Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 52/2009/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 9, 2009





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 27/2007/NQ-CPof May 30, 2007, promulgating the Government's action program for realization of Resolution of the fourth plenum of the X'1' Party Central Committee on Vietnam's Sea Strategy till 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Health,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on population control in sea, island and coastal regions in the 2009-2020 period, with the following principal contents:

1. The Scheme's objectives:

a/ General objectives:




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b/ Specific objectives:

- The population of sea, island and coastal regions will not exceed 32 million by 2010, 34 million by 2015 and 37 million by 2020.

- The rate of married couples in fertility age group in sea, island and coastal regions taking modern contraceptive measures will reach 70% by 2010 and 72% from 2015 to 2020.

- The rate of people working and living in islands or coastal areas, industrial parks, export processing zones, tourist resorts and economic zones in sea, island and coastal regions, who have access to mother and child care services, reproductive healthcare and family planning services, will reach 60% by 2010. 80% by 2015 and 95% by 2020.

- The rate of children in sea. island and coastal regions who are deformed or defected due to metabolic disorder or heredity, will annually drop about 5% on average in the 2011-2020 period.

- To promptly supply sufficient and accurate information and data on population and family planning in sea. island and coastal regions, meeting the requirements of management and administration of the population and family planning program and the formulation of national and local socio-economic development planning and plans till 2020.

2. Time, scope and subjects of implementation of the Scheme:

a/ Implementation time:

- Stage I (from 2009 to 2015): To strive for a replacement birth rate in the whole region; to raise population quality; to raise the quality of mother and child care, reproductive health and family planning services; to experiment then widely develop a number of models: to organize activities to support the provision of mother and child care, reproductive health and family planning services.




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b/ Implementation scope: In 148 districts, towns and provincial cities (102 rural districts. 8 urban districts. 9 towns. 17 coastal provincial cities and 12 island districts) of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities (defined in the enclosed appendix, not printed herein).

c/ Subjects:

Persons working and living on islands, in coastal areas, industrial parks, export processing zones, tourist resorts or economic zones of the island, coastal and sea regions; giving priority to married couples in fertility age group, youths and people living and working in river mouth or coastal areas.

3. Major tasks and activities of the Scheme:

a/ To meet the mother and child care and family planning demands in the sea, island and coastal regions:

- To organize district-level mobile healthcare-family planning teams to conduct communication and provide advice and services on mother and child care and family planning as well as reproductive healthcare in island and coastal communes, and communes with over 5,000 immigrating workers in industrial parks, export processing zones, tourist resorts, economic zones, sea ports, dry docks or fish ports who which do not fully have conditions to provide regular and quality services on mother and child care, reproductive healthcare and family planning.

- To raise the capabilities of health workers and provide vehicles and additional medical equipment for district-level mobile healthcare-family planning teams within the scheme implementation scope.

- To build up various forms of providing information and advice on reproductive healthcare and family planning and supplying condoms and contraceptive drugs for persons working on sea before their long sea voyages, upon their landing and arrival in dry docks in coastal communes where have many people working on sea. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; supply of equipment for counseling points; face-to-face counseling; and supply of communication materials, condoms and contraceptive drugs.

- To build up various forms of mother and child care, reproductive healthcare and family planning services for inhabitants on islands relying on civil and military medical establishments on islands without mother and child healthcare, reproductive health and family planning establishments. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; training and technical transfer; provision of services; support of funds for counseling, provision of services and referral of sick people to higher-level hospitals; and additional supply of medical equipment for service points.




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b/ To raise population quality for children born in sea, island and coastal areas

- To develop various forms of providing services on counseling, medical checks-up, examination of high-risk elements directly affecting pregnancy and growth and health of unborn babies for pre-marriage couples in communes of coastal and island districts with a population of over 5,000. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; training and technical transfer: face-to-face counseling to and community-based management of target groups; provision of financial supports for medical examination and treatment, tests of Rh (Rhesus) element, hepatitis B virus and other elements; and supply of essential equipment and facilities, supplies and testing chemicals.

- To provide healthcare supports for pregnant mothers of high-risk groups in coastal areas in order to prevent high-risk elements directly affecting the normal growth of unborn babies due to impacts of the marine environment in communes of coastal and island districts with a population of over 5.000. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; training; face-to-face counseling; financial supports for medical examination and treatment, referral of policy beneficiaries and poor people to higher-level hospitals; and sum-up of data on pregnant mothers in communities.

