Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 80/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, June 13. 2008





Pursuant to the December 25. 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 09-NQ/TW of February 9, 2007, of the Xth Party Central Committee's 4th plenum on Vietnam's marine strategy up to 2020;
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 27/2007/NQ-CP of May 30, 2007, promulgating the Government's action program on the implementation of Resolution No. 09-NQ/TW of February 9, 2007, of the Xth Parry Central Committee's 4th plenum on Vietnam's marine strategy up to 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Report No. 92/TTr-BKH of May 23. 2008,


Article 1.- To approve the scheme on international cooperation at sea up to 2020 with the following principal contents:

1. Viewpoints on international cooperation at sea

a/ International cooperation at sea must the incorporated into Vietnam's overall socio-economic development strategy and planning and marine strategy in line with the country's foreign relation guidelines and policies:




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c/ International cooperation at sea must aim to promote Vietnam's potential and strengths, efficiently exploit and sustainably develop the sea. paying special attention to international cooperation on economic development for common security and settlement of sea disputes;

d/ International cooperation at sea is aimed at proactive integration to raise Vietnam's position to regional and international levels; to exercise rights and perform obligations of Vietnam in joining international organizations and treaties.

2. Objectives of international cooperation at sea

a/ International cooperation at sea aims to help successfully achieve objectives of Vietnam's marine strategy up to 2020;

b/ Basic, long-term and all-time objectives of the foreign relation task on sea and coastal areas are to establish the full sovereignty, manage and firmly protect the sovereignty, sovereignty rights and jurisdiction of Vietnam on sea areas, continental shelf, Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes and other islands under Vietnam's sovereignty. Initially, to manage and protect national sovereignty and interests on sea areas and islands; to maintain peace, stability and development cooperation. To continue negotiating with countries having disputes over sea with Vietnam, to build the sea of peace, stability and cooperation for mutual development:

c/ To expand international cooperation and increase diplomatic relations, especially with countries adjacent to the East Sea and countries with marine economic, scientific and technological potential to protect national sovereignty at sea. develop marine and coastal economy, effectively exploit marine natural resources together with protecting the marine environment, biodiversity and marine living creatures, ensuring marine security and safety, reducing natural disasters and adapting to climate change, create a favorable environment for economic development and tighten friendship between Vietnam and regional littoral countries on the principle of firmly maintaining national independence and sovereignty at sea;

d/ To attract external resources (international financial-economic organizations; foreign states, organizations and individuals) to better promote Vietnam's marine potential and strengths, increase incomes and living standards for fishermen in coastal areas, to boost the formation of some major economic groups, to build a number of key marine and coastal infrastructure works (seaports, coastal roads, coastal and island economic zones), to form a number of natural disaster forecast and search and rescue establishments, to develop marine scientific-technological potential, to build human resource training institutions for development of sea-related domains.

3. International cooperation at sea for branches and domains

a/ Oil and gas cooperation




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The strategic objectives of oil and gas development are to turn oil and gas into a key econo-technical industry embracing all stages of oil and gas prospecting, exploration, exploitation, processing, storage, distribution, services and import-export.

- Oil and gas prospecting: To boost international cooperation on oil and gas exploration, especially exploration on offshore deepwater areas of Vietnam's exclusive economic zone and sovereignly sensitive areas such as those on Phu Khanh and Tu Chinh basins and Truong Sa and Tonkin Gulf basins, in order to early determine oil and gas deposits of these areas.

To tighten oil and gas prospecting, exploration and exploitation cooperation relations with concerned countries on overlapping continental shelf areas when permitted by the Government.

To permit cooperation with foreign groups in building a number of floating facilities in service of oil and gas exploitation on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes for both economic development and reaffirmation and protection of Vietnam's sovereignty over these archipelagoes.

To increase promotion and perfection of policies to attract foreign investment in oil and gas prospecting and exploration in different forms of cooperation.

