Hệ thống pháp luật



Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 34/2006/NQ-CP

Hanoi, December 08, 2006




On December 1, 2006, the Government convened the regular meeting for November 2006, discussing and deciding the following issues:

1. The Government considered the Draft Decree stipulating in details and instructing the implementation of some articles in the Ordinance on War Veteran submitted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). The Minister and Chairman of the Government Office reported and summarized the Government members’ comments on the draft decree.

The Government agreed to ratify the draft decree. The MIA was assigned to collaborate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MLWISA) and the Government Office to receive comments at the meeting and complete the draft decree before submitting to the PM for signing.

2. The Government discussed on the draft decree submitted by the MLWISA regulating the search and collection of martyrs’ remains as well as the management of tombs, cemeteries, monuments and gravestones. The Minister and Chairman of the Government Office reported and summarized the Government members’ comments on this draft decree.

The search and collection of martyrs’ remains as well as the management of tombs, cemeteries, monuments and gravestones are of political, ideological and humane significance. Vietnam’s Communist Party, State and the whole society have always paid attention to this work, meeting the sentiments and desires of the martyrs’ relatives, families and the whole people. The Government agreed to approve the draft decree. However, its Item 5 Article 7 should be revised to clarify the management and procedures for removing a martyr’s remains from the planned cemetery on demand of the martyr’s relatives.

The MLWISA was entrusted to collaborate with the Government Office to receive opinions at the meeting, complete the draft decree and submit it to the PM for consideration and signing.

3. The Minister of Industry (MoI) presented the Plan on Electricity Prices 2006-2010.

The readjustment of electricity prices is necessary to compensate strong increase of input costs of the power sector over the past time, ensuring that the retail of electricity can reflect fully production and business costs; making the sector’s business expenditure balance transparent; gradually readjusting the floor electricity prices in line with the formation and development of a competitive market of electric power and price control; and improving the investment environment in electricity in order to increase the ability to attract investors.

The Government approved the electricity price readjusting roadmap 2006-2010. The roadmap’s step 1 will be started since January 1, 2007 by increasing the average price by 7.6% compared to the current price. However, rural households and poor families in urban areas continue to enjoy the subsidy policy on selling price. No selling price subsidy is provided for specific manufacturing sectors.

The MoI was assigned to cooperate with the Ministry of Finance (MoF), the Government Office and the relevant agencies to adopt comments at the meeting, complete the Plan and submit it to the PM for consideration and signing.

The MoF is responsible for supervising the impacts of increased electricity price on production and business activities and suggest solutions which should be submitted to the Government.

4. The Government considered the MoF’s report on auditing and balancing the estimates fulfilled under the Government’s Resolution 01/2006/NQ-CP on January 16, 2006 on major measures to direct and manage the implementation of the socio-economic plan and State budget in 2006.

To deal with actual difficulties in auditing before striking a balance for the works under the fulfilled investment projects as stipulated in sect 4 Item B Section II of Resolution 01/2006/NQ-CP , the Government decided in agreement the following revisions:

a) The projects using State budget, from Group B up, and being fulfilled and put into operation since January 1, 2006 shall be audited and their investment capital shall be balanced before the balance-sheets are checked and approved. For other projects, the competent agencies shall ratify the balance-sheets and decide the way to check and report on financial balancing as regulated by Ordinance 45/2003/TT-BTC dated on May 15, 2003 by the MoF on instructing the investment balance.

b) The projects of which balancing profiles are submitted by the investors to the competent agencies for checking and approval before January 1, 2006 will be checked and balanced in line with Ordinance 45/2003/TT-BTC .

The Ministry of Finance was entrusted to instruct and realize the above-mentioned revisions. The Ministry shall also consider and submit to the Government the plan to gradually expand the group of the fulfilled projects which must be audited before being balanced.

5, The Government listened to the Minister of Education and Training (MET) presenting the Planning Scheme for the Network of Universities and Colleges in the Period 2006-2020.

Over the past years, Vietnam’s universities and colleges have made considerable contributions to training human resource to serve the country’s socio-economic development. However, the present system of universities and colleges contains many shortcomings: the number of training establishments is low in some localities, unable to meet the local demands of training labor force; the national training scope and many universities and colleges remain insignificant; training quality has not much been improved because the qualifications of lecturers and facilities are relatively poor; the training structure is improper during the period 2006-2020; the planning scheme for Vietnam’s network of universities and colleges should further develop a reasonable training scope and improve the training quality to meet the requirements of integration as well as the country’s rapid, uninterrupted and sustainable development.

The MET is responsible for collaborating with the Government Office and other relevant agencies to receive comments at the meeting, complete the draft scheme by clarifying its goals, viewpoints, management regime and solutions, and submit it to the PM for consideration and decision.

6, The Government also considered the Report on production, business and investment in November and socio-economic situations in the first 11 months of 2006 presented by the Ministry of Planning and Investment; and the Report on trade in November 2006 delivered by the Ministry of Trade.

The socio-economic development continued to be maintained in November and the first 11 months of 2006. A high growth rate has been gained in industrial production. An ever highest attraction of investment has been made. Service sector has achieved a fairly high growth; the total sale of commodities and services has gone up. Export has been promoted. The State budget collection has been high, meeting the demands of State expense. Many social activities have been developed. Vietnam’s accession to the WTO and successful 14th APEC Leaders’ Week were the important events in November, with great significance and influence on the country’s socio-economic development.

In the last month of 2006, Vietnam still faces some socio-economic difficulties. To fulfill the socio-economic development plan 2006, the Government requests all ministries, sectors and localities to further implement their assignments stipulated in the PM’s Note 1559/CĐ-TTg dated on October 2, 2006 as well as solutions raised in the Government’s regular meeting resolutions. Especially, they must focus on handling difficulties to enhance the production of goods of large market-share; speed up the schedule of national key projects; proactively prevent and deal with natural disasters and epidemics’ impacts; prepare and distribute commodities in order to stabilize the market and prices in the end of the year; seriously review the implementation of the Government’s Resolution 01/2006/NQ-CP ; and prepare the realization of tasks and solutions for socio-economic development in 2007 in conformity with the National Assembly’s Resolutions.




Nguyen Tan Dung



Resolution No. 34/2006/NQ-CP of December 08, 2006 on The Government’s November 2006 regular meeting

  • Số hiệu: 34/2006/NQ-CP
  • Loại văn bản: Nghị quyết
  • Ngày ban hành: 08/12/2006
  • Nơi ban hành: Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Dữ liệu đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 04/01/2007
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Chưa xác định
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