- To build up intervention models to ensure the normal growth of unborn babies and the health of pregnant women living and working in submerged areas, lagoons and estuaries in coastal communes. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; training in mother and child care and family planning skills; communication, mobilization, face-to-face counseling for and community-based management of target groups; financial supports for medical examination and treatment and referral of policy beneficiaries and poor people to higher-level hospitals.

c/ To provide supports for prevention of and fight against sexually transmitted diseases and prevention of unexpected pregnancy and safe abortion:

To build services on counseling, supply of information, knowledge and skills on prevention of unexpected pregnancy, safe abortion, prevention of and fight against of sexually transmitted diseases for unmarried persons aged 15-24 who do not go to school, are unemployed or underemployed in coastal communes and communes with industrial parks, export processing zones, tourist resorts, economic zones, dry docks, fish ports or wharves or seaports. Major activities cover building and development of pilot models; publication and supply of manuals and leaflets; skills training; organization and maintenance of peer club or group activities; medical examination, counseling and reproductive healthcare services; supply of condoms and contraceptive drugs.

d/ To establish and complete management information systems:

To establish and operate systems of specialized databases on population, family planning, reproductive healthcare, mother and child health care for district islands with a population of 1,000 or over and coastal districts: to satisfy management information needs of different levels covered by the Scheme. Major activities cover need surveys and establishment of systems of criteria for management information; installation of station computers, servers and links, development of software: personnel training and technological transfer; collection, processing, storage and use of information.

e/ To intensify and raise the effectiveness of communication on population, mother and child health care, reproductive healthcare and family planning:




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f/ To raise the scheme management effectiveness:

To develop monitoring and evaluation indicators; to formulate monitoring and evaluation frame and tool kits; to survey and evaluate initial, mid-term and term-end basic information; to organize domestic and overseas surveys and study tours; to organize periodical monitoring activities and technical assistance; to conduct surveys, study and evaluation; to organize seminars and conferences on implementation of annual plans and preliminary and final reviews; and to carry out other managerial activities to raise the capacity to organize and effectively implement the Scheme.

4. Fund for the scheme implementation:

The fund for the scheme implementation is incorporated in the fund for implementation of the national target program on population and family planning and comes from other sources according to regulations.

5. Scheme management and administration mechanisms

The scheme management and administration mechanisms comply with regulations on management and administration of national target programs and relevant current regulations.

6. Organization of the scheme implementation

a/ The Ministry of Health:

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, concerned ministries and branches and People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities in. directing the scheme implementation.




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- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs in, settling matters related to reproductive health and family planning for married couples at high risk of infection with hereditary diseases or Agent Orange.

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Defense in. providing information, counseling and services on mother and child health care, reproductive healthcare and family planning for army men and civilians living and working on islands.

b/ The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the

- Ministry of Health in. balancing and distributing resources for the Scheme; formulate mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources for the scheme implementation; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health and concerned agencies in, guiding the People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities in effectively integrating the Scheme with the national target program on population and family planning and other national target programs in an area (from formulation to implementation of plans).

c/ The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in. allocating budgets for ministries, branches and localities to implement the Scheme, based on the annual state budget capability, and include them in the fund for implementation of the national target program on population and family planning and report thereon to the Government for submission to the National Assembly for decision; guide, inspect and examine the use of funds for the scheme implementation in accordance with the State Budget Law and relevant laws.

d/ The Ministry of Education and Training shall effectively carry out activities on population, reproductive healthcare and gender education inside and outside schools in areas covered by the Scheme.

e/ The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall incorporate the population contents into programs on agricultural, forestry and fishery extension and rural development in areas covered by the Scheme.

f/ Other ministries and branches shall coordinate with the Ministry of Health and the People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities in implementing the Scheme within the scope of their assigned tasks.

g/ The People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall:




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- Effectively incorporate the Scheme into the national target program on population and family planning and other national target programs in their respective localities (from formulation to implementation of plans); regularly inspect the scheme implementation in localities; observe regulations on annual reporting on the scheme implementation in their localities.

h/ The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations and socio-professional organizations are requested to participate in the scheme implementation within the scope of their activities.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect on May 25, 2009.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of the People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Thien Nhan



Decision No. 52/2009/QD-TTg of April 9, 2009, approving the scheme on population control in sea, island and coastal regions in the 2009-2020 period

  • Số hiệu: 52/2009/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 09/04/2009
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Thiện Nhân
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 25/05/2009
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Chưa xác định
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