Hệ thống pháp luật



Independence – Freedom – Happiness


No. 99/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, July 14, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Phu Tho province in Report No. 2940/TTr-UBND of December 19, 2007, and Document No. 251/UBND-TH of January 24, 2008, and opinions of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Document No. 898/BKH-TD&GSDT of February 12, 2008, on the master plan on socio-economic development of Phu Tho province up to 2020,


Article 1.- To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Phu Tho province up to 2020, with the following principal contents:


1. To ensure the principle of compliance with general socio-economic development strategies and plannings of the country and the northern midland and mountainous region and suitability to the context of international economic integration. To ensure the relationship between economic growth and proper settlement of social problems, especially creation of jobs, eradication of hunger and reduction of poverty, and the combination of economic development with preservation of security and defense, a consolidated political system and a strong administration.

2. To accelerate economic growth and economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization on the basis of bringing into play the province's advantages and developing markets. To mobilize to the maximum internal resources along with strongly attracting external ones, especially investment capital and science and technology; to encourage the development of all economic sectors.




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4. To speed up urbanization together with improving the quality of urban life. To combine urban and rural development, taking urban areas as the center and a driving force for agricultural and rural development, and gradually narrow the gap between different areas in the province.

5. To attach importance to the human development strategy, raising people's intellectual level and the quality of human resources, continuously improving and raising the living standards of the people, especially inhabitants in mountainous areas and social policy beneficiaries.


To build Phu Tho into a regional economic center, a center for science, technology, education and training, culture, sports and tourism of the northern midland and mountainous region; an important intra-regional transport hub and a "Return to the roots of the Vietnamese nation" festive city; at the same time, a key strategic defense and security area of the region as well as the whole country.

Phu Tho will strive to be no longer a poor province by 2010 and reach the criteria of an industrialized province and become one of the top developed provinces of the northern midland and mountainous region by 2020.

The major socio-economic targets to be reached by 2020 are as follows:

1. Economic targets

- To speed up economic growth so as to reach and surpass the national per capita GDP, with the rate from now to 2020 being 1.3-1.5 times higher than those of the whole country and the northern midland and mountainous region. In direction and management work, to aim for a higher level;

- To restructure the economy in the direction of increasing the shares of industries and services. By 2010, the shares of industries and construction will be 45-46%, services 35-36%, and agriculture and forestry 19-20%; by 2020. these shares will be 50-51 %, 40-41 % and 9-10%. respectively;




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- Total investment capital to be mobilized from now to 2020 will reach VND 124-125 trillion, including VND 28-29 trillion from now to 2010; VND 35-36 trillion in the 2011-2015 period and VND 60-61 trillion in the 2016-2020 period.

2. Social targets

- To maintain the results of lower secondary education unversalization; to make secondary education universal by 2015; to raise the quality of education and training, culture and sports and the value of the people's spiritual culture.

- By 2010, 100% of communes will reach national health standards; there will be 7 medical doctors and 22.3 hospital beds per 10,000 persons, then 9 medical doctors and 28 hospital beds per 10,000 persons, 11 medical doctors and 30 hospital beds per 10,000 persons by 2010, 2015 and 2020, respectively.

- To build a cultured and civilized lifestyle, preserve national cultural identities and prevent social evils; to build cultural and information institutions from the provincial to village level in order to bridge the gap in cultural enjoyment level and step by step raise the people's spiritual life;

- To strive to increase the rate of trained laborers to 40% by 2010 and 70-75% by 2020; and reduce the rate of poor households to 10% by 2010 and below 5% by 2020.

3. Environmental targets

- The forest coverage rate will reach 50% by 2010 and over 55% by 2020;

- From now to 2010, 100% of new production establishments will apply clean technologies or equipment to reduce pollution and treat wastes; the technological renewal rate in enterprises will reach about 20%/year; more than 50% of districts, cities and towns will be able to treat and process garbage; 100% of hospitals will be able to treat hazardous wastes; and 85% of households-will have access to clean water;




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1. Principal development priorities

- First priority: To accelerate industrial restructuring and raise the quality of the industrial structure by developing mainstay industries such as developing industries with natural resource advantages, quickly developing mechanical, electronics and allied industries linked with industrial parks, consumer goods industry, speeding up the construction of industrial parks, formation of new industrial parks, small- and medium-sized industrial clusters, and development of cottage industries, handicrafts and craft villages;

- Second priority: To develop services and tourism into important industries, with tourism as the province's spearhead industry, concentrate efforts on developing such high-quality services as finance, banking, telecommunications, information technology, and big tourist and service centers;

- Third priority: To develop comprehensive socio-economic infrastructure, giving priority to developing the Viet Tri- Lam Thao- Phu Ninh and Phu Tho town economic area and industrial parks and clusters. To implement transport projects (Hanoi- Viet Tri- Lao Cai expressway, Ho Chi Minh road, Duc Bac bridge, Chi Chu bridge, Ngoc Thap bridge, Dong Luan bridge, etc.)