- Oil and gas exploitation: To attach importance to international cooperation on offshore fields and areas under dispute when discovering new oil and gas reserves. To invest in secondary exploitation to raise the recovery coefficient and in research into new technological solutions in order to exploit gas fields of high CO2 content.

To increasingly, seek opportunities to buy more shares in operating fields under exploitation.

- Oil and gas processing: To diversify ownership of the oil and gas processing industry to attract. investment capital for development. To attract foreign oil and gas companies which are financially and technologically viable to build oil and gas processing industrial parks in order to increase the value of crude oil and natural gas.

- Oil and gas product storage, transportation and distribution: To boost international cooperation in building transnational gas pipelines, initially the trans-ASEAN gas pipeline scheme in preparation for post-2010 supplies.




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To develop a fleet of domestic crude oil tankers, to gradually reduce dependence on foreign crude oil tankers and aim for joining world and regional crude oil transportation markets.

- Oil and gas services and trading: To expand forms of trading oil and gas products at home and overseas, including (1) trading crude oil. natural gas and oil and gas products ensuring safety for oil and gas exploitation: (2) improving the management of raw material supply for oil and gas processing and consumption.

To encourage all domestic and overseas economic sectors to join the oil and gas service and trading market.

b/ Mail time economic cooperation

- Sea shipping economics: To concentrate on investment to rapidly and effectively develop Vietnam's fleet of seagoing vessels towards renewal, modernization and specialization, especially for container ships and oil tankers in order to strive for a total tonnage of 6-7 million DWT by 2010; over 10 million DWT by 2015 and over 14 million DWT by 2020 in order to increase competitiveness with foreign sea shipping companies.

To effectively join regional and world sea shipping markets in the direction of sharply increasing the international sea shipping volume and market shares in order to ensure rational economic benefits of foreign sea shipping to reach over 25% by 2015 and over 35% by 2020 of Vietnam's total volume of transportation of imported and exported goods.

To study and formulate incentive mechanisms attractive enough to draw investment, especially foreign investment, in Vietnam's sea shipping industry.

- Maritime and support services: To modernize maritime and support services, to raise service quality and competitiveness to increase regional and world market shares.

To promote international cooperation on logistic service development (including seaports and logistic service areas) in Vietnam.




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To actively participate in and make effective use of activities of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). To work out a roadmap for Vietnam to join IMO councils and specialized committees by 2015.

To further international cooperation in training maritime officers, sailors and personnel, attaching importance to cooperation and joint venture with foreign partners that have great financial and market potential.

To continue signing and implementing maritime agreements with other countries as well as ASEAN's related agreements and protocols, and agreements on mutual recognition of maritime expertise certificates with other countries.

To boost international cooperation in seeking markets for the export of sailors and maritime officers on the basis of studying professional and long-term markets. To formulate programs to train and export maritime labor and. at the same time cooperate with international maritime organizations to make use of their assistance in training Vietnam's maritime personnel in general.

- Shipbuilding industry: To meet the demand for developing the fleet of seagoing vessels and serve other marine economic industries, especially security and defense, within the next 10-15 years. Vietnam's shipbuilding and repair industry should promote international cooperation and joint ventures with financially and technologically viable partners in order to create a breakthrough in its development. To strive for a localization rate of over 70% for newly built products.

To combine internal resources with imports and encourage foreign direct investment, attaching importance to technology transfer and development of downstream satellite industries. To prioritize cooperation on high added-value shipbuilding using high technology. To study and invest in shipbuilding enterprises overseas. To attach importance to environmental matters in developing the shipbuilding industry.

To expand international maritime cooperation, raise technical specification standards to bring ships domestically built, maintained or put into operation up to international standards.

c/ Sea tourism and island economic cooperation

- Sea tourism: To bring into full play internal resources and advantages and make use of external resources to develop sea-mountain-island tourism (which is not available in other regions) in order to create original quality tourist products and sen-ices attached to sea and island tourism peculiar for each area, region, having high quality and prestige or. the domestic and Southeast Asian tourist markets.




