Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 76/2004/QD-TTg

Hanoi, May 6, 2004





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the Minister of Construction,


Article 1.- To approve the housing develop-ment orientation till 2020 with the following principal contents:


1. To contribute to boosting the socio-economic development; satisfy the people's demands for lodging improvement; create a driving force for sustainable urban and rural development along the direction of industria-lization and modernization aiming to fruitfully achieve the basic objectives set in the Resolutions of the 5th and 7th plenums of the IXth Party Central Committee.




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3. To boost the development of housing funds for low-income earners (including officials, public servants, employees, laborers in industrial parks, students of universities, colleges, intermediate vocational schools and other social policy beneficiaries) to buy or rent depending on the specific conditions of each kind of subjects; to implement the policy of lodging improvement support for people of ethnic minority and households living in regions frequented by natural disasters.

4. To contribute to raising the quality of people's life; develop civilized and modern urban dwelling houses; to step by step improve the housing quality in the countryside, preserve and promote the national architectural identity, which is modern and suitable to the characteristics of each locality.


1. The housing development must comply with the planning approved by competent State bodies and with legal documents.

2. The housing development plan norms must be determined as basic norms of the socio-economic development plans of the country and of each locality. The housing development norms every year and in each period shall be eleborated in conformity with the socio-economic development conditions and characteristics of each locality.

3. To step by step renew the housing policies and legislation in comformity with the policy of developing the socialist-oriented market economy; the State shall play the directing role in the formation and development of the housing real estate market and at the same time adopt appropriate policies so that people of all strata have conditions to improve their lodgings.

4. The State management over the housing domain must be consolidated and enhanced through the formulation, perfection of the systems of mechanisms, policies and legal documents, renovate, restructure and perfect the managerial appratuses of the State management agencies, the operation model of consultancy organizations and enterprises participating in the activities in the domain of housing management and development.


1. On housing development in urban centers




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b) Developing diversified types of dwelling houses with different flooring spaces and conveniences for sale or lease in order to satisfy the market demands and the income conditions of people of different strata; encouraging the development of condominiums suitable to the specific conditions of each type of urban center in order to increase the housing fund, economize land, establish the civilized urban lifestyle; restricting then proceeding to put an end to the assignment of land to households and individuals for construction of dwelling houses;

c) The administration at all levels must strictly manage the construction and modification of single dwelling houses in urban centers strictly according to plannings, architecture, criteria, standards, landscapes, environment and other provisions of law;

d) The State shall adopt the policy of investment in construction of funds of dwelling houses for sale with deferred payment, for rent-purchase and lease to policy subjects meeting with difficulties in lodging improvement (hereinafter referred collectively to as the social housing funds);

e) Encouraging different economic sectors to participate in investment in housing development in urban centers according to law provisions;

f) Striving to achieve the average per-capita flooring space area of 15 m2 by 2010 and 20 m2 by 2020, and raise the quality of urban dwelling houses to the national standards.

2. On housing development in the countryside

a) Prioritizing the improvement and raising of the lodging quality of rural households (repairing, renovating and upgrading the current lodgings). Housing development in the countryside is closely associated with the development and upgrading of the technical and social infrastructure systems, ensuring their suitability with the production conditions, natural characteristics and living practices of each locality; efficiently using the available residential land fund in order to economize land;

b) Attaching importance to planning the construction of rural population spots for use as basis for construction of dwelling houses and the technical as well as social infrastructure systems according to plannings; encouraging the development of storeyed houses, the development of dwelling houses under projects in areas where the plannings have been already approved;

c) Promoting the capability of households and individuals in combination with the assistance and support of communities, family clans and economic sectors to achieve the target of improving the lodgings in rural areas;




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e) Completing the program on anti-flood house foundation raising, construction of dwelling houses in flood-prone population clusters in the Mekong River delta by 2005; striving to fulfill by 2020 the support program on lodging improvement for local households of ethnic minority people and social policy-enjoying households in the midland regions of the North, the coastal regions of the North, southern Central Vietnam, eastern South Vietnam, the Central Highlands and the Mekong River delta;

f) Striving to complete by 2020 the abolition of makeshifts (bamboo and palm leaf houses) in the countryside; to achieve the average per-head flooring space of 14 m2 by 2010 and 18 m2 by 2020 in the countryside.


1. The general solutions

a) To concentrate on stepping up the work of formulation, consideration and approval of construction plannings, particularly detailed planning and management of construction under plannings in urban centers in the spirit of the Prime Minister's Directive No. 19/2003/CT-TTg of September 11, 2003; to soon deploy the work of construction planning and management under plannings for rural population spots in order to have basis for managing the housing development according to plannings;

b) To study and promulgate regulations on housing standards, regulations on architectural management in order to manage house construction according to approved urban designs, aiming to ensure urban architecture order, contributing to the establishment and preservation of separate architectural identity of each locality;

c) To speed up the grant of house ownership and land use right certificates and land use right certificates so that households and individuals have conditions to exercise their rights as prescribed by law and to create conditions for development and efficient management of dwelling house market;

d) To renew the work of formulating and approving investment projects on house construction, the work of granting permits for house construction, meeting the requirements of management of house construction under plannings and the people's demands for lodging improvement;

e) To continue finalizing the credit mechanism suitable to Vietnam's conditions and interna-tional practices in order to create conditions for households and individuals to borrow capital in service of lodging improving demands;




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2. Solutions for a number of groups of specific subjects

a) Solution of creating conditions for policy households in urban areas to improve their lodgings:

- The State implements the policy of budget capital investment through the exploitation of land funds in form of auction of the land use right or bidding for projects using land in order to create capital in service of demand for resettlement house funds, social house funds.

