Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 33/2014/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, October 2, 2014




Pursuant to the Law on Education dated June 14, 2005; the Law on supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Education dated November 25, 2009;

Pursuant to the Law on Education dated June 18, 2012;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 141/2013/ND-CP dated October 24, 2013 providing instructions on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 36/2012/ND-CP dated April 18, 2012 defining functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries, ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19th 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 on the amendments to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education;

At the request of general director of Agency of Testing and Education Administrators;

The Minister of Education and Training promulgates the Circular providing for standards for assessment of quality of university, college-level nurse training program.

Article 1. Enclosed with this Circular is the Regulation on standards for assessment of quality of university, college-level nurse training program (herein ‘training program’)

Article 2. This Circular takes effects since November 18, 2014.

Article 3. Chief officers, general director of Agency of Testing and Education Administrators, heads of relevant units affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training, presidents of the People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces; heads of regulator agencies of universities, institutes, colleges; directors of universities, institutes; principals of universities, colleges that undertake the training program; directors of education quality assessment organization shall be responsible for executing this Circular./.




Bui Van Ga



(Enclosed with Circular No. 33/2014/TT-BGDDT)

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This Regulation provides for standards for assessment of quality of the training program.

2. This Regulation applies to universities, institutes, colleges (herein ‘schools’) that have undertaken the training program and other relevant organizations and individuals.

Article 2. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, some terms are construed as follows:

1. The training program is composed of targets, standardized knowledge, skills and qualification standards of learners after graduation; training content, methods of assessment of each subject and major, training level; ensure interconnection among levels and other training programs.

2. Quality of the training program means satisfaction of the training program's targets at specific levels, satisfaction of requirements as prescribed by the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education in conformity with demands for nurses of localities, industries and societies.

3. Standards for assessment of quality of the training program are requirements and conditions that should be met by the training program to be recognized to have achieved education quality standards.

4. Assessment of quality of the training program means the assessment of activities concerning the training program in educational institutions based on quality assessment standards including objectives and learning outcome standards; training program; training activities; officials, lecturers and employees; learners and learner support services; facilities; financial capacity; graduates and employment counseling activities;

Article 3. Purposes of promulgating standards for assessment of quality of training program

1. Schools shall use such standards to asses all activities of the training program in order to ceaselessly enhance training quality and provide explanations to functional agencies about quality of each specific training program.

2. Education quality assessment organizations shall use the standards to assess the training program and grant recognition of its education quality.

3. Learners have foundations to choose their majors and employers.

Chapter II


Article 4. Standard 1: Objectives and learning outcome standards

1. Objectives of the training program should meet applicable regulations of the Law on Higher Education and be checked, adjusted and supplemented on a regular basis.

a) Objectives of the training program should meet targets of higher education;

b) Objectives of the training program should meet training targets of the nursing industry;

c) Objectives of the training program shall be periodically checked, adjusted and supplemented toward improvement and enhancement of quality;

2. Learning outcome standards should meet demands for university, college-level nurses.

a) Learning outcome standards should represent requirements for political and ethical credentials, professional knowledge, occupational skills according to basic qualification standards of Vietnam’s nursing industry issued by the Ministry of Health and professional ethics standards for nurses issued by Vietnam Nurse Association;

b) Learning outcome standards should accord with demands for nurses, especially in the area of clinical practice meeting demands for health care of patients, patients’ families and communities in accordance with Vietnam, regional and international integration;

c) Learning outcome standards should be closely associated with objectives, mission of schools in accordance with reality and requirements of the industry.

Article 5. Standard 2: Training program

1. Formulation of the training program should meet national requirements and move toward international integration.

a) The training program should be formulated to meet requirements for specialty, professional ethics, management and legislation in the area of nursing;

b) The training program should be formulated to ensure satisfaction of demands for health care of patients, patients’ families and communities;

c) The training program should be formulated in association with strategy for development of human resources, health policies of the country and move toward international integration.

2. The training program should be formulated to ensure satisfaction of requirements for knowledge, skills and practice of the nursing industry.

a) The training program shall cover such important issues as knowledge, skills and attitudes in practicing as a nurse;

b) The training program should represent a lifetime provision of health care to people and be in association with the country and region’s health care priorities;

c) The training program should ensure learners achieve clinical practice skills through instructions, supports and supervision of clinical instructors and other medical officials in medical facilities under different circumstances.

3. Content of the training program should support development and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes in practicing as a nurse.

a) Content of the training program should focus on nursing management, patient care and improvement of nursing care quality.

b) Content of the training program should attach special importance to supporting research, maintenance and improvement of health and prevention of diseases in communities;

c) Content of the training program should attach special importance to legislative and ethical matters in health care in conformity with cultural diversity of Vietnam.

