Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 87/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, July 3, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on formulation, approval and management of master plans on socio-economic development, and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;
At the proposal of the Peoples Committee of Nam Dinh province in Report No. 51/TTr-UBND of April 11, 2008; and opinions of concerned ministries and branches on the master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province up to 2020,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province up to 2020 (below referred to as the master plan), with the following principal contents:


1. To mobilize to the utmost resources for accelerating, and raising the quality of, economic growth; to step up economic restructuring towards reducing the share of agriculture and increasing that of industries and services in GDP.




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3. To associate economic development with social development, eradication of hunger and reduction of poverty, creation of jobs and narrowing of the gap in living standardsbetween regions; to continuously improve the-peoples material and spiritual lives.

4. To closely combine economic development with rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources and protection of the eco-envfronment, ensuring sustainable development and creating beautiful scenes for tourism development.

5. To combine economic development with maintenance of security and defense and firm preservation of stability, political security and social order and safety.


1. Overall objectives

To strive to develop Nam Dinh provinces eeonomy in a rapid and sustainable manner, with an economic structure of industry-service-agriculture, an increasingly modernized economic and social infrastructure network, a relatively developed network of urban centers, advanced cultural and social domains and increasingly improved peoples living standards; to step by stop make Nam Dinh a province with an above-average development level in the Red river delta.

2. Specific objectives

a. Economic development:

- Average GDP growth rate will be about 12%/ year from now to 2010; 13%/year in the 2011-2015 period, and 12.5% in the 2016-2020 period;




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- Export value will increase 20%/year on average from now to 2010, and 18% in the 2016-2020 period;

- To increase budget revenues to be able to cover most spending tasks of the province and step by step balance revenues and expenditures. To strive to increase collected budget revenues in the locality over 17% from now to 2010, over 16% in the 2011-2015 period and over 15% in the 2016-2020 period;

- Per capita GDP will reach about VND 12.5 million by 2010; VND 26 million by 2015, and VND 50 million by 2020 (at actual prices).

b. Social domains:

- The average population growth rate will be 0.95%/year from now to 2010,0.92%/year in the 2011-2015 period and about 0.9%/year in the 2016-2020 period.

- To strive to achieve the target that the whole province will reach secondary education universalization standards by 2010.

- To reduce the malnutrition rate among under-five children to about 15% by 2010 and about 10% by 2020. Every 10,000 persons will have an average of 16 hospital beds and 6.5 physical doctors by 2010, and 20-22 hospital beds and 8 physical doctors by 2020;

- To strive to provide job training for over 50% of laborers and create 35,000-40,000 new jobs by 2010 and over 75% of laborers and 45,000-50,000 new jobs by 2020. To reduce the urban unemployment rate to 4% by 2010 and keep it at 3^% in the period up to 2020;

- To increase the urbanization rate, striving to bring this rate to 22.8% by 2010 and 45% by 2020. At the same time, 100% of urban population and about 80% of rural population will have access to hygienic water; by 2020,100% of rural population will have access to hygienic water;




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- To.reduce the poor household rate to below 6% by 2010 (according to the new poverty line promulgated in 2005).

c. Environmental protection:

- To strive to achieve the target that 100% of new production establishments will apply technologies up to environmental standards, ensuring waste treatment, and 50% of existing production and business establishments will satisfy environmental standards by 2010. By 2020, basically all production and business establishments will satisfy environmental standards;

- By 2010, over 80% of solid wastes will be collected, with over 60% of hazardous wastes and 100% of hospital wastes treated. 40% of new urban centers and 70% of industrial parks will have centralized wastewater treatment systems. By 2020, over 95% of solid wastes will be collected, with over 90% of hazardous wastes treated, and 100% of urban centers and industrial parks will have centralized wastewater treatment systems.


1. Development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

To build a clean and sustainable commodity production agriculture of high productivity, quality and competitiveness. To support the building of infrastructure and application of advanced scientific and technological achievements suitable to the local eco-system and natural conditions.

To concentrate on accelerating the restructuring of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, switch land areas currently under inefficient rice cultivation to production of vegetables and subsidiary crops and aquaculture; to develop husbandry into a mainstay in agriculture; to promote the exploitation and rearing of aquatic resources so as to make great contributions to economic growth. Specifically:

a. For cultivation:




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- To concentrate on production of specialty rice in southern districts, expand production of high-quality rice in northern districts; to stabilize an area of about 70,000-75,000 ha under two rice crops with a productivity of 13-14 tons/ha/year and an output of 900,000-950.00 tons;

- To expand the winter crop area to 20,000-25,000 ha by 2010 and 30,000-40,000 ha by 2020 in the direction of commodity production, diversification of plants and increase of crops, concentrating on plants of high economic value such as export potato, pumpkin buds, cucumber and tomato:...

