Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 40/2006/QD-TTg

Hanoi , February 15, 2006




Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 161/2003/QD-TTg o fAugust4, 2003, promulgating the Regulation on training and re-training of cadres and civil servants;
At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,


Article 1.- To approve the plan for training and re-training of cadres and civil servants in the 2006-2010 period with the following principal contents:

1. Trainees

a/ Administrative civil servants who are working in state agencies from the central to district level.

b/ Cadres and civil servants of communes, wards and district townships (hereinafter referred to as commune-level cadres and civil servants for short).




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2. Training and re-training objectives

To furnish and improve knowledge and capability to manage, administer and perform duties for administrative civil servants and commune-level cadres and civil servants with a view to building up a contingent of professional cadres and civil servants who have good qualities and sufficient capabilities to perform their duties and devotedly serve the country and the people.

In the 2006-2010 period, the training and re-training of administrative civil servants and commune-level cadres and civil servants aim to achieve the following specific objectives:

a/ For administrative civil servants:

- To provide adequate knowledge according to set criteria to leading and managerial civil servants and civil servants of intermediate-level professional staff, specialist, principal-specialist and senior-specialist ranks;

- To strive for the target that by 2010, 100% of administrative civil servants shall be provided with professional skills meeting civil-service requirements and capable of fulfilling their assigned tasks with quality; civil servants of all ranks shall be provided with knowledge about civil-service culture, responsibilities and ethics;

- To provide training and re-training for to be-appointed and incumbent leading and managerial personnel; to ensure that by 2010, 100% of department-, provincial/municipal service- and district-level leading civil servants shall be provided with leading and managerial skills and skills of coordinating the settlement of inter-branch matters;

- To plan, train and re-train a contingent of top experts in state management of various domains.

b/ For commune-level cadres and civil servants:




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- To provide title-based training and re-training for chairmen of commune-level People's Councils and presidents of commune-level People's Committees;

- To strive for the target that by 2010, 100% of commune-level civil servants shall be professionally trained so as to be fully capable of fulfilling their assigned tasks, of which the number of civil servants of immediate or higher level in cities, delta and mountainous areas shall account for 95%, 80% and 70%, respectively;

- To provide training and re-training in professional skills for part-time cadres in communes, villages and population groups.

3. Contents of training and re-training

a/ Domestic training and re-training

- For administrative civil servants, their training and re-training in this period shall concentrate on the following specific contents and requirements:

+ To conduct pre-civil-service training for reserve civil servants. Those who have passed civil-servant recruitment examinations must be trained in knowledge about state administration, law, civil-service skills and ethics of civil servants right in the first year after recruitment;

+ To conduct training and re-training in political theories, state management and informatics knowledge for civil servants of intermediate-level professional staff, specialist, principal-specialist and senior-specialist ranks to meet the set criteria; in ethnic minority languages for cadres and civil servants working in areas inhabited by ethnic minority people; and in foreign languages for civil servants involved in international cooperation and international economic integration work;

+ To provide training and re-training in professional skills for civil servants of all ranks;




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+ To continue training and re-training source staff to constitute a contingent of top experts in state management domains who have qualifications and capabilities to advise on and propose major guidelines and policies, branch socio-economic strategies or local general socio-economic schemes.

- For commune-level cadres and civil servants:

+ To train and re-train full-time cadres in general education, political theories and professional qualifications to meet the set criteria;

+ To train and re-train chairmen of commune-level People's Councils and presidents of commune-level People's Committees in professional knowledge and skills;

+ To train and re-train commune-level civil servants in professional knowledge and skills of primary or higher level;

+ To provide training and re-training in informatics for commune-level full-time cadres, with special priority given to presidents of commune-level People's Committees and commune-level public servants; in ethnic minority languages for commune-level full-time cadres working in areas inhabited by ethnic minority people;

+ To train and re-train full-time and part-time cadres in cadres' and public servants' ethics; a sense of law observance in living and working and the attitude of respecting and serving the people.

- To train and re-train People's Council deputies of all levels of the 2009-2014 term to improve their knowledge and working skills.

b/ Overseas training and re-training




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Training contents cover human resource management knowledge, skills and experience; policy making; organization and administration of the administrative system, and international economic integration.

In the 2006-2010 period, to strive to send about 1,000 trainees for training and re-training in developed countries or developing countries having similar conditions as Vietnam.

4. Solutions

a/ To raise the quality and efficacy of managing the work of training and re-training cadres and civil servants, covering the following contents:

- To further urge, supervise and inspect the implementation of the Regulation on training and re-training of cadres and civil servants, issued together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 161/ 2003/QD-TTg of August 4, 2003; to thoroughly decentralize the training and re-training of civil servants provided for in this Regulation. To continue the study, elaboration and promulgation of documents guiding the work of training and re-­training cadres and civil servants, creating a proper mechanism for ministries, branches and localities to take initiative in well organizing training and re-training activities;

- To ensure training and re-training work is performed in a planned manner. Training and re-training of administrative civil servants and commune-level cadres and civil servants, especially long-term training and overseas training and re-training courses, must be associated with the planning on their employment;

- To formulate criteria for ensuring and evaluating the quality of training and re-training, and conduct post-training and re-training quality evaluation.

b/ To reform programs on training and re-training of administrative civil servants and commune-level cadres and civil servants:

- For programs on training and re-training of administrative civil servants: To formulate 3 types of training and re-training program, including rank-based training and re-training program; title-based training program and refresher training program to meet  specialized knowledge demands.




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+ Title-based training programs are short-term training programs providing leadership and managerial skills for every leading position;

+ Refresher training programs to meet specialized knowledge demands are short-term programs for civil servants engaged in different professional domains.