- Fourth priority: To raise the quality of human resources and build scientific and technological potential. To develop provincial universities, colleges and vocational schools up to national and international levels.

2. Orientations for development of sectors and domains

a/ Development of industries, cottage industries and handicrafts

- To speed up investment in industrial parks in order to attract projects in industries and domains with potential and competitive advantages which play a breakthrough role in the province's economic development;




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b/ Development of services

- To develop in a coordinated manner, and raise the quality of, services to meet the requirements of international economic integration such as transport, tourism, post and telecommunications, finance, banking, insurance, securities, real estate market, technology transfer consultancy, management consultancy, tax, accounting, audit and legal consultancy, notarization, assessment, property auction, employment.... new services with a high intellectual content and services for agricultural production, forestry and people's life;

-To tap tourism potential on the basis of bringing into play advantages in geographical location, natural tourist resources and humanities resources in order to diversify tourist products and forms, and develop tourism into a spearhead industry of the province;

- To step up trade and tourism promotion, import and export, increase the capacity of the ICD port (Thuy Van) and modernize it; to develop big trade centers, trading floors, auction centers, and exhibition and fair centers in Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town and some key districts; to quickly develop the network of wholesale and rural markets;

-To expand business cooperation with localities inside and outside the country. To concentrate on developing major export commodities which are the province's strengths such as tea, paper, construction materials, garment products, handicraft and fine arts products.

c/ Development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

-To step up restructuring in agriculture and rural economy towards commodity production, making full use of the potential and competitiveness of the province. To quickly develop consolidated raw material production zones to secure sufficient raw materials for processing and export, and create sustainable links between raw material zones and the processing industry and consumption markets;

To effectively implement key agricultural programs, especially those on the development of tea and paper material trees, aquaculture, raising of beef cows, planting of big-timber and fruit trees, and assurance of food security;

To accelerate the process of agricultural and rural industrialization along the line of concentrating on developing trades and services, labor restructuring, increase the share of industries in the rural economic structure, increasing state budget investments and diversifying capital sources in order to perfect the agricultural and rural infrastructure system.




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- Transport: To make coordinated investment in expressways, national and provincial highways, fairways, rural and urban roads; roads leading to industrial parks, urban centers, tourist resorts and linking to the trans-Asia highway and Ho Chi Minh road. To renovate, dredge and open up fairways on Lo river, Red river and Da river, increase the capacity of Viet Tri and Bai Bang ports; to build a general port in Phu Tho town and some special-use ports in service of production and business activities; to renovate and upgrade railway stations and relocate railway sections out of Viet Tri city's center; to build and upgrade some stations, such as Viet Tri, Phu Tho and Am Thuong stations, in order to meet tourists' needs;

- To invest in increasing the capacity of irrigation works; to embank canals and build permanent irrigation works on hills, consolidate reservoirs, dams, drains, banks and river dikes to meet production requirements and mitigate natural disasters;

- Development of power grids: To invest in increasing the capacity of 220 kV and 110 kV stations and the transmission networks; to ensure 100% of households will have access to electricity and supply sufficient power for production and business activities. To develop Phu Tho into a power center under Electricity Planning VI and invest in building some thermal power plants in Phu Tho;

- Information and communications: To invest in information and telecommunications technology, ensure that 100% of communes will have public Internet access points and communal postal and cultural points; 100% of provincial and district hospitals and schools in the education system will have Internet connection points;

- Urban infrastructure: To invest in expanding and developing inner-city roads, entertainment places, public squares and new urban centers in Viet Tri city and Phu Tho town; to invest in expanding district centers, townships and townlets in line with the province's overall plan on development of urban centers and residential points up to 2020;

- Infrastructure in industrial parks and clusters:

