Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 75/2006/NQ-QH11

Hanoi, November 29, 2006





Pursuant to Article 84 of the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001, of the Xth National Assembly, the 10th session;
After examining the Government's report, reports of the National Assembly's agencies, concerned agencies and opinions of National Assembly deputies;


The National Assembly basically agrees with the assessment of the performance of the tasks of 2006 and the 2007 socio-economic development plan with the objectives, targets, tasks and solutions stated in the Government's report, reports of the National Assembly's agencies and concerned agencies. The National Assembly emphasizes the following issues:


1. Overall objectives:




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2. Major targets:

a/ Economic targets:

- Gross domestic product (GDP) will rise 8.2 - 8.5%;

- Added value of agriculture, forestry and fishery will rise 3.5 - 3.8%; that of industry and construction will increase by 10.5 - 10.7%; that of service sector will grow 8.0 - 8.5%;

- Total export value will rise 17.4% while total import value will rise 15.5%;

- Total development investment capital source of the entire society will account for 40% of the GDP;

- The consumer price index will be lower than the economic growth rate.

b/ Social targets:

- To increase the number of provinces and centrally run cities attaining the lower secondary education universalization standards to 40. The number of newly enrolled university and college students will increase by 10%, while those of professional intermediate school students and long-term job trainees will rise 16.5%;




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- To create jobs for around 1.6 million laborers, of whom 80,000 will be sent to work abroad;

- To reduce the poor household percentage to 16%;

- To reduce the percentage of malnourished under-five children to 22.3%;

c/ Environmental targets:

- To raise the forest coverage percentage to 39%;

- To supply clean water to 67.2% of the rural population and 80% of the urban population;

- To clean up 50% of establishments that cause serious environmental pollution.


1. To better the investment environment; to raise investment efficiency and growth quality. To create all favorable conditions for and strongly encourage all domestic economic sectors to invest in production and business. To thoroughly decentralize investment management. To take the initiative in applying forms of lawfully mobilizing and attracting foreign investment on the basis of economic development orientations and planning.




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To further reform mechanisms and policies, and apply in a coordinated manner investment, product sale, tax and land solutions to boost agricultural production and rural economy, create stable and permanent jobs and improve the people's living standards. To attach importance to investment in the development of regions with difficult socio-economic conditions in order to step by step narrow the rich-poor gap between regions. To accelerate the realization of the objectives of providing supports in production land, residential land and houses and daily-life water for poor and disadvantaged ethnic minority people.

To adjust, supplement and synchronously implement socio-economic policies and solutions in the recovery of agricultural land for conversion into non-agricultural land. To make public plannings on development of new industrial parks, urban centers and residential areas. To ensure harmonization of interests of farmers and interests of the state and enterprises. To strictly and publicly handle all acts of fraudulence, harassment for bribes, appropriation of money and property of the state and the people in the payment of compensations for ground clearance, land recovery, auctioning of land use rights, resettlement, etc.

To concentrate resources on developing industries with competitive edge; to attach importance to traditional crafts and trades; to develop support industries; to promote investment in developing high technologies, information technology, etc.

2. To accelerate the implementation of the roadmap on reorganization, renewal and equitization of state enterprises. To form large corporations owned by entities of various economic sectors and operating in a number of important domains of macro-regulation, in which the state holds the controlling stake. In the course of equitization of state enterprises, special attention should be paid to the valuation of enterprises' assets, including the value of land use rights, in order to preserve state capital and property against any loss. To pay due attention to the interests of laborers; to attract strategic shareholders suitable to particular characteristics and requirements of each domain. To permit the setting up of reward funds and welfare funds and assign the Government to specifically guide the setting up of those funds on the basis of business results and state budget remittances of state companies that have particular characteristics in capital, are undergoing transformation and assigned by the state to perform a number of economic and social tasks. This policy will also be applicable to companies to which it was not yet applied in 2005 or 2006.

To vigorously renew the organization and operation of state-run agricultural and forestry farms; to review and adjust the land area of each farm suitable to its production orientations and size; to raise business efficiency and land use efficiency, protect and develop forests.

3. To elaborate specific programs of action for the whole country, every concerned branch, domain, locality and state agency and every economic organization to implement effectively international commitments. To step up communication and propaganda on international economic integration. To take the initiative in forecasting, calculating and analyzing factors that impact economic growth, state budget revenues, macro-stability, development of enterprises of all economic sectors, employment and living conditions of laborers in the course of implementation of international commitments.

4. To further reform financial and monetary policies and enhance the management of the financial and monetary domain. To enhance the management capacity and responsibility of the State Bank with a view to raising the quality of credit, ensuring the safety of the banking system, taking the initiative in controlling inflation, contributing to stabilizing macro-economy and promoting economic development. To raise the competitiveness of commercial banks. To apply international standards in credit activities.

