Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 603/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 14, 2006





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 08/2005/ ND-CP of January 24, 2005, on construction plannings;
At the proposal of the Management Board of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone, Kon Turn province, in Report No. 17/TT-BQLCKBYof February 7, 2006, and of the Construction Ministry in Report No. 07/TTr-BXD of April 6, 2006, regarding the tasks of adjusting the general planning on construction of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone, Kon Turn province,


Article 1.- To approve the tasks of adjusting the general planning on construction of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone, Kon Turn province, up to 2025, with the following principal contents:

1. Scope of research: Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone, Kon Turn province, covering Plei Kan district township, the border urban zone and 6 communes of Sa Loong, Dak Kan, Bo Y, Dak Su, Dak Nong and Dak Due, with a total land area of around 68,570 ha.

2. Characteristics: Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone is a combined center situated in the East-West economic corridor in the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia development triangle, holding an important economic, social, security and defense position.




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a/ Population:

- By 2015, there will be around 150,000 people, of whom urban dwellers will be around 100,000.

- By 2025, there will be around 290,000 people, of whom urban dwellers will be around 220,000.

b/ Land area:

By 2015, land for urban construction will be around 9,000 ha; and by 2025, around 15,000 ha.

4. Orientations for spatial and landscape architecture development:

a/ Orientations for spatial development:

- To the north: along Ho Chi Minh road.

- To the south: along National Highway No. 14C.




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- To the west: along National Highway No. 40, Roads A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 toward the borders with Laos and Cambodia.

b/ Functional sub-zones:

- The commercial and industrial zone will be located in Dak Su commune along National Highway No. 40; Roads A1 and A2 contiguous to Bo Y commune.

- The international border-gate management and control zone will be located in Bo Y commune under the planning on the central zone (Zone I) in the approved planning project.

- Urban zones, including 4 principal zones below:

+ The eastern zone, embracing Plei Kan district township, which is expanded along Ho Chi Minh road to the area contiguous to Dak To district.

+ The western zone, which stretches along National Highway No. 40 from Dak Su and Bo Y communes to the area contiguous to the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border area.

+ The southern zone, which is situated along National Highway No. 14C, Sa Loong commune and Agricultural Farm No. 732 (of Army Corps 15).

+ The northern zone, which is located around 5 km from the center of Plei Kan district township, along Ho Chi Minh road to the area contiguous to Dak Glei district.




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- Areas for agro-forestry development will be located intermingledly in the entire Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone.

- Airport: To research and determine the location and land area reserved for construction of an airport in Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone so that investment can be made in due course.

5. Orientations for technical infrastructure development planning:

The planning on technical infrastructure of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone shall comply with the promulgated standards and regulations and the criteria set in the Government's Decree No. 72/2001/ND-CP of October 5, 2001, on classification of urban centers and urban management levels.

6. Planning products:

The dossier for adjustment of the general planning on construction of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone up to 2025 shall be drawn up under the Government's Decree No. 08/2005/ND-CP of January 24, 2005, on construction plannings, and the Construction Ministry's Circular No. 15/2005/TT-BXD of August 19, 2005, guiding the formulation, evaluation and approval of construction plannings.

7. Schedule of formulation, evaluation and submission for approval of the planning:

- Research for the formulation of the project: from April to September 2006.

- Reporting for comments of concerned ministries, branches and localities: October 2006.




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- Completion of the dossier and submission for approval: December 2006.

8. Formulation, evaluation, submission and approval of the planning:

- Approving body: the Prime Minister.

- Evaluating agency: the Ministry of Construction.

- Managing and submitting agency: the Management Board of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone.

- Investor of the planning project: The Management Board of Investment Projects in Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone.

Article 2.- To assign the Management Board of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone to:

- Formulate a project on the adjustment of the general planning on construction of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone up to 2025 according to the approved planning tasks.

- Promulgate a Regulation on construction management following the approval of the project on the adjustment of the general planning on construction of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone.




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Article 3.- This Decision takes effect after its signing.

The Ministries of Construction; Planning and Investment; Finance; and Trade, the Management Board of Bo Y International Border-Gate Economic Zone, the People's Committee of Kon Turn province, and concerned ministries and branches shall have to implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



Decision No. 603/QD-TTg of April 14, 2006, approving the tasks of adjusting the general planning on construction of Bo Y international border-gate economic zone, Kon Tum province, up to 2025.

  • Số hiệu: 603/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 14/04/2006
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 14/04/2006
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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