- To concentrate on attracting investment capital for incrementally perfecting the system of industrial parks and clusters in the province, attaching importance to quickly developing those in Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town and along national highways, the trans-Asia highway and Ho Chi Minh road in accordance with the province's plan on development of industrial parks and clusters up to 2020;

- Trade and services: To concentrate on investment in tourist and service infrastructure in order to form key tourist routes to Hung Temple tourist site, Ao Chau tourist site, Thanh Thuy thermal mineral spring, Xuan Son national park and Au Co National Mother Temple. To build international-level conference centers and hotels, develop supermarkets and build wholesale and trade markets. To build several entertainment centers for foreigners.

dd/ Social domains:




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- Health and population: To build and modernize general and specialized hospitals up to regional standards, provincial and district preventive medicine centers and regional polyclinics; ward and commune health stations up to national standards. To raise the quality and effectiveness of national health programs. To develop community healthcare as well as high-quality medical examination and treatment services. To promote medical examination and treatment particularly at district and commune levels; to proactively prevent and combat epidemics and basically eliminate communicable diseases; to properly carry out population, family and children work; to raise population quality, improve the race, increase life expectancy, and improve urban and rural living environments in a sustainable manner;

- Culture and information, physical training and sports: To invest in cultural and sports facilities, build Phu Tho province into one of the leading cultural, information and sports centers in the northern midland and mountainous region. To step up the socialization of cultural development work in order to mobilize all social resources for investing in and upgrading material bases for cultural institutions, conserving and embellishing cultural heritage. To restore, conserve and promote the values of cultural heritage in the ancestral land. To invest in embellishing and building historical relics dating back to the Hung King era, as well as cultural, physical training and sports facilities to meet the requirements of a cultural, health and sports center in the northern midland and mountainous region. To raise the quality of press, publication, literature and arts activities.

- Other social domains: To effectively implement programs on reduction of poverty and unemployment rates in urban areas and increase of working time in rural areas, and promote labor export. To implement social welfare policies to better meet essential needs of people of all strata for food, housing, clothing, education, healthcare and cultural enjoyment, and properly address the relationship between economic growth and social progress and equality.

e/ Scientific and technological development

- Scientific and technological development: To vigorously develop scientific and technological activities and closely associate them with education and training, creating a driving force for speeding up the process of industrialization and modernization and developing a knowledge-based economy. To step up the performance of key scientific and technological tasks, prioritizing the development of scientific research establishments right in the locality linked with the training and development of scientific workers; to increase the acquisition and application of scientific and technological achievements in the industries and domains in which the province has advantages. To develop Phu Tho province into an agricultural and silvicultural bio-technology center in the northern midland and mountainous region. To study the building and operation of a technological city (embracing hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones, training institutions, technical and social infrastructure...);

To encourage and support enterprises to develop scientific and technological research and application activities. To perfect advanced management models up to international standard ISO 9000:2001 at state management agencies and enterprises. To properly enforce regulations on registration for intellectual property rights protection.

g/ Security and defense

To intensify and consolidate defense potential in line with the defense strategy of northern midland and mountainous provinces, firmly preserve political security and social order and safety in the locality. To associate economic development with strengthening security and defense, building and consolidating an all-people defense and people's security. To increase and modernize material bases for battle bases and rear bases in the defense zone and for military and defense training establishments in the province; to ensure high mobility and combat readiness in proactive response to any circumstances.

To bring into full play the aggregate strength of the political system and the strength of the masses in the control and reduction of crime and firm preservation of social security in the locality. To take the initiative in fighting, preventing, stopping and frustrating all plots of peaceful evolution, riot and subversion of hostile forces. To concentrate forces on properly dealing with social evils. To build mass movements to protect social order in the locality; to increase the number of grassroots and people's security cadres.




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1. Orientations for development of urban space

To concentrate investment resources on developing Viet Tri city in a comprehensive manner, focusing on urban infrastructure investment and development of hi-tech industries, tourism, services, education and training, and modern cultural and sports institutions in a coordinated manner, so that it will become an economic, cultural and education center in the northern midland and mountainous region. To build Viet Tri into a “Return to the roots of the nation" festive city of grade I by 2015;

To upgrade and build urban infrastructure and renovate Phu Tho town, expand its area and increase its population, develop industries and services to upgrade it into a grade-III urban center by 2010;

For other urban centers, to expand and upgrade some townships into towns according to the planning on development of urban centers and population points till 2015.