To strongly and synchronously develop all types of market, especially financial market, real estate market and science and technology market. To elaborate and implement a planning on development of services with development priority given to those services with great potential and high competitiveness and importance attached to the development of financial and banking services. To intensify the application of measures to inspect and control input elements and combat monopoly and unreasonable price increase that may cause damage to production and people's daily life.

5. To apply in a coordinated manner solutions to achieve social targets, make remarkable progress in such domains as science and technology, culture and information, education and training, healthcare and sports, to create jobs, and protect and care for children. To step up the realization of the policy on socialization of public services. To encourage organizations and individuals to invest in building educational, training and job-training establishments, sport facilities, private hospitals and clinics. To raise the quality of free-of-charge medical examination and treatment for under-six children in accordance with law. To intensify the prevention and combat of diseases and epidemics, particularly dangerous ones.




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6. To make progress in the environmental protection; to improve the public awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development; to uphold the environmental protection principle right at the stages of elaboration and approval of socio-economic development strategies and plannings; to intensify the handling of establishments that cause serious environmental pollution.

7. To enhance defense and security potential, firmly maintain political stability, social order and safety. To concentrate efforts on radically applying measures to limit traffic accidents, especially serious ones, considering this a pivotal task of 2007. To assign the Government to direct the organization of implementation and report on implementation results to the National Assembly at its sessions.

8. To attach importance to professional training and re-training for judges and lawyers; to raise the quality of investigation, prosecution, adjudication and judgment enforcement, ensuring that there is no crime left untried and no unjust handling of innocent persons. To promptly and lawfully handle civil and administrative cases.

Agencies, organizations and units shall take the initiative in constantly preventing and resolutely fighting law-breaking acts and crimes, especially organized crimes and such social evils as drug abuse, prostitution, etc. To clearly identify causes of crimes so as to propose concerned agencies and organizations to promptly remedy and preclude them.

To organize in a coordinated and effective manner the implementation of the Law Against Corruption and the Law on Thrift Practice and Waste Combat, especially in such domains as land, capital construction investment, state budget revenues and expenditures, management of natural resources and public property, conservation of energy, etc. To actively prevent corruption and waste, and resolutely and strictly handle all acts of corruption and waste. To enhance official-duty discipline, clearly determine responsibilities of heads of units in personnel appointment and management work. To properly implement the Regulation on grassroots democracy, assure publicity and transparency of economic and financial activities of administrative agencies, non-business units and state enterprises.

To bring into play the role of people-elected agencies, the people and the mass media as supervisors of the observance of law by state agencies, cadres and civil servants in their activities, especially their strict compliance with the law on corruption prevention and fight, thrift practice and waste combat.

To apply in a coordinated manner measures to limit causes that trigger complaints and denunciations, especially mass or unduly lodged ones; to ensure that the settlement of complaints and denunciations is properly carried out right at grassroots level, thus making a substantial change in the settlement of complaints and denunciations of citizens.

9. To resolutely carry out administrative reform in all domains; to concentrate on reviewing and promptly abolishing unreasonable administrative procedures; to publicly post up at working offices and strictly observe regulations on administrative procedures, especially in domains directly related to the basic rights and obligations of citizens and production and business activities of enterprises.

To quantitatively and qualitatively consolidate and strengthen the contingent of cadres and civil servants. To intensify political, ideological and ethical education and training for and raising of professional qualifications of cadres and civil servants in administrative and judicial agencies, especially those at grassroots level, to meet the requirements of administrative and judicial reforms.




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10. To properly organize the election of deputies to the XIIth National Assembly, ensuring that only outstanding candidates who represent the will and aspirations of the people are elected to join the National Assembly; to strengthen the organization and raise the operation efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus of the new term.


The Government, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy shall, within the ambit of their respective functions and tasks, organize the successful achievement of the 2007 objectives, targets and tasks.

The National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationality Council, the National Assembly's Committees, delegations of National Assembly deputies, National Assembly deputies, People's Councils and deputies to People's Councils at all levels shall supervise the implementation of this Resolution.

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, its member organizations and other social organizations shall supervise and mobilize people of all strata to properly implement this Resolution of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly calls upon compatriots and combatants throughout the country and overseas Vietnamese to uphold the spirit of patriotic emulation and unity, contribute all resources, overcome difficulties and strive for the successful performance of the 2007 tasks.

This Resolution was adopted on November 29, 2006, by the XIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 10th session.


Resolution No. 75/2006/NQ-QH11 of November 29, 2006 on the 2007 socio-economic development plan

  • Số hiệu: 75/2006/NQ-QH11
  • Loại văn bản: Nghị quyết
  • Ngày ban hành: 29/11/2006
  • Nơi ban hành: Quốc hội
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Phú Trọng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 13/01/2007
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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