- For programs on training and re-training of commune-level cadres and civil servants: apart from programs on professional training of immediate and higher levels (including also programs on administrative training and political-theory training of immediate level) which shall comply with the Education and Training Ministry's regulations, to amend, supplement or formulate programs of the following types:

+ Programs on training and re-training in specialized knowledge and skills for commune-level civil servants who have not yet been given such training;

+ Programs on re-training in state management knowledge for commune-level cadres and civil servants;

+ Training and re-training programs for chairmen of commune-level People's Councils and presidents of commune-level People's Committees;

+ Programs on training in state management knowledge for part-time cadres in communes, villages and population groups.

c/ To promote the building and raising of the quality of the contingent of lecturers. In building a contingent of lecturers in the 2006-2010 period, raising their quality shall be the key content. To satisfy such requirement, the following tasks should be performed:

- To provide capacity-building training and re-training for staff lecturers in professional knowledge and modern pedagogic methods on the principle that lecturers of cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments must be basically trained in the subjects they are teaching. To study and formulate policies for, organize training of reserve lecturers, and develop a mechanism of sending lecturers to engage in practical activities;




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- To formulate policies to attract well-trained and experienced cadres and civil servants who have teaching capability to work as lecturers for cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments.

d/ To reorganize, consolidate and expand the system of cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments:

- To formulate a system of standards for each type of cadres' and civil servants' training and re training establishments, suitable to their assigned functions and tasks. Investment in state cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments must be determined as a regular, stable and long-term task;

- In 2006, to completely elaborate and promulgate documents on organization and operation of cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments of ministries and branches, ensuring their uniform, stable and long-term operation;

- To strengthen, and raise the operation capacity of, the National Institute of Public Administration, building it into a national center for training leading and managerial officials;

- To enhance the operation capacity of provincial-level political schools and district-level political training centers in terms of material foundations and lecturing personnel; to ensure that these establishments shall have adequate conditions for effectively carrying out assigned training programs which employ modern teaching methods;

- To expand the network of establishments engaged in training and re-training cadres and civil servants by involving academies, institutes, universities and companies at home and abroad in capacity-building training and re-training for cadres and civil servants.

e/ To promote and raise the quality of international cooperation in training and re-training cadres and civil servants. International cooperation in training and re-training activities must be both intensive and extensive, based on the strength of each country in each domain, thereby to elaborate medium- and long-term strategic plans for cooperation in training top administrative experts.

5. Funds for implementation




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Article 2.- Organization of implementation

1. Ministries, branches and provincial/municipal People's Committees shall have the responsibilities:

- To base themselves on this Decision's contents to draw up specific plans for training and re-training cadres and civil servants in the 2006-2010 period, specifically for administrative civil servants, commune-level cadres and civil servants and deputies to People's Councils of all levels (forwarding their copies to the Ministry of Home Affairs for monitoring) and organize the implementation thereof;

- To make stable and long-term plans for investment in consolidating and building cadres' and civil servants'training and re-training establishments under their respective management;

- To take initiative in coordinating with the Ministry of Home Affairs and concerned agencies in training staff lecturers of cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments to raise their quality; formulate and implement policies towards part-time lecturers of cadres' and civil servants training and re-training establishments of ministries, branches and localities.

2. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall have the responsibilities:

- To guide, urge and supervise the implementation of this Decision; monitor and sum up the planning and progress of training and re­-training activities under plans by ministries, branches and localities; and periodically report thereon to the Prime Minister;

- To step up the elaboration of legal documents in the domain of training and re-training of cadres and civil servants, create appropriate mechanisms for ministries, branches and localities to take initiative in training and re-training cadres and civil servants for agencies and units:

+ To build a system of standards for training quality assurance and evaluation and conduct post-training and re-training quality evaluation;




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+ To reorganize programs on training and re­-training administrative civil servants and commune-level cadres and civil servants to meet the requirements specified at Point b, Clause 4, Article 1 of this Decision; to develop programs according to its competence and urge ministries, branches and localities to develop assigned programs;

- To formulate, promulgate, and direct the implementation of, plans for building contingents of staff lecturers for cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments, concentrating on raising their quality, enriching their experience and improving their teaching methods. To direct and guide ministries, branches and localities in developing contingents of part-time lecturers;

-To study, and advise on, the building of a system of cadres' and civil servants' training and re-training establishments for ministries and branches;

- To formulate and submit to the Prime Minister for approval a strategy on training and re-training of cadres and civil servants in the 2010-2020 period;

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Invesment in, formulating and organizing the implementation of, plans for overseas training and re-training of cadres and civil servants;

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, reviewing 3 years' implementation of the 2006-2010 plan for training and re-training cadres and civil servants by 2008, review and evaluate implementation results by 2011.

3. The Ministry of Finance shall enhance supervision and inspection of the management and use of funds for training and re-training cadres and civil servants; to study the amendment and supplementation of regulations on regimes and policies on the use of funds to suit the new situation; take responsibility for balancing and allocating funds for the implementation of this Decision.

4. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs in building, and submitting to the Government for approval and assignment total annual norms and 2006-2010 five-year norms for training and re-training cadres and civil servants.

5. The Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and concerned agencies in, studying the formulation of mechanisms and policies on providing general education for commune-level cadres and civil servants.




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Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 4.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of Government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai



Decision No. 40/2006/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister of Government, approving the plan for training and re-training of cadres and civil servants in the 2006-2010 period

  • Số hiệu: 40/2006/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 15/02/2006
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Phan Văn Khải
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 15/03/2006
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Chưa xác định
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