4. The training program should be formulated with reference to training programs by prestigious higher education institutions in nursing in the country or in the world with participation of relevant subjects.

a) With reference to training programs by prestigious higher education institutions in nursing in the country or in the world;

b) With participation of nurse scientists, lecturers and administrative officers;

c) With participation of representatives from nursing-related socio-professional organizations, employers and graduates;

5. The training program should be suitably and scientifically structured and ensure interconnection among levels and other training programs.

a) Structure of the training program should specify areas of knowledge, ensuring systematicity and scientificity with reasonable distribution between theory and practice in nursing;

b) Structure of the training program should have units of study for choice, integrated units of study that meet requirements for knowledge, skills, attitudes and qualifications according to objectives and learning outcome standards of the training program;

c) The training program should be suitably and scientifically structured and ensure interconnection among training levels from each school and nurse training programs inside and outside schools.

6. The training program should include a training plan and a detailed outline that meets requirements for nursing training and shall be periodically checked, assessed, adjusted and supplemented.

a) Formulate and fully implement the training plan for various training systems;

b) Formulate and fully implement the detailed outline for units of study, subjects;

c) The training plan and detailed outline shall be periodically checked, assessed, adjusted and supplemented toward improvement of quality.

Article 6. Standard 3: Training activities

1. Enrollment of students in schools should be carried out in a serious and objective way and meet demands of the nursing industry.

a) Comply with application regulations on enrollment of students by the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Number of enrollment should accord with training capacity of training institutions and social demands;

Enrollment processes should be made public and transparent.

2. Effective implementation of the training program:

a) Arrange and organize training courses at appropriate clinical practice facilities according to levels in the training process with reference to basic qualification standards of Vietnam nursing industry to equip learners with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes;

b) Use teaching and learning methods as described in the training program with special importance attached to learner-centered teaching and learning activity, speed up formation of communication and coordination skills and decision-making capacity required of a nurse;

c) Organize theory lessons, carry out clinical practices based on qualifications and most reliable evidence;

3. Carry out examination and assessment of learners in an effective way and in conformity with nursing area;

a) Examination and assessment of learners shall be organized in a serious way and in accordance with the Regulation, ensuring accuracy, objectivity and fairness;

b) Innovate examination and assessment; use diverse and objective forms of examination and assessment as a way to motivate teaching and learning process;

c) Annually, conduct a review, learn and disseminate experience in the innovation of examination and assessment, assess and improve activities of examination and assessment on the basis of collection of suggestions from learners and lecturers;

4. Effective implementation of professional practice:

a) Organize participation of learners in professional practice right from the first year to help them gain experience and participate in professional environment;

b) Organize professional practice to create conditions for learners to apply theory to reality and develop their occupational skills;

c) Regularly collect suggestions from clinics, learners, lecturers and health workers on professional practice activities;

5. Combine teaching and learning activities with scientific research in nurse training;

a) Schools or faculties should propose effective measures for combining teaching and learning activities with scientific research in nurse training;

b) Schools or faculties should have scientific research projects on nursing with participation of students from second years and over;

c) Schools or faculties should have research findings on nursing that have been applied in teaching and learning;

6. Ensure safety, accuracy and scientificity in the storage of learners’ performance in learning and training; facilitate dissemination, management, accessibility and compilation for reports;

a) Ensure decentralization, assignment of responsibility for management of learners’ performance in learning and training;

b) Learners’ learning performance shall be stored in various forms with the aid of specialized software to ensure safety and confidentiality;

c) Storage of learners’ performance shall facilitate management and compilation for reports and accessibility to learning performance by learners themselves;

7. Nurse training activities shall be periodically assessed to improve quality.

a) Carry out periodical assessment of training activities;

b) Propose measures to carry out periodical assessment of training activities;

c) Propose measures to improve quality of training activities according to assessment results;

Article 7. Standard 4: Administrative officers, lecturers and employees involved in training program

1. Administrative officers:

a) Administrative officers should meet standards according to regulations on university, college-level nurse training;

b) Administrative officers shall be assigned responsibility for managing organization of teaching and learning activities;

c) Organize periodical reviews to improve management efficiency of administrative officers;

2. Heads of nursing faculty should meet standards as prescribed in the statutes of universities, colleges and have work experience;

a) Have doctorate degree in nursing or doctor of medicine degree for heads of nursing faculty providing university-level training; and master’s degree in nursing or master of medicine degree for heads of nursing faculty providing college-level training;

b) Have experience in teaching and clinical practice at least 10 years for heads of faculties proving university-level training and five years for heads of faculties providing college-level training;

c) Undergo training and have experience in management;

