Hệ thống pháp luật



No.: 37-CT/TW

Hanoi, June 06, 2014




For the past years, training for skilled works of our country has had a great progress, gradually met demand for human resources, and made contribution to the national development.

However, training quality of vocational education facilities is still low and unable to meet demand for labour market, especially high-tech industries. Capacity, qualification and professional skills of teachers and managerial officials are unqualified. Teaching and practical materials and facilities are insufficient and obsolete; innovating and updating academic programs and textbooks are carried out in a slow manner.

Such limitations and weaknesses are resulted from both objective reasons and subjective reasons but the second is the main. The Communist Party committees at all levels, governmental authorities, vocational education facilities, enterprises and communities have poor and incoherent awareness of the position, roles and importance of vocational education and training for skilled workers. Academic degrees and diplomas are greatly exaggerated. State management of vocational education is neglectful and overlapped with diversified investments having low efficiency; forecast of demand for skilled workers and planning for vocational education system do not closely follow reality and lacks the attachment between the training and demand for human resources. Inspection and response to violations are irregular with low efficiency; verification of training quality is underappreciated. Preferential policy for authorities, organizations, enterprises and communities participating in training affairs is asynchronous.

For promoting the training for skilled workers on the basis of the Resolution of the 8th Communist Party Central Committee - the 11th session, on radical changes in education and training, the Secretariat requests the Communist Party committees at all levels, the Communist Party organizations, the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and people’s organizations to direct the enforcement of the following duties:

1- Step up the propagation and education, and raise awareness about skilled workers

The Communist Party committees, governmental authorities, organizations and enterprises, especially their leadership should correctly determine the position, roles and importance of the training for skilled workers; annual programs and plans of ministries, governmental authorities and local authorities must include the training plan.

Innovate and diversify contents, modes and methods of propagation and education to raise the awareness of governmental officials, the Communist Party members and people about the training for skilled workers for the national cause of industrialization, modernization and international integration.

Promote the collective strength of the political system; raise awareness of responsibility; encourage the active and effective participation of the whole society in the training for skilled workers.

Orientate the training for skilled workers on the grounds of practical demand of labour market for human resource, and regard the trust of the labour market in graduates as the criteria for evaluation of prestige and quality of vocational education facilities.

2 – Strengthening the state management of training for skilled workers

Perfect the legislative system on vocational education and training for skilled workers. Arrange and make replanning for vocational education facilities network of ministries, authorities and local authorities to avoid overlapping and waste of social resources. Planning or plans for development of skilled works must ensure both quantity and vocational structure in association with the planning for socio-economic development, national defense and security and demand for use of human resource of authorities, organizations, individuals and enterprises.

Strengthen and promote capacity and efficiency of state management of vocational education. Attach special importance to training quality; intensify management of programs, contents and quality of vocational education, especially the training for skilled workers. Grant the rights of autonomy and self-responsibility to vocational education facilities; step up the decentralized administration, increase responsibility and promote roles of the school’s council.

Promote capacity for forecasting skilled workers of all sectors and field, especially key sectors, supporting industries, industrial zones, export processing zones and foreign invested enterprises. Orientate students in selecting their occupations on the grounds of forecast of skilled workers.

Effectuate the inspection of entities in schools and social entities; intensify the inspection and use methods for seriously handling violations of managing authorities at all levels in the field of vocational education and training for skilled workers; ensure the democracy, publicity and transparence.

3- Adopt reliable and comprehensive methods for innovating training programs and contents of skilled workers

Construct the training contents for skilled workers by the way of accumulating knowledge and skills, especially skills of practice and teamwork. Promote education about professional working behavior and virtuous characters to establish working capacity and personality for students. Select and apply regional and international programs, criteria and advanced training technology to a number of national qualified vocational education facilities in consistent with conditions of Vietnam and international integration trend.

Adopt new teaching and learning methods of vocational education facilities on the grounds of promotion of activeness, initiative, creation and students' application of knowledge and skills to professional practice. Diversify measures and programs for training skilled workers. Promote training and improvement of capacity and professional skills at business and production facilities. Publish output standards nationwide.

Adopt new methods for graduation assessment and recognition; establish criteria for assessing facilities’ quality of training for skilled workers on the grounds of knowledge, practical capacity, awareness of discipline and professional ethics. Establish policies which apply to employers for assessing training quality of facilities providing high-quality training programs or training for national, regional and international key occupations.