- To promulgate specific mechanisms and policies, aiming to develop and efficiently manage the social house funds.

- To promote the establishment of housing development funds in order to meet the demands for development of dwelling houses in service of resettlement and social houses.

- To arrange and consolidate the model of organizing the performance of tasks of construction investment, exploitation and management of social house funds.

b) Solutions to the development of dwelling houses for workers laboring in industrial parks, students of universities, colleges, intermediate vocational schools:

- To organize the inspection, evaluation and specific identification of housing demands of laborers working in industrial parks, housing demands of students of universities, colleges, intermediate vocational schools in the localities so as to have basis for arranging plannings and plans for house construction suitable to local practical situation.

- To attach importance to planning on dwelling houses in service of industrial park development requirements; mobilize capital sources from enterprises, employ labor in combination of the contributions of laborers for investment in house constructions.




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c) Solution of supporting the improvement of dwelling houses for rural policy households meeting with housing difficulties:

- For areas frequented by natural calamities such as flooded areas in Mekong River delta and Central Vietnam region, the State shall render support with partical budget investment in combination with the policy of providing loans for the construction of essential infrasture systems, provide loans to households for purchase of dwelling houses.

- For the northern midland and mountainous regions; the coastal areas of the North, southern Central Vietnam, eastern South Vietnam and the Central Highlands, to adopt the policy of encouraging organizations and individuals of all economic sectors, population communities and mobilizing family clans to support and assist poor households with capital, materials and labor to improve their lodgings; at the same time to continue to study and supplement mechanisms and policies to create conditions to support people of ethnic minority, policy households and poor households meeting with housing difficulties on the principle that the State renders support, people do it themselves and local communities render assistance so that households improve their lodgings.


1. The Ministry of Construction shall have the responsibility:

a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, studying and drafting the Law on Dwelling Houses and submit it to the Government for consideration and submission to the National Assembly for promulgation in 2005;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for studying the formulation of a scheme on development and management of social-house funds and submit it to the Prime Minister in the fourth quarter of 2004;

c) To guide and urge the provinces and centrally-run cities in finalizing the formulation of the programs on housing development till 2010 and 2020;

d) To continue directing the implementation of the program on building population quarters and dwelling houses in flood-frequented areas in the Mekong River delta and the program on support for lodging improvement in other localities under the assignment by the Government;




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f) To organize the implementation of housing development orientation towards 2020; to monitor and annually report to the Prime Minister on the situation and results of implementation.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Development shall have the responsibility:

a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Construction Ministry, relevant ministries and localities in, studying the elaboration of housing development criteria, the budget plan every year and for each period in service of housing development and submit them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision;

b) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, studying the policies of encouraging foreign investors to participate in investment in housing development under the Investment Law.

3. The Finance Ministry shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Construction Ministry in, guiding the management and use of housing development funds of the provinces and centrally-run cities in 2004.

4. Vietnam State Bank shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Construction Ministry in, finalizing the credit scheme in the field of dwelling houses suitable to Vietnam's practical conditions and practice of the international financial-credit market for submission to the Government in 2004.

5. The relevant ministries and branches shall base on their functions and assigned tasks to expeditiously scrutinize, amend and supplement legal documents related to the field of housing development in order to redress the situation of land and house speculation; to step by step restrict and put an end to land and house transactions not through State bodies, and at the same time create conditions to encourage this market to operate efficiently.

6. The provincial/municipal People's Committees shall have the responsibility:

a) In 2004, to direct the functional bodies in studying the elaboration of housing development programs till 2010 and 2020; to formulate capital norms and plans for housing development every year and in each period in the localities; to organize the direction of implementation of set programs and plans in the localities; to amend, supplement and promulgate according to competence, mechanisms and policies to encourage housing development suitable to the practical conditions of each locality.




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c) To investigate and determine the housing demands of laborers working in industrial parks, students of universities, colleges and intermediate vocational schools in the localities in order to arrange plannings and plans on construction of dwelling houses suitable to the practical conditions of the localities.

d) To approve housing development programs, plans and plans on capital support from local budgets for housing programs and projects according to competence, to manage housing activities in the localities according to law provisions.

Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 3.- The ministers of Construction, Finance, Planning and Investment, Science and Technology, Natural Resources and Environment; the Governor of Vietnam State Bank, the presidents of the provincial/municipal People's Committees and the heads of he concerned ministries and branches shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai


Decision No. 76/2004/QD-TTg of May 6, 2004 approving the housing development orientation till 2020

  • Số hiệu: 76/2004/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 06/05/2004
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Phan Văn Khải
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 02/06/2004
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Ngưng hiệu lực
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