3. Lecturers should meet requirements for number and professional structure.

a) To carry out the training program and scientific research, there should be at least 15 learners/full-time lecturers (for university-level training) and 20 learners/full-time lecturers (for college-level training);

b) Full-time lecturers shall be in charge of at least 70% of the workload of a university-level training program and 60% of the workload of a college-level training program;

c) Lecturers shall ensure appropriate structure for teaching theory, practice and clinical practice;

4. Lecturers that teach theory in nursing should meet standards as prescribed.

a) Lecturers that teach theory in nursing should obtain at least a master’s degree for university-level training and university degree for college-level training;

b) Lecturers that teach theory in nursing should obtain at least five years of experience in clinical practice for university-level training and three years for college-level training;

c) Lecturers that teach theory in nursing should obtain a teacher training certificate.

5. Lecturers that teach clinical practice should meet standards as prescribed by the Law on Education and the Law on Higher Education.

a) Lecturers that teach clinical practice should be nurses and other health experts who have obtained at least university degree;

b) Lecturers that teach clinical practice should be proficient in clinical practice and clinical teaching and learning methods;

c) Health officers participating in instructing clinical practice should obtain at least university degree, have at least three years participating in instructing the specialty and have undergone training in teaching.

6. Recruit nursing lecturers according to regulations;

a) Recruitment of nursing lecturers should conform with the Law on Public Employees and applicable written instructions;

b) Recruitment should be directed at suitably qualified lecturers;

c) Recruitment of professionally qualified lecturers shall facilitate development, implementation, assessment and adjustment of the teaching program.

7. Lecturers should fulfill all the duties as prescribed in the Law on Higher Education.

a) Lecturers should fulfill the training program with good quality;

b) Lecturers should actively participate in the formulation of a training plan, plan teaching curriculum, materials;

c) Lecturers should attend scientific research on an annual basis.

8. Lecturers shall be assigned tasks of teaching appropriately and offered favorable conditions to enhance specialty and professional competence;

a) Lecturers shall be assigned tasks of teaching in conformity with their trained professional capacity;

b) Lecturers shall be offered favorable conditions to enhance their specialty and professional competence;

c) Lecturers shall be offered favorable conditions to enhance political, language and computer level.

9. Lecturers shall be assessed on their capacity and offered favorable conditions to complete duties.

a) Lecturers shall be assessed on teaching capacity through assessment by their colleagues and learners;

b) Lecturers shall be supported and offered favorable conditions to complete teaching duties;

c) Lectures shall be supported and offered favorable conditions to provide instructions on scientific research and practice.

10. Employees:

a) Employees should meet requirements for number, virtuous character, specialty and professional competence;

b) Employees shall be periodically trained in specialty and professional competence;

c) Employees shall perform assigned duties effectively.

Article 8. Standard 5: Learners and learner support

1. Learners shall be educated on necessary regulations.

a) Organize dissemination and introduction to learners about regulations on organization of training, competitive examination and recognition of graduates promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training; provide learners with training materials and guidebook on the date of school entrance;

b) Activities of dissemination and introduction to learners about regulations on organization of training, competitive examination and recognition of graduates (promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training and schools) shall be organized periodically;

c) Materials and documents concerning organization of training, competitive examination and recognition of graduates shall be checked and updated periodically;

2. Learners shall be offered favorable conditions to study and participate in scientific research;

a) Propose policies and measures that create favorable conditions for learners to study;

b) Propose policies and measures that create favorable conditions for learners to conduct scientific research, ensuring proportion of learners participating in scientific research is on the increase annually;

c) Have budgets to support learners in learning and conducting scientific research annually;

3. Learners shall be offered conditions to train in political thoughts, ethics and way of life, and to participate in union organizations, Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City and other unions according to laws.

a) Pay attention to the training in political thoughts, ethics and way of life for learners and create favorable conditions for learners to participate in Communist Party organizations;

b) Create favorable conditions for learners to participate in Union, Association-related tasks and other social activities according to laws;

c) Learners shall be offered favorable conditions to train in way of life and life skills.

4. Learners shall be assured of benefits and provided with support services.

a) Learners shall be provided with information and assured of benefits and social policies according to laws.

b) Learners shall be provided with learner support services, meals, accommodation and entertainment;

c) Learners shall be offered favorable conditions to train in physical health and assured of school health services.