- To renovate miscellaneous gardens into gardens of high-value trees and form small- and medium-sized fruit tree farms in upland areas. To develop bonsai, flowers and aromatic trees in Nam Dinh city, Nam True, Hai Hau..., to cater for the demands of urban areas, industrial production and export

b. For husbandry:

To switch small-scale and scattered husbandry to commodity production-oriented husbandry using industrial methods. To expand the model of small- and medium-sized husbandry farms. To intensify veterinary work to control and prevent epidemics in poultry and cattle.

c. For aquaculture:

- To focus on properly tapping water resources, marine resources, land and labor potential to develop fisheries. Together with aquaculture, to increase the fishing capacity; to develop aquatic product export and processing service logistics;

- To vigorously develop aquaculture along the line of commodity production; to form large aquaculture areas to create raw materials for processing industries and export. To properly implement socialization in aquaculture and aquatic product processing. To expand the size of aquatic animal breeding establishments and encourage different economic sectors to invest in developing breeding establishments;

- To continue promoting aquaculture in salt and brackish water areas; to intensify the switch of inefficient salt-making areas and waterlogged low-productivity rice cultivation areas to aquaculture, concentrating investment in marine products of high economic value such as tiger prawn, crab, oyster, goby, blue-legged prawn and unisexual tilapia. It is projected that the aquaculture area will increase to 17,000 ha by 2010 and about 18,400 ha by 2020;




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It is projected that the value of agricultural production, forestry and fisheries will increase 5.1%/year on average from now to 2010, 4.1 % in the 2011 -2015 period and 2.9%/year in the 2016-2020 period. To strive to reduce the share of agriculture and increase that of fisheries in the production structure.

2. Development of industries and cottage industries

- To properly tap potential and strengths in order to develop industries at high growth rates; to raise the quality of investment promotion work, build an investment environment to attract many projects (especially hi-tech and large ones) so as create a breakthrough in the provinces economic development and restructuring.

-To concentrate investment in developing key local industries and products which are competitive on the market and bring about high socio-economic benefits, such as shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, automobile, motorcycles, electronics-informatics...

- To prioritize development of industries that turn out products with relatively stable markets and high profit; industries with strengths in raw-material sources (processing of agricultural foodstuffs) and labor (textiles and garments, leather and footwear, etc.).

-To strongly develop mechanical engineering, electronics and metal processing into key industries to make major contributions to the provincial budget, with such spearhead products as ship building and repair, automobile manufacture and assembly, and production of mechanical goods for export, household use, agricultural production and construction.

- To increase investment in shipbuilding enterprises and automobile manufacture and assembly enterprises so that they can build seagoing and river-going vessels of up to 15,000 DWT, and make high-quality and highly localized passenger cars and trucks of under 5 tons, which will play the "locomotive" role in developing small- and medium-sized mechanical establishments to manufacture and supply auxiliary products.

- To intensify investment in building Thinh Long shipbuilding factory to build seagoing ships with a design capacity of 6,500-15,000 DWT.

- To build new and expand shipbuilding factories in Xuan Truong and Truc Ninh districts and Nam Dinh city.




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- To vigorously develop food and foodstuffs processing and beverages industries along with developing raw-material sources in order to diversify products and process more export products. To enter into partnerships and joint ventures with large and foreign establishments to develop market, renew technologies and increase production scale.

- To develop the construction materials industry in order to fully tap the existing potential in natural resources and labor, create jobs and improve peoples living conditions.

- To develop the chemical industry in the province at a high rate, quickly applying advanced and modern technologies (especially in pharmacy), in order to produce high-quality, cheap and competitive products. To prioritize development of the production of pharmaceuticals and medicines so that the provinces pharmaceutical production will play the central role in the pharmaceutical industry in the southern Red river delta region.

- To consol idate and develop traditional trades and trade villages, incrementally expand production to adjacent areas. To concentrate resources on renovating technology, raising production level, quality and competitiveness of products on domestic and international markets. To attach importance to building large production establishments in combination with household-based ones. To quickly increase the number and quality of small- and medium-sized enterprises as the foundation and core for developing rural trades in the locality. To step by step tackle environmental issues and improve the living standards of people in trade villages. To increase budget supports for infrastructure building in order to help trade villages develop.

- To perfect infrastructure and attract investment in Hoa Xa and My Trung industrial parks; to continue building industrial parks already approved such as Bao Minh, Thanh An, Hong Tien, Trung Thanh and Nghia An.

- To form some more shipbuilding parks of Nam Dinh, Xuan Kien, Thinh Long, My Loc and Nghia Binh.

- To study the possibility of building industrial parks along the new coastal road from Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh to Quang Ninh in order to rearrange industries in the province while restricting the use of two-crop rice land areas for building industrial parks and clusters and urban and service centers.

- To build small-sized industrial clusters to create jobs for locals and promote industrialization and modernization in agriculture and rural areas.

- To strive to achieve the target that the industrial production value will increase 25%/ year, 17%/year and 15%/year on average in the 2006-2010, 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 periods respectively.




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- To perfect the trade system in the province, combining trade development in urban areas with development of rural markets and wholesale markets to purchase farmers products, and creating favorable conditions for the development of supermarkets and trade centers in Nam Dinh city, district centers and townships...; to plan and upgrade the system of rural markets. To attach importance to ensuring food safety and hygiene. To build consolidated slaughter zones in Nam Dinh city and separate slaughter places in markets.