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To build materia, foundations for sea tourism: To invest in building synchronous and modem infrastructure works, especially those planned for nature urban development. To adopt open policies and increase joint ventures and associations in order to attract domestic and overseas investment in upgrading and building hotels in key tourist areas and major coastal cities. To develop recreational centers in coastal areas and on a number of islands. To make proper investment in restoring, upgrading and re-planning historical and revolutionary relics and cultural heritages to meet international standards on tourist sites.

To formulate and implement a long-term plan to develop and promote Vietnam's image and its sea tourism overseas in a professional manner: focusing on key tourist markets.

To carry out international cooperation in studying and formulating strategies, master plans, programs, schemes and projects on sea tourism development, attaching importance to developing tourism on islands, including Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagos.

To carry out international cooperation in building environmental observation and information systems in key or national sea tourist sites in order to promptly warn environmental impacts on sea tourism development.

To increase cooperation with regional countries in linking domestic tours: to expand cooperation with international tourist seaports in developing tourism by sea in a number of key spots such as Ha Long. Hue. Da Nang. Nha Trang. Vung Tau. Con Dao and Phu Quoc.

To increase cooperation in conserving and promoting typical cultural and ecological values in coastal and island areas for sea tourism development Initially, to concentrate on eco-cultural values of coastal world heritages: ecosystems of corals and seaweeds, mangrove forests in some national parks, biosphere reserves in coastal and island areas.

- Economic development on islands: In the upcoming years, the task of protecting national sovereignty and interests at sea requires higher awareness of all levels, branches and people about the sea and. at the same time, study and assessment should be conducted to work out stronger policies and measures to meet new requirements of the situation and tasks. To make further use of resources in terms of investment capital, labor, scientific and technological potential of branches and localities to develop marine economy in association with increasing the capacity of protecting national sovereignty and interests, marine natural resources and eco-environment. to increase international cooperation to develop marine economy and maintain regional peace and stability, creating a favorable environment for national construction and defense. In order to perform the above tasks, all levels, branches and localities should attach importance to the formulation of planning, plans and policies on. and use proper resources for. investment in marine economic development associated with consolidation of defense and security and protection of national sovereignty and interests. To increasingly formulate cooperation and confidence building mechanisms to avoid conflicts with regional countries.

To boost international cooperation activities to develop island economy in accordance with approved schemes on island development and other relevant regulations.

To assist the performance of military foreign relation task and cooperation with naval forces of regional countries in managing related sea areas.




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To increase international cooperation in protecting and reproducing marine resources. especially endangered precious and rare marine breeds and species, in studying fishing grounds in service of the planning on efficient and sustainable development of fisheries branches and trades. To study and participate in regional and world fisheries agreements.

Exploitation of marine resources: To join regional and international organizations concerning rights and responsibilities for exploitation of marine resources on seas and oceans. To cooperate in studying and transferring (importing) advanced technologies for exploitation of marine resources of high economic value: to cooperate with foreign partners in investing in modern technologies to discover fishing grounds for efficient fishing. To reduce coastal fishing, concentrate on fishing offshore and on international waters based on domestic enterprises or foreign-invested joint ventures.

Aquaculture and marine product processing: To boost research and applied research into technical, scientific and technological advances in aquaculture. processing and management in order to develop Vietnam's fisheries industry in its regional and world integration. To focus on research into and rapidly apply world and regional technical advances to marine breed production, rearing technologies, marine nutrition and rearing environment treatment: advanced technologies for offshore rearing of fish in cages, rearing on rafts, hanging frameworks and wires for mollusk species and seaweeds. To apply satellite technologies and geographic information systems (GIS) to the decision making for management of coastal aquaculture activities in Vietnam. To prioritize cooperation on research into planting marine pharmaceutical materials. To prioritize and encourage international cooperation in processing high added-value marine products.

