transfer; boost the sharing of environmental information and form a network on regional environment information. To formulate scientific research projects to be funded by international organizations, giving special priority to manors concerning marine biodiversity, protection of environment and landscape in tourist sites and prevention of the deterioration of historical relics.




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1. The People's Committee of Kien Giang province:

a/To assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and concerned ministries and branches in. organizing the implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks, annually report the implementation results or propose to the Prime Minister measures, mechanisms and policies to deal with new problems, difficulties and troubles arising in the implementation of the Scheme beyond its competence;

b/ The People's Council and the People's Committee of Kien Giang province shall, based on current legal provisions and local practical situation, promulgate documents specifying legal documents on environmental protection, setting particular mechanisms and preferential policies for exclusive application to Phu Quoc island in accordance with the Law on Organization of People's Councils and People's Committees, increase investment capital, upgrade material and technical foundations for environmental protection agencies and units and increase environmental protection officials and managers and the environment police force, and allocate more funds to the People's Committee of Phu Quoc district, aiming to successfully implement the Scheme's contents and tasks:

c/To assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in. elaborating and promulgating specialized plannings on environmental protection in the island and organizing their implementation: to study and adjust the land-use planning of Phu Quoc island in conformity with environmental protection contents set out in the Scheme.

d/ To coordinate with relevant ministries and branches in studying amendments and proposing adjustments to approved branch plannings in conformity with this Scheme's environmental protection requirements;

e/To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and concerned ministries and branches in, elaborating, appraising, approving and organizing the implementation of 11 assigned priority projects in an effective and timely manner.

2. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:

a/To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the People's Committee of Kien Giang province and concerned ministries and branches in, elaborating, appraising, approving and organizing the implementation of 4 priority projects assigned to the Ministry under the Scheme in an effective and timely manner;

b/To coordinate with the People's Committee of Kien Giang province and relevant ministries and branches in. organizing the implementation of the Scheme's contents and tasks: annually, coordinate with the People's Committee of Kien Giang province in reporting to the Prime Minister implementation results or proposing to the Prime Minister measures, mechanisms and policies to deal with new problems, difficulties and troubles arising in the course of implementation the Scheme beyond its competence;




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3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall balance and allocate capital to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the approved priority projects on environmental protection on the island.

4. The Ministries of Construction; Transport; and Culture, Sports and Tourism shall, based on their functions, tasks and state management scope, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the People's Committee of Kien Giang province and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in. studying and adjusting a number of contents of the approved plannings on construction, sustainable traffic development and tourism development on Phu Quoc island in conformity with this Scheme's environmental protection tasks.

5. Other ministries and branches shall, based on their functions, tasks and state management scope, coordinate with the People's Committee of Kien Giang province and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in organizing the implementation of this Scheme's relevant contents and tasks.

Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 3.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of the People's Committee of Kien Giang province shall implement this Decision.




Hoang Trung Hai



Decision No. 137/2008/QD-TTg of October 10, 2008, approving the overall scheme on environmental protection on Phu Quoc island up to 2010. with orientations toward 2020.

  • Số hiệu: 137/2008/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 10/10/2008
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Hoàng Trung Hải
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 09/11/2008
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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