- To form trade-service clusters in areas at convenient exchange positions which can be linked with consolidated commodity agricultural production zones or industrial parks and clusters in Nam Dinh city, Lac Quan, Goi, Thinh Long and Quat Lam and Lieu De, Co Le, Lam, Yen Dinh, Cho Con, Ngo Dong and My Loc townships.

- To develop the provinces tourism into an important industry in order to promote economic restructuring and create conditions for the development of other industries.

- To attach importance to developing eco-tourism and sea resorts in order to prolong tourists stay and develop tourism in Xuan Thuy national park and Thinh Long and Quat Lam sea tourist sites. To study the building of Rang Dong sea tourist resort.

- To bring into play the potential of cultural and festival tourism and cultural tourism of spiritual significance, concentrate investment in building tourist attractions: Tran dynasty temple, Phu Day, the memorial zone of late General Secretary Truong Chinh... To develop tours to the native places of cultural personalities: Tran Te Xuong, Nguyen Binh, Luong The Vinh. Nguyen Hien, etc.

- To combine development of trade villages with development of tourism in famous trade villages such asTong Xa copper casting. La Xuyen wood carving. Cat Dang lacquer paiting, Vi Khe bonsai, etc.

- To study development of new types of tourism such as MICE tourism, sports tourism, etc.

- To concentrate on developing financial, banking and consultancy services so as to attract investment from all economic sectors.

- To develop seagoing fleets with many ships of big tonnage to meet the transportation demand in the process of international economic integration.




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- To step by step develop the securities market. build Nam Dinh into a securities service center of the southern Red rive delta in order to mobilize investment capital for socio-economic development.

- It is projected that the growth rates of total volume of retailed goods and service turnover will be 13.5% and 14%/year on average in the period up to 2010 and the 2011 -2020 period, respectively.

- The growth rate of export value will be 20%/ year and 18% on average from now to 2010 and in the 2011-202 period, respectively.

4. Cultural and social domains

- To well implement the population and family planning program. It is projected that the population of Nam Dinh province will be 2.060 million by 2010, 2.157 million by 2015 and about 2.255 million by 2020.

- To strive to create 35,000-40.000 new jobs and 45,000-50,000 new jobs in the 2006-2010 and 2011-2020 periods respectively.

-To promote labor export, striving to have over 14,000 and 80,000-100,000 persons working abroad by 2010 and 2020 respectively.

- To promote the tradition of studiousness and the attention of Party committees, administration and people so that the province continues to be one of the leading units in education and training in the country.

- By 2010,100% of primary schools will reach national standards and the whole province will reach secondary education universalization standards.




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- To establish Nam Dinh university on the basis of the teachers college and upgrade Nam Dinh agricultural economic-technical secondary school into a college.

- To upgrade Nam Dinh cultural and arts secondary school into Nam Dinh cultural and arts college.

- To establish new vocational training centers in districts and Nam Dinh city.

- To form standardized vocational -training colleges and secondary schools in order to meet local and export needs for highly qualified technical laborers. To build regional vocational training establishments to provide vocational training for Nam Dinh province and neighboring provinces. To strive to achieve the target that trained labor will account for over 50% and over 75% by 2010 and 2020 respectively.

- To plan the network of provincial hospitals in the direction of reducing the number of hospitals and focusing on high technologies. To complete the building of a grade-I regional hospital with 700 hospital beds.

- To build a system of provincial- and district-level preventive medicine centers which are fully staffed and equipped to supervise, analyze and prompdy announce epidemics and diseases in the region.

- To build and upgrade the eye hospital, maternity hospital, mental disease hospital, tuberculosis and lung diseases hospital, traditional medicine hospital, and convalescence and functional rehabilitation hospital.

- To strive to achieve the target that there will be an average of 16 hospital beds/10,000 persons and 20-22 hospital beds/10,000 persons by 2010 and 2020 respectively.

- To consolidate commune and ward health stations, striving to have 100% of commune health stations reaching national health standards.




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- To concentrate resources on building a zone for conserving and promoting the values of Tran dynasty culture in My Loc district and Nam Dinh city.

- To complete the building of the memorial zone of late General Secretary Truong Chinh (in Xuan Truong), Nam Dinh provinces museum and the provincial exhibition center.

- To invest in building infrastructure in Phu Day and Vieng market area.

- To build an entertainment center in Tuc Mac cultural park.

- To increase investment in building physical training and sports facilities in districts and cities; to strive to achieve the target that in 2008 all 10 districts and cities will have a stadium, gyms and swimming pools. By 2010, all communes and townships will have a central stadium and sports facilities in places where conditions permit.

- To build a high-achievement sports training center of the southern Red river delta in the provinces athletes training center.

- To concentrate on researching and actively applying scientific and technological achievements, especially information technology and biotechnology, to production and daily life, raising the effectiveness of scientific and technological activities. To promote scientific research cooperation with domestic and foreign research establishments, combine research with production, and building of domestic scientific capacity with technology transfer.