4 – Promoting the establishment and development of teachers and officials who manage training for skilled workers

Make planning and plans for training, improvement and standardization, and establish preferential policies applied to teachers and officials who manage training for skilled workers in conformity with national, regional and international standards of qualification.

Increase scale of overseas training programs funded by state budget for teachers working in the facilities of vocational education and training for skilled workers; encourage the study and research in foreign countries by non-state budget funding.

Establish preferential policies and methods of praise and commendation applied to teachers and officials who manage training for skilled on the grounds of the nature of work, working capacity and regional regulations; attach special importance to regional and international key occupations. Establish policy for encouraging artisans of trade villages to actively participate in the training, improvement and development of skilled workers.

5 – Innovating and perfecting policies, and diversifying resources for training skilled workers

Maintain the state decisive role in funding for training skilled workers; make even investments in vocational education facilities which are eligible for performing training duties according to the national, regional and international standards. Make high-quality vocational education facilities be qualified for training according to regional and international standards.

Take initiative and diversify the resources for investment in facilities providing high-quality training programs or training for national, regional and international key occupations. The state shall facilitate private sector involvement and encourage organizations and individuals to carry out associated training programs with reputable foreign training facilities.

Establish preferential policies for enterprises to adopt new manufacturing technology in association with training and use of labour resources; facilitate the employers, foreign specialists and Vietnamese specialists residing abroad in participating in the training for skilled workers. Execute the policies for ordering the number of trained skilled workers on the grounds of the system on economic and technical norms, and national, regional and international quality standards.

Perfect supporting policies applied to policy beneficiaries and ethnic minorities, and credit policies in which students with difficult circumstance can borrow money to attend training courses for national, regional and international occupations.

6 – Taking initiative in international integration and cooperation

Establish a convenient legal frame for attracting foreign investment in high-quality vocational education sector. Perfect bilateral and multilateral cooperation policies; attach special importance to the participation in and enforcement of the international commitments on training quality. Promote cooperation in scientific research, exchange of information and experience with foreign countries and international organizations; encourage domestic vocational education facilities to expand the cooperation and associated training with foreign training facilities.

Establish policies for supporting and managing the study and training of Vietnamese students in high-quality vocational education facilities in foreign countries and foreign-related high-quality vocational education facilities in Vietnam.

7- Implementation

The Communist Party committees at all levels and the Communist Party organizations shall do research, grasp thoroughly and establish the programs and plans for enforcement of this Directive; direct and inspect the implementation of this Directive; attach a special importance to the preliminary summation, summation, learning experience and wide adoption of good practices.

The Communist Party committee in the National Assembly shall direct and control the amendments to legislative documents concerning the vocational education and training for skilled workers for the purpose of establishing uniform and comprehensive legal grounds for implementing this Directive.

The Communist Party civil affairs committee in the Government shall direct the strengthening of the stage management of vocational education; arrange and make replanning for the network of facilities providing programs of vocational education and training for skilled workers. Perfect the policies for vocational education and training for skilled workers. Promote the cooperation between ministries, authorities, local authorities and enterprises in the implementation of this Directive.

The Communist Party committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and people’s organizations shall promote the propagation and activities for mobilizing people to implement this Directive and supervise the implementation of this Directive in an active manner.

The Central Department of propaganda and training shall direct the propagation, disseminate and heighten the awareness of this Directive of the Communist Party committees at all levels, the Communist Party cells and the Communist Party members; the mass media facilities shall establish wide, practical and efficient columns of propagation of the training for skilled workers; take the prime responsibility and cooperate with the Communist Party civil affairs committee of the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Communist Party civil affairs committee of the Ministry of Education and Training to follow, inspect and expedite the implementation of this Directive, and submit periodical reports to the Secretariat of such implementation.




Le Hong Anh




Directive No. 37-CT/TW dated June 06, 2014, of the secretariat on strengthening the communist party’s steering of training for skilled workers

  • Số hiệu: 37-CT/TW
  • Loại văn bản: Chỉ thị
  • Ngày ban hành: 06/06/2014
  • Nơi ban hành: Ban Chấp hành Trung ương
  • Người ký: Lê Hồng Anh
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Dữ liệu đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 06/06/2014
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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