2. Area-based socio-economic development orientations

a/ Area on the left bank of the Red river (Ha Hoa, Thanh Ba, Doan Hung, Viet Tri - Lam Thao-Phu Ninh-PhuTho town)

To develop a wide variety of agricultural products; to produce food, foodstuffs, grow perennial industrial plants (tea), fruit trees (grapefruit, seedless persimmon, etc.), especially suburban agriculture; to develop aquaculture and raising of cattle and poultry; to develop services, trade and ‘return to the roots’ festive tourism and develop key industrial products in industrial parks and clusters;

The dynamic economic sub-region of VietTri-Lam Thao- Phu Ninh- Phu Tho town will continue assuming the role of promoting rapid growth and attracting investment projects on building industrial parks, urban centers, trade, tourist and service centers, high-quality dwelling houses and entertainment sites in order to make greater contributions to the province's GDP, thus stimulating and supporting the development of other areas.

b/ Area on the right bank of the Red river (Thanh Son, Tan Son, Yen Lap, Cam Khe, Tam Nong and Thanh Thuy)




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1. Solutions for raising investment capital

- For budget capital: To mobilize and effectively utilize local budget funds and central budget supports for developing the local socio-economic infrastructure system; to adopt appropriate policies for mobilizing to the utmost capital from land funds for developing urban centers, industries and other important infrastructure works;

- For external capital sources: together with properly attracting foreign direct investment capital, to make use of ODA capital sources for transport and irrigation projects, provincial and district healthcare projects, clean water, environmental sanitation, rural electricity grid development and urban infrastructure projects:

- For capital mobilized from the population and businesses: To work out mechanisms and policies for encouraging all economic sectors to invest in developing production and business activities. To step up the implementation of socialization policies, encouraging the people to join the State in implementing economic and socio-cultural infrastructure development projects.

2. Human resources training and development

To concentrate on developing the training scope and network, increase the training capacity of multi-disciplinary universities, colleges, secondary schools and vocational training establishments. To closely combine training with scientific research and create connectivity between training and use of export labor, and attach importance to providing vocational training for farmers and inhabitants in deep-lying and remote areas:

To formulate training and retraining plans so as to gradually raise the quality of local public cadres, employees and servants, and train teaching staffs and education and vocational training administrators. To promote socialization and international cooperation in human resources training in accordance with production and business development orientations, and give incentives for laborers who make every effort to raise working effectiveness. To adopt policies to attract high-quality laborers from other localities to work in the province.

3. Scientific and technological development and environmental protection




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To vigorously develop human resources for science and technology; to effectively employ scientists and technicians and implement policies to attract capable scientific workers, businesspeople and artisans to work in the province and offer incentives to enterprises investing in and applying new and advanced technologies to production.

To increase measures to control environmental pollution, mobilize contributions from the population and business cycle and apply incentive policies for mobilizing investment capital in environmental protection activities; at the same time, to enhance responsibility and increase coordination among local administrations at all levels, sectors and production, business and service establishments in protecting the environment and minimizing environmental pollution, preserving the ecological balance and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development.

4. Raising state management capacity and stepping up administrative reform as a breakthrough in the period from now to 2020

To continue perfecting, and raising the quality of, economic institutions, the organization and operation of the state administrative system in accordance with the province's conditions and the development and international economic integration requirements. To further implement the one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative affairs for organizations and citizens in the direction of simplifying procedures, making public and transparent dossiers, procedures, charges and fees, reducing time and saving money and labor. To promote judicial reform and build a network of legal service organizations in the province to help organizations and individuals have easy access to law and use law to protect their rights and interests;

To further decentralize the management of organizational and personnel work together with reorganizing, consolidating, and enhancing the executive capacity of, local administrations at all levels, and building the political system clean and strong. To increase the initiative, creativity and accountability of each organization and individual in task performance. To invest in perfecting working offices of administrative agencies at all levels in association with stepping up the application of information technologies after the e-government model and organizing the application of the quality management system according to standard ISO 9001-2001.

5. Promoting and raising the effectiveness of cooperation and expanding markets

To increase cooperation in economic, trade, investment, tourist, cultural, human resources training and other activities with other provinces in the economic corridor from Hanoi- Hai Phong-Lao Cai to Kunming (China), adjacent provinces and other localities throughout the country. To study the formulation of specific mechanisms for raising the effectiveness of cooperation to attract domestic and foreign investment capital and propose the Government to permit the implementation thereof;

To pay attention to expanding domestic and overseas markets. To raise the quality and renew the designs of products so as to increase their competitiveness and develop their markets stably; to pay more attention to widely promoting brands of products in which the province have advantages.





