Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 366/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 20, 2009





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Political Bureau's Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of February 17, 2005, on building and development of Can Tho city in the period of national industrialization and modernization;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Report No. 9423/TTr-BKH of December 29, 2008, on the Plan for further implementation of the Political Bureau's Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of February 17, 2005, on building and development of Can Tho city in the 2009-2015 period,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Plan for further implementation of the Political Bureau's Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of February 17,2005, on building and development of Can Tho city in the 2009-2015 period.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect 45 days from the date of its signing.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of the People's Committee of Can Tho city shall implement this Decision.




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Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Prime Ministers Decision No. 366/QD-TTg of March 20, 2009)

On February 17, 2005, the Political Bureau issued Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW on building and development of Can Tho city in the period of national industrialization and modernization (below referred to as the Resolution), setting forth orientations and tasks for development of Can Tho city up to 2020.

Based on results of 3 years' implementation of the Resolution, the Prime Minister adopted the Plan for further implementation of the Resolution up to 2015, aiming to soon develop Can Tho city into a grade-I urban center and basically an industrial city with an important role in the development of the entire Mekong River delta.


1. Public information about and thorough study of the Resolution




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Ministries and branches have studied and proposed programs, plans and projects and collaborated with the city in the implementation thereof. The southern key economic region's provinces and cities have also collaborated with one another in implementing the Resolution, therefore, almost all the issues and tasks mentioned in the Resolution have been performed with clear achievements, though at different extents of performance.

2. Situation of implementation of the Resolution

After the Resolution was issued, on March 15, 2005, the Party Committee of Can Tho city issued Plan No. 10-KH/TU, on implementation of the Resolution. The Party Committee of Can Tho city and Party Committees at all levels have held cadres' conferences to disseminate, and guide the implementation of. this Plan and direct the city's Services and branches in formulating 10 programs and 4 schemes on socio-economic development and security and defense maintenance up to 2010 and orientations toward 2020, in order to concretize development orientations. tasks and implementation solutions in each branch and domain for achieving the set objectives and tasks.

In addition. Can Tho city has sent many delegations of officials to report directly to the Government, ministries and central departments and branches on local advantages, disadvantages and challenges in the course of implementation, which require the formulation of key programs and projects of breakthrough nature and pervasive influence in the Mekong River delta's localities, and enhanced cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City and these localities in developing external economic cooperation so as to mobilize more resources for socio-economic development.

a/ Achievements

- Socio-economic development

The city's economy has developed in a stable manner; proactive measures have been taken to promote the city's resources and advantages for socio-economic development; greater attention has been paid to growth objectives and economic restructuring toward industrialization and urbanization, step by step raising competitiveness and accelerating international economic integration.

Economic growth has been maintained at a high rate (15.79% in 2005, 16.2% in 2006 and 16.27% in 2007); the average per-capita income reached USD 1,212 in 2007, up USD 550 against the 2004 figures.

The economic structure has been shifted toward increasing industrial and service value proportions. In 2007, the agricultural value accounted for 15.15%, industry-construction, 41.23%, and services, 43.62%, of GDP (compared to 2004, these proportions were down 5.61% in agriculture, up 2.82% in industry-construction, and up 2.8% in services).




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- Planning and planning management, urban construction and management have been paid attention to and seen progresses, contributing to boosting socio-economic development. Many branch and domain plannings have been formulated or reviewed, adjusted and supplemented to comply with the Resolution. The city has initially collaborated with the Mekong River delta's localities in efficiently tapping local potential and advantages, especially in planning and mechanism-and policy-making, for implementing inter-provincial projects in the delta.

- Branch and domain development

Industrial production: More social resources have been mobilized for industrial development, making the annual industrial production value increase 24.8% on average during 2005-2007. In 2007, this value grew 30.7% and 94.4% over 2006 and 2004, respectively. Investment has been concentrated on industrial products with competitive advantage, generating a great added value and attracting intensive labor. A number of enterprises have succeeded in building their brands with product quality up to international standards.

Services have been diversified, meeting production and business development requirements and people's life demands. The service sector's added value in 2007 was up 62.2% over 2004 and contributed 43.62% to the city's GDP. Transportation, post and telecommunications, financial, banking, insurance, audit, consultancy and scientific and technological services have strongly developed, contributing to boosting economic growth and step by step turning Can Tho city into a big service center in the Mekong River delta.