To complete and put into use the information technology center. To step by step develop the software industry. At the same time, to develop mechanisms and policies to support enterprises in technology renewal.

5. Infrastructure




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a. Regarding national highways:

- To speed up the building of the 21-km Cau Gie - Ninh Binh expressway section within the province before expand the entire section from Phap Van to Ninh Binh to 6 lanes;

- To build a new road from Phu Ly to Nam Dinh, which will reach grade-I delta road standards (4 motor vehicle lanes and 2 rudimentary vehicle lanes) before 2015;

- To speed up the upgrading and expansion of national highway 21 from Nam Dinh to Hai Thinh, which will be 60 km long and reach grade-Ill and grade-IV delta road standards.

- To build a national coastal highway of grade-II delta road standards from Thanh Hoa-Ninh Binh-Nam Dinh- Thai Binh-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh after 2010;

- To build a new road of grade-II delta road standards from Nam Dinh to Rang Dong township (Nghia Hung district) running parallel with road 490 (former road 55) in the first stage.

- To study the upgrading of provincial highways 487 (38A) and 490 (55) into national ones of grade-Ill delta road standards, starting from Yen Lenh ferry landing (Ha Nam) running along provincial highway 972 (Ha Nam) through road 52 m- Thong Nhat urban center - Nam Dinh city (replacing provincial highway 38A) along provincial highway 490 to Hai Thinh port.

- To upgrade provincial highway 482 (56) into a national one, from Ha Nam province through Nam Dinh to Diem Dien port (Thai Binh province), with the 73-km section running through Nam Dinh province reaching grade-Ill delta road standards.

b. Regarding provincial roads:




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- To upgrade provincial highway 480 (former provincial highways 53A and 53B), provincial highway 484 (former provincial highway 64), provincial highway 485 (former provincial highway 57A) to reach IV-grade delta road standards.

- To build a new provincial highway 488 of grade-FV delta road standards and 45 km in length, starting from Voi bridge (km 155 on national highway 21, which is projected to span Dao river at Quan Chuot dike) and ending at Thinh Long township;

- To build a costal dike road section linking Xuan Thuy submerged forest eco-tourist site, through Quat Lam and Thinh Long tourists zones, with Rang Dong tourist resort.

c. Regarding urban roads:

To complete belt road 2 and study and build belt road 3 of Nam Dinh city. To select trunk roads and important roads for traffic in and out of the city, which will be built into modem ones suitable to a city of grade II and later grade I. To upgrade and expand the network of roads in townships.

d. Regarding rural roads:

To strive to achieve the target that over 90% of rural roads throughout the province will be asphalted or concreted.

e. Regarding railways:

- To plan and build a north-south express railway, including a section running through Nam Dinh. which will reach international standards;




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- To study the building a railway from Nam Dinh to Thai Binh, Hai Phong and Quang Ninh.

f. Regarding waterways:

- To renovate and upgrade the channels on four big rivers: Red, Dao, Day and Ninh Co, with a total length of 251 km, up to prescribed technical standards. To dredge channels at Lach Giang and Day river estuaries to enable the passage of large-tonnage ships and costal transportation up to Hanoi;

- To renovate, upgrade and build seaports, river ports and cargo-handling yards;

- To expand and upgrade Hai Thinh port and build it into a landing port for LASH ships and a zone for assembling big-tonnage ships. To organize sea shipping with Southeast Asian and international ports;

- To relocate Nam Dinh river port out of the city center, renovate and upgrade the existing Nam Dinh river port into a passenger and tourist port. To build a new modern port with an annual handling capacity of over 1 million tons;

-To build a coal-fired thermal power plant with a capacity of 1,200 MW in the area of Lach Giang essuary, Ninh Co river (Hai Hau district), which will be completed in the 2011-2015 period;

- To develop networks of electricity supply, post, telecommunications, water supply and drainage, and wastewater treatment to meet the increasing demands of the people and production. To attach importance to providing services for new urban centers, industrial parks and clusters and trade villages...;

- To regularly repair, upgrade and consolidate the systems of sea and river dikes, especially in important areas. To complete soon sea dike repair and upgrading projects under the Quang Ninh-Quang Nam sea dike upgrading program, including a 91.5-km section running through Nam Dinh. To ensure safety for the sea dike system when they are hit by wind force-10 typhoons at a frequency of 5%.




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1. Development in different areas

On the basis of the characteristics of natural conditions, socio-economic development conditions and development orientations of industries and domains in the province, the province is divided into the following socio-economic development areas:

- Marine economic area, covering Giao Thuy and Hai Hau districts and communes and townships located in the south of Nghia Hung district (from road 56 seawards);

- Industrial and service area: covering Nam Dinh city and its vicinities;

- Area of agricultural production combined with industries and cottage industries, covering Xuan Truong, True Ninh, Nam True, Y Yen, Vu Ban and My Loc districts and communes and townships located in the north of Nghi Hung district.