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- To organize the announcement and dissemination of the master plan on the province's socio-economic development up to 2020 among all Party committees, administrations, branches, mass organizations, domestic and foreign enterprises, and people in the province;

- To introduce and disseminate information on priority projects at investment calling and promotion events for investors outside the province to come and make investment.

2. Formulating a program of action and conducting investment promotion

- After the master plan is approved by the Prime Minister, on the basis of the master plan's objectives, to formulate a program of action for step by step achieving these objectives. For the immediate time, to make a detailed plan for achieving the targets set out in the Resolution of the XVIth Congress of the Party Committee of Phu Tho province;

- To step up investment promotion activities, attaching importance to important projects with key products which are decisive to the successful realization of the master plan's objectives;

-To develop several programs on key products in the province and organize their strict implementation, creating a new drive force for developing the people's production and business activities. At the same time, to adopt market, capital and land incentives to encourage the production and trading of key products;

- To gradually concretize the master plan's contents into five-year and annual plans for implementation. Depending on the socio-economic development situation in each period, to review, revise and supplement in time the master plan to suit the development process;

- Administrations at all levels, branches and people of all ethnic groups in the province shall examine and supervise the implementation of the master plan.





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1. A master plan on socio-economic development of districts; a planning on development of the system of urban centers and residential points; a construction planning, a land use planning and plan, and a planning on development of industries and domains... to ensure comprehensive and coordinated development.

2. Annual and five year plans; important economic, cultural and social programs; and specific projects for concentrated investment and rational arrangement of investment capital.

3. To study, formulate and promulgate or submit to competent agencies for promulgation (for issues falling beyond its competence) mechanisms and policies meeting the province's development requirements in each period with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the master plan.

Article 3.- To assign concerned ministries and branches to, depending on their respective functions and tasks, assist the People's Committee of Phu Tho province in studying and formulating the above-said plannings; studying, formulating and submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the province's socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to mobilize and effectively utilize resources, and encourage and attract investment for the fulfillment of the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set out in the master plan. To speed up the investment in and execution of works and projects of regional scale and nature and importance to Phu Tho province's development which have been approved. To study, adjust and additionally include in their sector development plannings and investment plans relevant works and projects to be invested under the master plan.

Article 4.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 5.- The president of the People's Committee of Phu Tho province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.



Nguyen Tan Dung





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Name of project, work






Project on building a biotechnology application center

Phu Ninh, Lam Thao




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Project on building a center for research and production of plant seeds and breeding livestock

Viet Tri city, Lam Thao, Phu Tho town, Phu Ninh, Doan Hung


Food production program



Tea development program






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Doan Hung, Phu Ninh


High-quality pork and beef cow raising program



Aquaculture development program



Program on planting production forests (raw-material forests, timber trees...)




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Cattle and poultry raising projects



Project on growing flowers, bonsai and high-grade clean vegetables for consumption and export

Viet Tri city. Lam Thao, Phu Tho town, Phu Ninh


Projects on sedentarization; redistribution of inhabitants according to planning and building of a new economy and a new model of countryside





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Project on expansion of Bai Bang paper mill (stage 2)

Phu Ninh


Project on Yen Mao, Doan Hung and Thanh Ha cement plants

Thanh Thuy. Doan Hung, Thanh Ba





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Thuy Van industrial park (IP), Trung Ha IP, Phu Ninh, Lam Thao


Project on production of beer, liquors and alcohols

Viet Tri city, Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP, Tam Nong


Investment project on an iron and steel production complex

Viet Tri city, Phu Ninh, Thanh Son


Project on processing of kaolin and feldspar




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Project on production of leather shoes for export

Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP


Project on production of non-standard structures

Thuy Van IP, Bach Hac industrial cluster


Project on production of plastics, vehicle and machine engineering, mechanics, textiles and garments

Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP




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Investment projects on raw-material zones and construction of biofuel plants



Project on production of automobile components and automobile assembly

Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP


Production and assembly of farming machines

Trung Ha IP, Phu Ha





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Trung Ha IP, Phu Ninh


Medicine production projects

Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP


Project on planting and processing of bio-fuel trees

Thanh Thuy, Tan Son, Thanh Son


Project on production of animal feed and poultry processing




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Agricultural and forest product processing projects