Marine engineering: To boost cooperation on and transfer of shipbuilding technology using synthetic materials. to step by step export fishing vessels and equipment to other countries in the region and world.

To boost international cooperation on fisheries logistic services to raise the quality and value of exploited marine products.

To cooperate in investing in the development of fisheries infrastructure.

To study and improve regulations on fisheries cooperation associated with marine security with regional countries.

e/ Sea salt production cooperation To make intensive investment in. to study and organize the production of salt on advanced production lines at private enterprises and joint ventures with modem equipment and technologies for increased productivity and improved product quality to ensure sufficient supplies for industries. To form consolidated salt production zones with modem technologies for combination of quality sea salt exploitation with recovery of other products in sea water in order to raise the economic efficiency of Vietnam's sea salt industry.

To attract foreign investment in building a number of marine chemicals industrial parks accommodating enterprises producing high outputs of quality soda, hydrochloric acid and other base chemicals from sea salt in coastal areas of provinces from Da Nang through Soc Trang in order to meet future industrial development demand.




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To create every favorable condition for foreign investment in economic zones, especially those along the Tonkin Gulf coast, coastal industrial parks, export-processing zones and modem urban areas, paving attention to marine environment protection and natural disaster prevention.

g/ Marine natural resources and environment protection cooperation

To early perfect systems of legal documents or. marine natural resources and environment protection, taking into consideration international conventions on marine environment protection. To further study and accede to international conventions related to maritime safety and environmental protection and sign regional agreements to facilitate seaports in examining docking vessels in observing marine environment protection rules.

To increase international cooperation in investigating and assessing levels of harms to Vietnam's marine natural resources and environment: natural disaster forecast, marine environment pollution and impacts of fishing activities at sea.

To seriously implement signed international conventions and programs of action for the protection of marine environment and coastal zones and marine biodiversity, and maintenance of productivity and biodiversity of marine and coastal ecological systems and living creatures and hereditary natural resources.

To maintain the fishing output or recover to the utmost the sustainable feeding of present and future generations by applying the integrated coastal management (ICM) approach, to manage the ecosystem, determine sea protection zones, including measures against unsustainable fishing activities.

To continue making the utmost use of international assistance in maintaining and developing the operation of marine reserve networks as well as establishing new ones.

To prioritize international cooperation in treating wastes and gas discharged from marine economic activities, to implement the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol.

To actively carry out international cooperation in treating marine pollution caused by oil spills: To join the global observation system for sharing information on supervision and warning of natural disasters and environment through interpretation, visual analysis and marine radar systems to help early detect distant oil spills; to continue acceding to important treaties in this domain. To build capacity and apply active auditing diagrams of IMO member countries and implement IMO's other treaties and agreements to readily tackle pollution caused by oil and chemicals on the sea.




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To study and join the global observation network for rising seawater levels.

To step by step invest in uniform systems of equipment and means for detecting and tacking oil spills on the sea. Due to limited financial and personnel capacity, to initially consider hiring world services.

h/ Marine security and safety cooperation To increase participation in international political-security forums, especially regional ones on East Sea-related matters; to increase cooperation with pirate fighting bodies of other countries to master the situation at sea. fight sea pirates, smuggling and cross-border crimes: to coordinate in formulating legal grounds and mechanisms to handle related cases on the sea in accordance with. national and international laws while ensuring Vietnam's sovereignty rights and jurisdiction over the East Sea. including Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes.

To study cooperation with marine police and naval forces of other countries in such domains as training, joint patrol, search and rescue at sea, health. weather study and forecast on the basis of respecting sovereignty and territorial independence of each country.

To actively join regional countries in building stations to warn and prevent natural disasters, forecast and early warn possible natural disasters at sea; to reduce natural disaster consequences; to closely cooperate in coping with disasters, including post-disaster reconstruction and restoration.