5. Learners shall perform their learning and training duties effectively.

a) Learners shall take the initiative in performing their duties and achieve good results;

b) Learners shall take the initiative in training in political thoughts and achieve good results;

c) Learners shall take the initiative in training in ethics and way of life and achieve good results;

Article 9. Standard 6: Facilities serving training program

1. Library systems of faculties, schools:

a) Have electronic libraries meeting demands for access to information of officers, lecturers and learners for study and research;

b) Have adequate specialized books, courses and reference materials in Vietnamese and foreign language meeting demands for nurse training;

2. Teaching equipment, medical equipment systems:

a) Have adequate teaching equipment, medical equipment meeting demands for teaching, learning, practicing and experiments;

b) Have adequate teaching equipment, medical equipment meeting demands for scientific research;

c) Have adequate teaching equipment, medical equipment meeting requirements for management;

3. Systems of functional rooms, learning rooms, laboratories, clinical practice facilities:

a) Have adequate number of functional rooms, learning rooms, laboratories, clinical practice facilities;

b) Functional rooms, learning rooms, laboratories, clinical practice facilities should ensure adequate area and specifications;

c) Functional rooms, learning rooms, laboratories, clinical practice facilities shall be effectively used.

4. Facilities serving physical education

a) Have adequate facilities meeting demands for physical education of the training program;

b) Have adequate conditions and facilities for organizing other sporting activities in order to enhance physical health of learners;

c) Facilities serving physical education shall be effectively used

5. Measures to improve quality of facilities serving the training program:

a) Carry out periodical assessment of quality and efficiency of learning rooms, functional rooms and propose measures to improve efficiency;

a) Carry out periodical assessment of quality and efficiency of laboratories and clinical practice facilities and propose measures to improve efficiency;

c) Carry out periodical assessment of quality and efficiency of other facilities and propose measures to improve efficiency;

Article 10. Standard 7: Finance supporting training program

1. Have financial plan to ensure activities of nurse training;

a) Plan annual budgets for the training program;

b) Involve participation of the program implementing units in the formulation of financial plan for activities of the training program;

 c) Ensure budgets are allocated for activities of the training program effectively, meeting requirements for training in professional competence, practice and clinical practice of learners;  

2. Inspection, monitoring, assessment and reporting on financial activities:

a) Have a system of documents, forms for management of financial activities;

b) Make annual reports on financial settlement and conduct assessment of effective use of financial sources for activities of the training program;

c) Results of annual audits shall ensure no financial violations.

3. Legal financial sources used for the training program:

a) Ensure legal financial sources for activities of the training program;

b) Ensure legal financial sources for activities of scientific research of the training program;

c) Plan strategy for increasing legal incomes to meet activities of scientific research of the training program;

4. Make financial disclosure and have mechanism for administrative officers and lectures to inspect and monitor financial activities;

a) Promulgate regulations on internal spending that is formulated on suggestions from all members of faculties and schools;

b) Have mechanism for administrative officers and lectures to inspect and monitor financial activities;

c) Make annual financial disclosure for administrative officers and lectures to participate and give suggestions;

Article 11. Standard 8: Assessment of graduates and employment counseling activities

1. Assessment of graduates:

a) Formulate standards for assessment of graduates in terms of personal morality, political thoughts, professional ethics and capacity;

b) Use such standards in conformity with the process and scientific method;

c) Assessment should ensure fairness, objectivity and accuracy.

2. Assessment of employment for graduates:

a) Set up a division in charge of graduate-related tasks;

b) Construct a database of graduates and make regular updates thereon;

c) Carry out periodical investigation into employment for graduates after they leave schools;

3. Activities of employment counseling for graduates:

a) Organize activities of employment counseling on an annual basis for graduating learners;

b) Learners shall be provided with training and counsels for job seeking skills;

c) Establish regular contacts with employers and graduates for activities of employment counseling;

Chapter III


Article 12. Responsibility of ministries, departments and People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces

1. Ministries, departments and People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces with schools providing the training program shall be responsible for creating necessary conditions for the training program to achieve education quality standards.

2. The Minister of Health shall be responsible for cooperating with the Ministry of Education and Training in inspecting and monitoring the execution of this Regulation by the schools that provide the training program.

Article 13. Responsibility of schools providing training program

In reliance on specific circumstances, schools that provide the training program shall be responsible for planning the program with the aim of achieving education quality standards for each period and propose measures to implement the plan effectively.

Article 14. Responsibility of education quality assessment organization

In reliance on these standards, education quality assessment organizations shall review and recognize the training program as having achieved education quality standards for each period of time./.



Circular No. 33/2014/TT-BGDDT dated October 2 2014, regulation on standards for assessment of quality of university, college-level nurse training program

  • Số hiệu: 33/2014/TT-BGDDT
  • Loại văn bản: Thông tư
  • Ngày ban hành: 02/10/2014
  • Nơi ban hành: Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo
  • Người ký: Bùi Văn Ga
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Dữ liệu đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 18/11/2014
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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