Industrial parks and clusters


Project on production of bio-feed for poultry and aquatic animals

Trung Ha IP, Dong Lang industrial cluster


Project on production of high-grade artificial timber and export timber

Phu Ninh industrial cluster, Lam Thao




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Project on production of decorative plastic and water pipes

Trung Ha IP, Phu Ha


Project on production of embossed labels by laser molds

Thuy Van IP, Trung Ha IP








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Viet Tri city


Project on upgrading the system of wholesale markets and trade centers



Project on building South Hung King Temple tourist site, Hung King tower, and a village of Vietnamese ethnicities' cultures

Viet Tri city


Project on building supermarkets, trade and financial centers




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. Project on building Trang Mountain tourist site

Phu Ninh


Project on building Ao Chau and Ao Gioi- Tien spring tourist sites, Van Hoi

Ha Hoa


Project on building condominiums and urban centers

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town




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Project on building a tourist site with hot mineral spring for medical treatment and convalescence

Thanh Thuy


Building Xuan Son, Minh Hoa and Van Ban eco-tourist sites

Tan Son, Yen Lap, Cam Khe


Investment project on upgrading Thuy Van ICD port

Viet Tri city





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Tam Nong, Thanh Thuy, Ha Hoa


Project on building and commercial operation of high-grade hotels and resorts

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town, Thanh Thuy, Tam Nong









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Hanoi- Lao Cai expressway and Duc Bac and Chi Chu bridges

In the province


Building Vinh Lai bridge

Viet Tri city


Ho Chi Minh road, Dong Luan and Ngoc Thap bridges

In the province




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Ha Hoa bridge and a road linking national highways 32C and 70

Ha Hoa


Building roads linking to Hanoi- Lao Cai expressway and Ho Chi Minh road

In the province


Renovating and upgrading national highway 2 (Hung King Temple- Doan Hung)

In the province





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In the province


Project on dredging three river sections (Viet Tri- Doan Hung, Viet Tri- Yen Bai, and Hong Da- Hoa Binh)

In the province


Project on upgrading the Hanoi- Lai Cao railway (redirecting the section in Viet Tri city from the city's center)

In the province


Project on upgrading and expanding river ports




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Project on renovating and upgrading provincial roads



Investment projects on renovating, upgrading and refurbishing urban roads

Viet Tri city. Phu Tho town


Project on building roads to communes with particularly economic difficulties

Thanh Son, Tan Son, Yen Lap. Ha Hoa. Doan Hung, Cam Khe




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Project on Tam Thanh flood-slowing area

Thanh Son. Thanh Thuy, Tam Nong


Renovating and upgrading the irrigation system in the province (upgrading reservoirs, dams and canals)






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Upgrading dikes for combined use as roads



Projects on building infrastructure in areas prone to flash floods and landslides

Ha Hoa, Yen Lap. Thanh Son, Tan Son


Projects on irrigation combined with aquaculture




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Upgrading and building irrigation works linked with hydropower development

Thanh Son, Tan Son, Yen Lap


Project on embanking canals and ditches



Project on irrigation in hilly areas

Mountainous districts




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Power system



A thermal power plant (1.200 MW) and a power center

Viet Tri city Phu Ninh


Investment project on expansion of Van Phu 220 kV station (Viet Tri) and building of 110 kV stations in Thuy Van, Phu Tho town, Pho Vang and Song Thao

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town, Thanh Son, Cam Khe





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Project on renovating urban medium-voltage grids

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town


Project on renovating power networks in districts



Industrial parks and clusters




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Thuy Van industrial park (stages 2 and 3)

Viet Tri city


Trung Ha and Co Tiet industrial parks

Tam Nong


Thuy Van complex of industrial park, urban center and services

Viet Tri city




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Investment project on building industrial parks (Lam Thao, Cam Khe, Ha Hoa, Doan Hung, Phu Ninh, Phu Ha and Thanh Thuy)

Tam Nong, Lam Thao, Thanh Thuy, Cam Khe, Ha Hoa, Phu Tho town, Doan Hung, Phu Ninh


Project on building infrastructure in industrial clusters and craft villages









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Project on building new urban centers