Development orientations of areas:

a. Marine economic area:

- To prioritize investment in the development of aquatic and marine resources; to build aquatic and marine product processing establishments;




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- To invest in upgrading transport infrastructure, construction of a new strategic coastal road; a new road from Nam Dinh city to Rang Dong township. To upgrade Quat Lam and Thinh Long tourist resorts and Xuan Thuy national park eco-tourist resort.

- To step by step build infrastructure in and upgrade Quat Lam and Thinh Long townships into towns functioning as tourist-service centers in the coastal area.

b. Industrial and service area of Nam Dinh city and its vicinities

To develop Nam Dinh city into an economic, cultural and social center acting as. the development core of the southern Red river delta sub-region; to build the infrastructure network in the city so that it will meet the criteria of a grade-II city and then a grade-I one. Nam Dinh city will be developed and expanded in association with its vicinities.

c. Area of agricultural production combined with industries and cottage industries:

- To promote agricultural development toward commodity production and ensuring food security. To develop agricultural product and food processing establishments, industrial clusters and trade villages in order to create more jobs and increase incomes for farmers;

- To accelerate the process of urbanization, invest in and develop Lam township into a town and Hong Tien, Bao Minh, Nghia An and Y Yen II industrial parks.

2. Urban development

- To speed up the process of urbanization, expand existing urban centers and build new ones. New urban centers must be associated with developing industrial parks, trunk roads and trade and service centers.




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- To concentrate resources, especially those from major big business groups and domestic and foreign investors, on building material-technical infrastructure in Thinh Long township (Hai Hau) in order to upgrade it into a city before 2015. The core of Thinh Long city will be Ninh Co economic zone.

- To build Ninh Co economic zone into a general one, including a general port zone, a shipbuilding yard, an oil refinery zone, a hi-tech zone, a pharmaceutical production complex, an aquatic product processing zone and other projects.

- To build Quat Lam township (Giao Thuy) and Lam township (Y Yen district) into towns after 2015. If criteria of a town are fully met, these townships may be recognized as towns before 2015.

- To upgrade infrastructure networks in townships. It is projected to form new townships in communes and inter-commune areas with developed cottage industries, services and trade.


1. Mobilization of in vestment capital sources

The investment capital demand by 2020 is projected at about VND 296 trillion (according to current prices), including VND 35,967 billion for the period from now to 2010.

In order to meet the above investment demand, it is necessary to implement various measures for raising investment capital, studying and developing specific and favorable mechanisms and policies to encourage different sectors to make investment in various forms, with internal resources regarded as major ones; to properly mobilize resources from land funds for developing urban infrastructure, industries and cottage industries. To further strongly improve the investment environment to attract investment from non-state enterprises, the population and foreign direct investment.

To continue making use of ODA sources, formulate soon a strategy on attraction and use of ODA capital, particularly in the building of technical infrastructure in economic centers and areas with difficult socio-economic conditions, environmental protection works, hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, etc.




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- To permit implementation of specific mechanisms and policies because the economic structure of Nam Dinh province has high shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, in order to ensure food security in the region.

- To further step up administrative reform to create a favorable environment, reduce troubles for enterprises and people and provide the best conditions for all economic conditions to participate in development investment.

- To develop and implement mechanisms and policies to encourage rice field accumulation in a rational manner so as to form large commodity production areas. To study and promulgate policies to support the construction of infrastructure in trade villages to promote their development.

3. Development coordination between Nam Dinh and other provinces in the region

To make plans on cooperation and coordination among provinces and cities in the Red river delta region, especially with provinces in the southern sub-region, on infrastructure development, building of tourist routes, trade promotion, exploitation of irrigation systems, technology transfer...

4. Human resources development

- To promote training of local human resources to meet the demand of the labor market and suit the provinces socio-economic structure.

-To improve the working environment, adopt policies to attract talents and highly skilled laborers to work permanently in Nam Dinh.

- To intensify training of business managers. To rearrange, and improve the qualifications of, state management personnel. To attach importance to training technical and qualified personnel for production and business.




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5. Scientific and technological development and environmental protection

- To properly implement measures of combining scientific and technological development with production and business; to step up the application of scientific and technological achievements and information technology to production, management, execution...

- To apply advanced technologies to agricultural and aquatic product processing and other processing industries. To adopt incentive policies for enterprises to apply new and advanced technologies to production and business.

- To build and expand good and highly efficient production and business models, especially in agriculture, fisheries and cottage industries.

- To take measures to strictly manage wastes in production establishments and trade villages; at the same time to develop mechanisms to encourage enterprises and trade villages to build establishments treat solid, liquid and gaseous wastes before being discharged into the environment.


- After the master plan is approved, it is necessary to expeditiously announce and disseminate it among all agencies, units and people. At the same time, to concretize its contents into five-year and annual socio-economic development plans in line with realities.

- To properly implement measures to supervise and appraise development investment according to the master plan and plans. To raise the responsibility of all levels, branches and localities in the implementation of the master plan. At the end of 2010, 2015 and 2020, to evaluate the implementation of the master plan, add and adjust its objectives as appropriate to realities.