Agricultural and rural economy has developed and gradually been restructured toward hi-tech agriculture and formation of raw-material zones for the production of high-quality commodities. Production has been restructured in nearly 60% of agricultural land area; higher agricultural mechanization rate and application of biotechnology and advanced cultivation techniques have contributed to increasing agricultural production efficiency toward commodity production. Investment in and development of rural infrastructure (education, healthcare, irrigation, transport, flooded areas' population clusters, electric grids, clean water supply) have contributed to stabilizing the life of rural inhabitants.

- Cultural and social affairs: Economic development has been associated with social progress and equitability, better settling social issues and improving the material and spiritual life of people. Positive achievements have been seen in building a cultured life and maintaining a healthy cultural environment. Over 3 years (2005-2007). 6 more cultured communes, wards and agricultural farms had been recognized (bringing the total number of such communes, wards and farms to 31); 201.(XX) households (accounting for 73.93% of total households) had satisfied cultured family standards. Grassroots culture and information institutions had been enhanced, many relics renovated and embellished, and grassroots cultural movements and art performances had developed in a number of localities and units: many traditional cultural forms had been restored (amateur music and song performances, unicorn dance, imperial palace music, etc.). Physical training and sports movements have been widely organized with the number of people regularly doing physical exercises accounting for 21.17% of the population. More attention has been paid to the selection and training of athletes with an aptitude for sports in clubs and schools.

- Education and training has seen rather comprehensive developments, striving for the target that by the end of 2008, upper secondary education and intermediate vocational training universalization will be basically completed; the quality of trained human resources for industrialization and modernization has been further improved.

- Healthcare: The effectiveness of national target healthcare programs has been raised and the socialization of people's health protection and care has been promoted. Epidemics have been effectively prevented and controlled, ensuring that all people will be provided with basic healthcare services and have access to high-quality healthcare services.

- Defense and security: The city has properly performed the task of associating socio-economic development with consolidating defense and security, building firm defensive zones, maintaining national sovereignty, political stability and social order and safety.




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- Administrative reform has been improved, state management effect and efficiency raised and clean and strong administrations at all levels built; discipline in the political system has been maintained.

However, there remain some limitations and shortcomings which need to be addressed in the near future.

b/ Limitations and shortcomings in the implementation of the Resolution

- Achievements have not yet been on par with the city's position and role; resources, especially local resources, and advantages have not yet been properly tapped for development investment, and attracted foreign investment capital remains low; new breakthroughs in development investment have not yet been made; development investment socialization remains weak and domestic budget revenues remain low; capital-raising channels have not yet been diversified; financial incentives under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 42/2006/QD-TTg have not yet been brought into play.

- The rate of economic growth and restructuring toward industrialization and modernization remains low; growth quality and competitiveness poor; the investment environment unattractive; econo-technical infrastructure poor and incomplete. The city's role as a key economic center with dynamic development in the entire delta in the spirit of the Resolution is limited. Planning and planning management and urban construction and management are not up to the requirements for accelerated industrialization and urbanization and building of a civilized city.

- Results of implementation of a number of programs and specific tasks: development plannings, plans, mechanisms and policies of ministries and central branches in the city were slowly adjusted to comply with the Resolution. A number of ministries and branches fail to closely and promptly collaborate with the city in working out comprehensive mechanisms, policies and measures to promote to the utmost the city's internal resources for the performance of the set tasks.

- The quality of human resources remains unsatisfactory, failing to meet social requirements; pressing welfare issues, especially jobs for rural laborers, have not properly settled; social evils and criminals remains complicated.

- Administrative reform fails to meet requirements; the operation quality of the political system and cadres remains poor, failing to meet task requirements; state management and land management remain problematic.

- The life of people in a number of areas, especially flooded areas and areas inhabited by Khmer people, still faces numerous difficulties; some social and welfare affairs remain complicated and have been inefficiently settled.




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a/ To rapidly realize the Resolution, it is necessary to renew methods of studying and disseminating the Resolution to all entities; combine the study with institutionalization and concretization of the Resolution and promptly formulate specific action programs, plans and schemes with appropriate steps and roadmaps; and associate the concretization of the Resolution with its effective implementation;

b/ Comprehensive and appropriate mechanisms and policies must be formulated and the city's internal resources promoted;

c/ All resources must be promoted and effectively tapped, paying special attention to internal resources and making use of external resources, for the attainment of the set objectives;

d/ Importance must be attached to personnel work; the leading and combating capacity of Party committees, cells and members must be constantly enhanced; at the same time, the effect and efficiency of the state management by administrations at all levels and the operation quality of organizations in the political system must be raised;

e/ Collaboration between the city and ministries, central branches and localities in the delta is an important factor contributing to successfully fulfilling the objectives set in the Resolution.