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town


Projects on building urban infrastructure

22 urban centers in districts, city, town


Projects on building infrastructure in townlets




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Project on renovating and upgrading public working offices (for provincial, district and commune agencies)

Provincial departments, branches and district and commune People's Committees


Dumping sites and a solid waste treatment plant

Urban centers and districts


Urban wastewater drainage and treatment systems

Viet Tri city, Phu Tho town




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Project on renovating and upgrading irrigation works for agriculture and urban, industrial and daily-life wastewater drainage systems in southeastern Viet Tri city

Viet Tri city


Project on building wastewater systems and wastewater treatment facilities for industrial parks and clusters

Phu Tho town, Phu Ninh, Lam Thao, Viet Tri city


Post, telecommunications, science and technology, and information technology






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Branches, districts, city and town


Project on building a provincial center for application of scientific and technological advances

Viet Tri city


Project on building and upgrading measurement, testing and evaluation centers up to national standards

Viet Tri city


Project on developing provincial and rural telecommunications networks




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Project on installing switching equipment and optical transmission networks

Branches, districts, city, town


Project on developing technical infrastructure and human resources for information technology

Branches, districts, city, town







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Education and training, job training



Hung Vuong University

Viet Tri city


Project on upgrading the chemical college into a chemical university

Lam Thao





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Viet Tri city


Project on upgrading the medical college into Phu Tho convalescence university

Phu Tho town


Project on upgrading the vocational college into an (specialized) industrial university

Viet Tri city


Investment project on building an economic and technical college




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Investment project on upgrading the pharmaceutical technical secondary school into a pharmaceutical technical college

Viet Tri city


Investment project on upgrading the agricultural secondary school into an agricultural and forestry college

Phu Tho town


Investment project on upgrading vocational secondary schools into vocational colleges or universities

Viet Tri city




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Investment project on district vocational training centers

Districts, city, town


Investment project on upgrading the system of schools in the province up to national standards

Districts, city, town


An international university, projects on building vocational colleges and universities (with contributions from non-state sectors)

Viet Tri city





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Tam Nong, Lam Thao, Phu Tho town


Health-social affairs



Project on upgrading the provincial general hospital into a regional one

Viet Tri city


Project on building waste treatment systems for provincial and district hospitals




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Maternity hospitals, pediatrics hospitals and specialized . hospitals

Viet Tri city, Phu Ninh, Tam Nong. Phu Tho town


Provincial pediatrics hospital

Viet Tri city


Project on procuring medical equipment for provincial and district hospitals

Districts, city, town




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Investment project on a center for application of science and hi-tech technology in healthcare

Viet Tri city


Investment project on upgrading some provincial and district hospitals

Districts, city, town


Project on building a convalescence center for people with meritorious services

Phu Tho town





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Project on Hung King Temple

Viet Tri city


Project on building an ecological garden and the history and culture of Hung King Temple national park

Viet Tri city, Lam Thao, Phu Ninh


Au Co National Mother Temple relic site




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Project on building a central square and a political square in Viet Tri city

Viet Tri city


Project on building a regional conference center

Viet Tri city


Project on building Phu Tho museum

Viet Tri city




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Project on building a central cultural house and a festival square

Viet Tri city


Project on building a provincial children palace

Viet Tri city


Project on an outdoor cultural museum associated with archeological relics (Lang Ca, Go Mun, Son Vi, Xom Ren relics...)

Viet Tri city, Lam Thao, Phu Ninh





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Viet Tri city


Project on building a "Return to the roots of the Vietnamese nation" festive city

Viet Tri city


Project on building cinemas, multi-function cultural houses and traditional houses

Districts, city, town


Physical training and sports




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Project on building a sports complex for the province and Viet Tri city

Viet Tri city


Project on renovating and upgrading sports facilities

Districts, city, town


Project on building a school for gifted physical training and sports students

Viet Tri city




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Security and defense



The Command headquarters and defense works

Ha Hoa


Project on relocation of Phu Duc prison

Phu Ninh





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Thanh Son, Yen Lap


Thanh Ha reformatory (to be relocated to Phu Tho town)

Phu Tho town

Note: The location, size, land area, total investment capital and source of investment capital of each project will be calculated, selected and specified in the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on the capability of balancing and mobilizing resources in each period.-


Decision No. 99/2008/QD-TTg of July 14, 2008, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Phu Tho province up to 2020.

  • Số hiệu: 99/2008/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 14/07/2008
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 09/08/2008
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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