- To formulate a program of action and development programs in each period in line with the orientations laid down in the master plan.




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- To attach importance to investment in regional works already approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 109/2006/QD-TTg of May 19, 2006, approving the Scheme on the master plan on development of Nam Dinh city into an economic, cultural and social center in the southern Red river delta region.

Article 2. To assign the Peoples Committee of Nam Dinh province to base itself on the provinces socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations specified in the master plan to coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in directing the formulation submission for approval and implementation of:

- A master plan on socio-economic development of districts; a planning on development of the system of urban centers and population quarters.

- A construction planning, a land use planning and plan, and a planning on development of industries and domains to ensure uniformity and synchrony.

- To study, formulate and promulgate or submit to competent agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the provinces development requirements in each period under the approved socio-economic master plan and other plans.

Article 3. To assign concerned ministries and branches to assist the Peoples Committee of Nam Dinh province in the process of organizing the implementation of this mater plan up to 2020, focusing the following major contents:

- Studying, formulating and promulgating or submitting to competent agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the provinces socio-economic development requirements in each period in order to mobilize and effectively utilize resources, and encourage and attract investment for the fulfillment of the objectives and tasks stated in the master plan.

- Studying, adjusting and adding to their sector development plannings and investment plans relevant works and projects to be invested under the master plan.

Article 4. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."




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Nguyen Tan Dung



(Attached to the Prime Ministers Decision No. 87/2008/QD-TTg of July 3, 2008)


1. Transport

- Project on an 68-km coastal road (Hai Hau-GiaoThuy).




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- Project on national highway 21, the 60-km Nam Dinh- Thinh Long section (Nam Dinh).

- Project on building 3 bridges over Dao river (Nam Dinh city), H30-XB80.

- Project on building a new road linking Phu Ly and Nam Dinh city.

- Project on building a new road linking Nam Dinh city and Rang Dong township.

- Project on road 490 (Nam Truc - Nghia Hung).

- Project on 47-km road 56 (Y Yen - Giao Thuy).

- Project on 14-km road 481 (Xuan Truong-GiaoThuy).

- Project on 7-km road 481 (Xuan Truong-Hai Hau).

- Project on 5-km road 487 (38A), Nam Dinh city.




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- Project on 15-km road 485 (57A), Y Yen.

- Project on 10-km road 486 (provincial highway 12), Vu Ban- Y Yen.

- Project on road 482 (provincial highway 56), Vu Ban Y Yen.

- Project on 45-km road 488, Truc Ninh - Hai Hau.

- Project on 7-km road 64 (Y Yen).

- Project on linking Tran Hung Dao avenue - (Nam Dinh city) with national highway 21.

- Project on relocation of Nam Dinh port out of the city center.

- Project on renovation of Lach Giang estuary and upgrading of Hai Thinh port.

2. Urban infrastructure, water supply and drainage and public facilities




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- Nam Dinh water supply project (Nam Dinh), with a capacity of 2,500 m3/day and night.

- Project on infrastructure in Nam Dinh citys low-income population quarters (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on embankment of Nam Dinh city lake, with an area of 50 ha.

- Project on embankment of 6-km Dao river (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on infrastructure in new urban centers in Nam Dinh city.

- Project on construction of infrastructure in Thinh Long township to upgrade it into a town.

- Project on construction of infrastructure in Lam and Quat Lam townships to upgrade them into towns.

3. Industrial park infrastructure

- Project on construction of infrastructure of 327-ha Hoa Xa industrial park (Nam Dinh city).




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- Project on construction of infrastructure of My Trung industrial park (Nam Dinh city and My Loc).

- Project on construction of infrastructure of new industrial parks in the province.

4. Irrigation and dikes

- Embankment of Xuan Ha sea dike (Hai Hau).

- Project on embankment of Hong Hu Bi river dike (My Loc).

- Project on dredging of Ninh Co river (Xuan Truong).

- Project on renovation of the irrigation system in eastern Giao Thuy.

- Project on renovation of the irrigation system in the So river basin.

- Project on building of Nam Ha pump station (Nam Truc).




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- Project on expansion and upgrading of Con Nhat canal (Giao Thuy).

- Project on upgrading Nam Dinh provinces sea dikes for combined use as tourist roads.

- Project on upgrading of the dike system and embankment of rivers in Nam Dinh province.

- Southern Nghia Hung irrigation project (Nghia Hung).


- Xuan Thuy national park project (Giao Thuy).

- Project on aquaculture in Bach Long farm (Giao Thuy) on 100 ha.

- Bach Long industrial shrimp rearing project (Giao Phong- Giao Thuy) on 150 ha.

- Xuan Thuy national park buffer zone project (Giao Thuy).




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- Project on infrastructure of Huu Bi landing stage-Tuc Mac tourist route (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on infrastructure in Phu Day-Vieng market complex (Vu Ban).

- Project on a general service zone (Vu Ban) on 120 ha.

- Quat Lam - Thinh Long tourist resort project (Giao Thuy - Hai Hau) on an area of 315 ha.