To attach importance to implementing treaties on maritime security and safety to which Vietnam is a contracting party. To study and continue acceding to international conventions and regional agreements on marine security and safety assurance. From now to 2010, to initially study and accede to the 2005 Convention on Prevention of Illegal Acts Against Maritime Safety (amended) and the 1972 International Convention on Container Safety.

To increase international cooperation in protecting security and safety for. fighting and strictly handling all activities harming, international fiber optic cable routes running through Vietnam's territorial sea.

To increase international cooperation on rescue and search at sea and marine healthcare.

To carry out international cooperation in studying and building multi-purpose information systems on the sea.




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- Basic surveys on marine natural resources-environment: To boost research into and foreign cooperation on. scientific-technological application in service of basic surveys and forecast on marine elements, especially natural, natural resources and environmental ones, to provide a basis for formulating policies to manage marine natural resources and environment for sustainable development.

To continue international cooperation activities in scientific surveys and exploration on the continental shelf and Vietnam's Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes.

To promote international cooperation in establishing a system of precise nautical maps on sea areas, maps of islands and archipelagoes under Vietnam's sovereignty, to supply accurate data on the positions of islands, archipelagoes, landmarks of territorial sea boundaries, underground areas and fishing areas.

To actively expand international cooperation in building and completing systems of marine environment and coastal zone observation stations; to carry out international cooperation for continued construction and completion of Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems (D-GNSS) along Vietnam's coast in order to supply multi-branch information in service of maritime navigation, automatic control and weather forecast for Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes and the entire East Sea and for information supply for fishing vessels.

To invest in equipment for basic research and surveys on marine natural resources-environment, to apply scientific achievements and advanced technologies of developed countries suitable to Vietnam's conditions and simultaneously study marine science and technology contents.

To cany out international cooperation in studying and establishing fleets of vessels and sailors specialized in offshore and seabed research and exploration.

To raise the capacity of applying information technology to marine natural resources-environment investigations. To build a telecom information system on the basis of new achievements of the telecommunications and information technology industry; to build and manage a database on marine natural resources and environment on the basis of incorporating database of marine basic surveys and researches already conducted.

- Marine science and technology development: To prioritize investment in research and application of high technologies in direct service of the investigation and assessment of marine and coastal economic potential, and scientific research into and protection of defense and security at sea. To study and import world advanced technologies to rapidly put into practice in sea-related domains in Vietnam.

To proactively join and found international and regional organizations and forums for exchange of information and data on marine science and technology.




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To boost scientific-technological research and application in localities to increase the economy's investment efficiency, paying special attention to remote islands. To attach importance to international cooperation and technology- transfer for seawater desalination, transformation of seawater into fresh water, prioritizing environmently friendly technologies using less chemicals at reasonable operation costs.

To boost investment and international cooperation to develop scientific and technological potential of Vietnam's oil and gas industry and early reach the common level of the international oil and gas community. By 2010. to reach the regional scientific and technological level and world level in some domains related to prospecting and exploitation technologies and services.

To carry out international cooperation in formulating a system of world and regional common standards for assessment of science and technology levels of the oil and gas. sea shipping, tourism and other industries.

j/ Cooperation on marine and coastal socioeconomic infrastructure construction

- Seaport systems: Under the guideline of strongly developing national seaport systems, especially deepwater ports in three northern, central and southern regions and creating internationally interconnected major ports, to encourage and create every favorable condition for foreign investment in seaport development. To prioritize investment in building major deepwater seaports having an annual capacity of tens of millions of tons in key economic regions, creating a stimulant for national economic development and simultaneously acting as a key point for trade and sea shipping with Laos, northeastern Cambodia, northeastern Thailand and southwestern China. To increase professional ties between domestic major ports and regional and international ones.

To boost cooperation with major partners in building and exploiting seaports for the implementation of deepwater seaport projects already approved by the Government.