1. Objectives

- To build and develop Can Tho city into a national-level grade-I city in the Mekong River delta by 2010 and basically an industrial city by 2020: an industrial, trade-service, tourist, education-training. science-technology, healthcare and cultural center; a key defense and security zone in the Mekong River delta and the whole country; an important intra-regional and international transport hub; and a development hotspot as a motive force to promote the development of the entire Mekong River delta. To build and strengthen the political system and improve people's life.

- To closely combine socio-economic development with maintenance of defense and security, political security and social order and safety in all circumstances.




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2. Key tasks

- To properly plan and build the city civilized, modem and sustainable.

- To take advantage of all opportunities, tap and promote to the utmost all potentials and advantages for fast and sustainable economic development, and raise efficiency and competitiveness on domestic and international markets; to accelerate economic restructuring toward industry-service-hi-tech agriculture. To regard protection of natural resources and the environment for sustainable development as a key and regular task of administrations at all levels and functional branches in accelerating national industrialization and modernization.

- To mobilize resources, prioritizing state budget capital for fast urban infrastructure and construction development. Investment capital is planned to come from local and central budgets, investment credit and savings of people and domestic and foreign enterprises in the city.

- To have investment capital, the city should apply different capital raising solutions, mainly promoting internal resources. To create a favorable investment environment and conditions for different economic sectors to make investment; to diversify forms of capital raising and generation. To mobilize to the utmost domestic resources, especially those of Ho Chi Minh City and other localities in the southern key economic region; at the same time to step up investment mobilization and promotion for attracting foreign investment from all sources (FDI. ODA. NGO and overseas Vietnamese). To prioritize the use of capital from land funds for urban and industrial-infrastructure development.

- To develop human resources in a comprehensive manner so that Can Tho city will lead the Mekong River delta in human development index and by 2010, its index will be similar to that of large cities in the country; to increase training and retraining for improving qualifications and qualities of cadres, civil servants and workers.

3. Major targets

a/ Up-to-2010 period

- To strive to bring the annual average GDP growth rate to 15.9%, of which the annual average GDP growth rate of services will be around 15.8%; industry-construction. 20.6%; and agriculture-forestry-fishery. 3.6%. The economy will be restructured toward industrialization and modernization with services accounting for 45.59, industry-construction, 40.77%, and agriculture-forestry-fishery, 13.64% by 2010, and the average per-capita GDP reaching USD 1,767.




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- Export turnover will reach around USD 940 million by 2010, with the annual average growth rate of 18.4%.

- The budget revenue collected in the city will reach VND 4.2 trillion by 2010, of which the annual domestic revenue will increase over 15% on average.

- Total social investment will be VND 80 trillion during 2006-2010, around VND 14 trillion/year on average, up 27%/year, of which FDI capital will account for 3.28%.

- To attract over 1.2 million tourist arrivals by 2010, up 20%/yeair on average.

- To attain national standards on upper secondary education universalization by 2010.

- The natural population growth rate will be around 1.06% by 2010.

- The rate of poor households will drop to around 5% by 2010 (according to the current poverty line).

- To generate over 43,000jobs/year, an increase of 10.18%/year on average. To reduce the urban unemployment rate to below 3%, while increasing the rate of rural work time to 85% by 2010. To increase the rate of trained labor at different levels to over 40% of the total labor in working age by 2010. By 2010, the labor structure will be 40%, 25% and 35% in services, industry-construction and agriculture-forestry-fishery, respectively.

- The urban population rate will be 62% by 2010.




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b/ The 2011-2015 period

- The annual GDP growth rate will reach 17.1% on average, specifically, that of the service sector will increase 16.2%; industry-construction, 20.6%; and agriculture-forestry-fishery, over 6%. The economic structure by 2015 will be: services: 42.32%; industry-construction: 51.35%; and agriculture-forestry-fishery: 6.33%.

- The industrial production value will increase 19.69%/year on average; and the agricultural-forestry-fishery production value, 6%/year.

- Export turnover will reach around USD 2.389 billion by 2015.

- Total social investment will be around VND 158.465 billion during 2011-2015.

- The budget revenue collected in the city will reach VND 14,371 billion by 2015.

