Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 11-CP

Hanoi, February 20, 1993





- Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated September 30, 1992;
- In consideration of the proposals of the Minister, Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas and the Ministers - Head of the Government Committee on Organization and Personnel,


Article 1. The Committee for Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas ("CEGMA") is a Government body which shall exercise the State management over matters relating to ethnic people and mountainous areas on a national scale and at the same time shall act as an advisory body for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam ("CPV CC") and the Government with respect to both general and specific policies towards the countrys ethnic minorities and mountainous areas.

Article 2. CEGMA shall fulfil the duties and exercise the powers set out below:

1. To work out any laws, lines and policies for socio-economic development of mountainous areas and ethnic groups, and submit them to the Government for approval or, in case of further submission by the Government, for approval by CPV CC, the National Assembly, or the Standing Committee to the National Assembly.




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2. To supervise, inspect and direct the implementation by Government Ministries, Ministry-level bodies, Government agencies and local People's Committees of the Party's directions and policies vis-a-vis ethnic minorities and the State's laws and regulations relating to ethnic minorities and mountainous areas, and any projects and plans for socio-economic development of mountainous areas and ethnic minorities.

3. To submit to the Government for approval, and to organize the implementation of any plans and projects relating to mountainous areas and ethnic minorities to the extent the implementation of such plans and projects are within CEGMA's authority.

To directly organize the implementation of the settled agriculture and sedentary life programme for ethnic minorities.

4. To co-operate with relevant Government bodies in the establishment and management in accordance with the stipulations by the Government of sources of the State Budget and Governmental and non-Governmental aids and donations which are used for funding any programmes and plans for socio-economic development of mountainous areas and ethnic minorities; to provide guidelines for and to inspect the utilization of any humanitarian aids and donations from any non-Governmental organizations as to ensure that such aids and donations come to eligible receivers.

5. To accept and resolve, whether in co-ordination with other Government bodies or not, any justifiable requests and desires of ethnic minorities in accordance with the relevant regulations, policies and laws.

Article 3. CEGMA shall be headed, and all of its activities directed, by a Government Minister who is appointed to be its Chairman.

Vice Chairmen of CEGMA shall assist the Chairman and shall fulfil a number of duties as are assigned to them by, and shall be responsible for the same to, the Chairman.

Article 4. The organizational apparatus of CEGMA shall consist of :

1. The Office;




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3. Department of Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas Policies;

4. Department of Organization and Personnel;

5. Department of International Relations;

6. Department of Sedentary Farming (which is organized from the Board of Sedentary Farming previously under the Ministry of Forestry).

Article 5. Decision on organization dealing with ethnic groups and mountainous area shall be made by the Prime Minister of the Government, based on the proposal of the Minister-Head of the Government Committee on Organization and Personnel and at the request of the Minister, Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas.

Article 6. This Decree shall take effect as from the date of insurance. Decision No.147-CP dated May 11, 1990 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers establishing the Office for Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas.

Article 7. The Minister, Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Groups and Mountainous Areas, Heads of Government Ministries, Ministry-level Bodies and Government agencies, and President of the People's Committees of centrally-ruled provinces and cities shall be responsible for the implementation of this Decree.






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Vo Van Kiet
(This translation is for reference only)



Decree No. 11-CP of Government, on the functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Committee for Ethnic groups and Mountainous areas.

  • Số hiệu: 11-CP
  • Loại văn bản: Nghị định
  • Ngày ban hành: 20/02/1993
  • Nơi ban hành: Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Võ Văn Kiệt
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 20/02/1993
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Ngưng hiệu lực
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