- Coastal airport systems: To call for both domestic and overseas investment in building a system of airports in coastal areas and on some islands and archipelagoes on the East Sea to increase international links. At the same time, to study and build infrastructure for managing and utilizing the airspace on the East Sea and formulate a system of documents on international cooperation to ensure Vietnam's air navigation operations on islands and archipelagoes on the East Sea.

- Coastal road construction: In addition to soft loans and official development assistance funds, to call for domestic and foreign investment in building sections of a coastal route (from Mong Cai to Ha Tien). developing routes of feeder roads linking this route with inland arterial roads, ensuring connection between coastal gates and major inland economic-urban and tourist centers, to build belt roads on islands.

- To increase international cooperation in building marine and coastal information and telecommunications infrastructure; to develop post and telecommunications networks and services on islands and in coastal regions.




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To increase cooperation in formulating and completing systems of laws, policies and state management institutions concerning the sea.

To study and cooperate in formulating Vietnam's integrated coastal management strategy.

To increase cooperation on planning on prevention and control of natural disasters, typhoons and floods for coastal areas in order to protect urban and residential areas and economic zones.

To boost international cooperation in planning and developing sustainable urban centers and areas in coastal regions; to cooperate in studying and formulating technical norms and regulations on marine and coastal works up to international standards.

To expand international cooperation for developing and completing a system of information and database on marine natural resources and environment to well serve the state management of the sea.

To continue international cooperation in training marine and coastal zone administrators.

l/ Cooperation on human resource training for sea-related domains For the oil and gas industry, to boost international cooperation in. training specialists in science and technology and technical industries and administrators qualified enough to manage oil and gas operations at home and abroad, ensuring the achievement of strategic oil and gas development objectives. To carry out international cooperation at training and research institutions of the oil and gas industry.

For the sea shipping industry, to increase international cooperation in training maritime officers and sailors; shipbuilding engineers; and in studying, building, managing and developing seaports. To early accede to the 2006 Convention on Maritime Labor of the International Labor Organization to improve the quality of Vietnamese sailors and serve as the basis for assuring their rights and obligations and facilitating the process of international economic integration.

For sea tourism, to boost international cooperation on training, initially on-the-spot training for tourism personnel and tour guides to reach regional and international standards. To encourage and develop cooperation relations between domestic tourism human resource training establishments and foreign ones as well as foreign tourism businesses; human resource cooperation relations between domestic and foreign tourism businesses, initially in the region. To boost the recognition of tourism skills of regional countries, first of all in sea tourism.




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To increase international cooperation in developing marine health and training marine medical workers.

To boost international cooperation in training marine scientists and technicians and those engaged in basic surveys on marine natural resources and environment, to prioritize the association of training with cooperation on research and transfer of technologies from developed countries. To conduct training and retraining to build a contingent of specialists, especially leading scientists and state administrators with high qualifications on marine natural resources and environment.

To attach importance to international cooperation in expanding training disciplines on the sea and oceanography.

Article 2.- Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall act as the key agency for general management of international cooperation at sea.

2. Ministries, agencies and major economic groups involving in international activities at sea shall formulate plans on international cooperation at sea. regularly report on the situation of their international cooperation at sea to the key agency for sum-up and submission to the Government.

3. Presidents of People's Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall direct the formulation of specific local projects for implementation of the Scheme on international cooperation at sea up to 2020; report it to the Prime Minister; and specify related tasks in their annual work plans.

4. The Ministry of Finance shall balance and ensure funds (including domestic contributed funds) for the implementation of the Scheme.

5. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall direct, examine and urge the implementation of this Decision: annually report on the implementation to the Prime Minister: and organize review conferences.




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1. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of coastal provinces and cities shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



Decision No. 80/2008/QD-TTg of June 13, 2008, approving the scheme on international cooperation at sea up to 2020.

  • Số hiệu: 80/2008/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 13/06/2008
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 09/07/2008
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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