- Rang Dong tourist resort (Nghi Hung).

- Project on infrastructure of Dien Xa eco-tourist village, stage I (Nam Truc).

- Project on Nam Dinh city general trade-service cluster.

- Project on a service-trade center in Yen Bang commune (Y Yen).




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- Project on Tran dynasty cultural zone (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on a 700-bed hospital (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on Hoang Van Thu lower secondary school (Nam Dinh city) on 3,950 m2

- Project on Luong The Vinh lower secondary school (Nam Dinh city) on 4,017 m2

- Project on Tran Dang Ninh lower secondary school (Nam Dinh city) on 4,552 m2

- Project on Nguyen Duc Thuan school.

- Project on a 150-bed tuberculosis hospital (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on a maternity hospital (Nam Dinh city) on 7,095 m2.




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- Expansion of the mechanical-electricity secondary school (Nam Dinh).

- Project on an agricultural economic and technical college (Nam Dinh).

- Project on upgrading of healthcare equipment and facilities

- Project on Nam Dinh radio and television station (Nam Dinh city), with an antenna tower of 180m.

- Project on Nam Dinh provinces museum (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on Nam Dinh students cinema center on 1,380 m2.

- Project on a monument to Nam Dinh provinces fallen heroes (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on Xuan Truong district education, labor and social affairs center on 2.2 ha.

- Project on Xuan Truong center for management and employment for drug detoxifiers on 3.5 ha.




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- Project on late General Secretary Truong Chinhs memorial zone (Xuan Truong).

- Project on Nam Dinh provinces exhibition center (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on relocation of the cultural and arts school (Nam Dinh city).

- Project on Nam Dinh provinces information technology center (Nam Dinh city) on 50,000 m2


- Project on a fishing port and a storm sheltering zone at Ninh Co estuary (Hai Hau), with 256-m piers.

- Project on a center for training police dogs and a garrison for training mobile police (Nam Dinh city) on 3,000 m2.

- Project on fire prevention and fighting in Hoa Xa industrial park.





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- Project on building of Thinh Long shipbuilding plant to build seagoing ships of 6,500-15,000 DWT.

- Project on building of a new shipbuilding plant of Truong Xuan shipbuilding industry joint-stock company to build river-going and seagoing ships, in Xuan Tan. Xuan Truong district.

- Project on stage-I upgrading and expansion of the shipbuilding plant of Hoang Anh shipbuilding industry joint-stock company to build river-going cum seagoing ships of up to 3,000 DWT, in Xuan Hung. Xuan Truong district.

- Project on building of a new ship furniture workshop of Hoang Anh shipbuilding industry joint-stock company.

- Project on upgrading of and in-depth investment in Nam Ha shipbuilding plant to build high-quality river-going cum seagoing ships of up to 3,000 DWT in Nam Dinh city.

- Project on upgrading of and in-depth investment in Dao river shipbuilding industry joint-stock company to build river-going cum seagoing ships of up to 1,000 DWT in Nam Dinh city.

- Investment project on building of a new factory to manufacture electric cabinets and boards of ships, in My Trung industrial park.

- Investment project on expansion of the automobile transport joint-stock company to assemble passenger cars and manufacture automobile details for assembly, in My Trung industrial park.

- Investment project on building of a factory to manufacture electric equipment for cars, in My Trung industrial park.




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- Project on assembly of light trucks and agricultural cars. Duc Phuong limited liability company, with a capacity of 5,000 cars/year in the first stage, in Hoa Xa industrial park.

- Project on a plant to manufacture car parts and assemble cars, HONLEI Vietnam company, to assemble light trucks and pick-up vans, with a capacity of 5,000 cars/year in the first stage, in Hoa Xa industrial park.

- Project on building of a factory to manufacture car seats, with a capacity of 150,000 seats/year, in My Trung industrial park, MyLoc district.

- Investment project on building of a plant to manufacture high-quality tightening details for automobile, motorcycle and shipbuilding industries, with a capacity of 500 tons/year, in My Trung industrial park.

Investment project on building of a plant to manufacture mechanical details for ships, in My Trung industrial park.

- Investment project on building of a plant to manufacture anchor chains for ships, with a capacity of 300 km/year, in My Thing industrial park.

- Investment project on building of a plant to manufacture valves for ships, with a capacity of 5,000 valve units/year, in My Thing industrial park.

- Investment in a plant to manufacture equipment, machines and mechanical details for ships (anchor winching devices, steering devices, gear boxes for lifting equipment of propeller shafts and transmission shafts...), in My Trung industrial park.

- Investment project on building of a plant to manufacture gear boxes and clutches for cars, with a capacity of 50,000 sets (each type)/year, in My Trung industrial park.




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- Project on relocation of Nam Dinh textile company into Hoa Xa industrial park.

- Project on relocation of Nam Dinh silk weaving company into Hoa Xa industrial park.

- Project on construction of a center for textile and garment development; textile and garment vocational training; fashion exhibition and shows, model design, a center for trading and production of accessories for the garment industry, in Nam Dinh city.

- Investment in modern yarn spinning machines to produce high-grade combing yarns at a high automation level and with a capacity of 3,000 tons/year.

- Investment in a factory to produce plain fabrics of wide sizes, with a capacity of 12 million m/year.

- Investment in a combined knitting, dying, finishing and sewing factory, with a capacity of 1,500 tons/year.

- Investment in a factory to produce garment accessories: zippers, marks, elastic strings, lining materials, buttons...

- In-depth investment in existing silk factories to fully tap their existing capacity and raise the quality of mulberry and silkworms, and silk.

- Investment in sewing factories with a total capacity of 2 million products/year in districts where conditions permit.




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- A high-quality yarn factory, with a capacity of 3,000 tons/year.

- A weaving factory, with a capacity of 12 million m/year.

- A knitting factory, with a capacity of 1,500 tons/year.

3. Agricultural, forest and aquatic product processing industry

- In-depth investment in renovating machinery and equipment of Nam Dinh export food processing company to increase the capacity of processing frozen meat for export to 4,000 tons/ year.

- To build a new establishment to slaughter cattle, produce smoked meat and sausages, with a capacity of 4,000-6,000 tons/year.

To build a new establishment to process canned pork and poultry, with a capacity of 2,000-3,000 tons/year, in Nam Dinh province.

- To build a workshop to freeze and preliminarily process pork, chicken and duck meat... in the south of the province, with a capacity of 2,000-3,000 tons/year.

- To build 3 rice-processing clusters in Giao Thuy, Hai Hau and Nghia Hung districts, with a capacity of 3,000-4,000 tons/cluster/year.




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- To expand the production of fish sauce, dried fish and dried fish powder in coastal communes of Hai Hau and Giao Thuy.

- To build a line of production of animal feed in Hai Hau animal feed joint stock company, with a capacity of 4,000-5,000 tons/year.

- To build a cattle feed processing workshop in Truong Xuan company in Thinh Lam industrial cluster.

- To produce fish sauce in Sa Chau (Giao Thuy), 1 million liters/year.

- To build a fish sauce and dried fish processing workshop in Rang Dong industrial cluster.

- To build an export oyster processing plant.

-To expand Xuan Thuy export aquatic product processing plant to have a capacity of 2,000 tons/ year.

- To increase the capacity of NADA beer factory to 50-60 million liters/year.

- To increase the capacity of Ba Lan beer factory to 10 million liters/year.




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- To build a mineral water factory in Hai Hau, with a capacity of 15 million liters/year.

- To build a vegetable and fruit processing line in Lac Quan, with a capacity of 10,000 tons/year.

- To expand the capacity of the nutritious powder factory to 18,000 tons/year.

- To build an instant noodle and porridge factory with a capacity of 3,000 tons/year in Nam Dinh city.

- To build an industrial salt production line, with a capacity of 5,000 tons/year in Hai Hau.

- To build a salt and salt product processing factory in Thinh Lam industrial cluster.

- To increase the production capacity and expand the export market of Nam Dinh forest product joint stock company.

- To expand the production capacity of fine-arts wood processing units: Hoa Phuong, Le Phuong, July 27 limited liability companies...

- To build an artificial board production line in Nam Dinh materials, construction and installation company, with a capacity of 5,000 m3/year.




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- To build a large export wood furniture plant in Nam Dinh city (joint venture or with 100% of foreign capital).

4. Building materials industry

- To make in-depth investment to increase the capacity of existing tunnel brick factories.

- To build several new small brick tunnel factories in Y Yen, Vu Ban and True Ninh, with a capacity of 5-10 million bricks/year.

- To restore the operation of the granite brick factory, with a capacity of 1 million/year.

- To expand and increase the capacity of Nam Dinh flooring tile factory and Vu Ban enameled flooring tile factory to 0.51-1 million m2/year.

- To increase the capacity of the concrete factory of Nam Dinh construction and installation company I to 15,000 million m3/year.

- To invest in the production of glass fabric, with a capacity of 100.000 m2/year.

- To build an establishment to produce new composite materials from organic glue and glass fiber.




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- To make in-depth investment in equipment of Nam Dinh pharmaceutical joint stock company to aaract projects to produce antibiotic materials.

- To build new lines to produce paints and industrial detergents for textile and garments and other industries, with a capacity of 3,000 tons/year in Nam Dinh city.

- To expand the production capacity of Nam Ha industrial gas limited liability company.

- To build a plant to produce PET bottles and other packaging products for mineral water and fish sauce plants..., with a capacity of 20 million bottles/year.

- To build a factory to produce hi-tech plastic products, with a capacity of 500 tons/year.

- To build a plastic pipe and parts factory, with a capacity of 3,000 tons/year.

Note: The size, scale and total investment capital of each project will be calculated, selected and determined in the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects as appropriate to realities.


Decision No. 87/2008/QD-TTg of July 3, 2008, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province up to 2020.

  • Số hiệu: 87/2008/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 03/07/2008
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 31/07/2008
  • Ngày hết hiệu lực: 02/12/2013
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Hết hiệu lực
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