- To attract around 1,875 million tourist arrivals by 2015.

- The natural population growth rate will be around 1 %/year on average.

- The number of poor households (classified according to the new poverty line) will be minimal.




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- The urban population rate will be 65% by 2015.

- To ensure that 100% of urban households and over 90% of rural households will have access to hygienic water and 100% of households daily-life electricity; 90% of communes will reach national standards on commune healthcare.

- To basically complete a modern system of infrastructure to be on a par with that of developed cities in the region.

4. Major solutions

a/ To intensively promote public information on the implementation of the Resolution in different forms, in combination with public information on implementation of the Resolution of the X"1 National Party Congress and the Resolution of the city's XIth Party Congress, creating a new breakthrough development for Can Tho city in the years to come. To collaborate more closely with ministries, branches, localities in the delta and press agencies in disseminating and introducing via the mass media the contents, action programs and implementation results, thereby raising awareness about the importance of the Resolution for socio­economic development of Can Tho city.

b/ To improve, amend and supplement mechanisms and policies:

- To further review, adjust and supplement socio-economic development plannings, branch plannings, detailed plannings on urban spatial development and land use plannings to comply with the Resolution.

- To formulate strategies to develop leading and key industries in the city; mechanisms and policies to develop industrial parks and complexes; mechanisms and policies on agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization; incentive mechanisms and policies to promote investment in developing hi-tech services.

- To formulate policies to support enterprises in protecting natural resources and the environment, selecting environmental treatment technologies for application to production, and making investment in environmental treatment.




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- To study the comprehensive revision of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 42/2006/QD-TTg of February 16, 2006, on a number of incentive financial and budgetary mechanisms for Can Tho city, with a view to mobilizing all resources for the city development investment. To expeditiously formulate and submit for approval projects for the tasks set in the Resolution in order to efficiently use state budget capital and capital of other sources; to make investment portfolios in the periods up to 2010 and 2015 in the direction of concentrating on and prioritizing key projects with great influence and capital recoverability. To improve budget management mechanisms and accelerate the socialization of socio-cultural activities.

- To formulate mechanisms and policies for investment in developing material and technical facilities and modern key laboratories; to build scientific and technological service networks; to develop information technology and biotechnology; to conduct science and technology transfer in socio-economic domains; to comprehensively develop monetary, capital, securities, real estate and labor markets with a view to diversifying and developing services with a high added value.

- To promulgate mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to organize job-training courses or institutions at enterprises; at the same time to step up linkage between enterprises and job training institutions, combining theoretical teaching with practical learning at enterprises, forming a skilled workforce meeting development requirements.

- To study and propose inter-regional development mechanisms and policies to attract investment, develop industries and tackle environmental issues on the basis of promoting advantages of each locality and the role of the Mekong River delta as a growth pole.

- To renew mechanisms of managing and methods of providing public services; to reorganize non-business activities into public services provided under the market mechanism; to study and formulate mechanisms and policies to encourage and create favorable conditions for individuals and foreign parties to develop public service establishments. To accelerate the application and development of information technology, prioritizing the development of information technology to support other industries and accelerate industrialization and modernization. To invest with the city's resources and cooperate with other localities in raising investment capital in developing a regional-level trade center, trade centers in some urban and rural districts, marketplaces, especially major marketplaces for agricultural and fishery products, and regional-level warehouses and distribution centers, and at the same time expand the trading networks of enterprises in urban and rural areas with a view to promoting trade development toward gradually heightening the role of the regional-level trade center.

- To study and formulate other mechanisms and policies on organizational apparatuses and personnel suitable to a grade-I urban center. To step up administrative reform and raise the operation efficiency of state management agencies at all levels.

c/ To attract more resources for infrastructure development investment

- To concentrate resources on increasing investment scale and efficiency and improving the investment and business environment; to adopt incentive mechanisms and policies to encourage all economic sectors to invest in the city's important works and strongly attract foreign investment capital sources. To enhance international cooperation and take advantage of resources under sub-regional cooperation programs, promote and attract investment from provinces, cities, foreign investors and overseas Vietnamese in the city's socio-economic development.

- To work out solutions to raise the use efficiency of resources, such as raising the effectiveness of construction investment management, using investment capital sources in a concentrated and planned manner, and preventing losses and waste in investment; to raise the capacity of investment management agencies and investors in parallel with intensifying inspection, supervision and handling of violations. To plan and build resettlement areas and urban areas for the city's projects and central projects implemented in the city.




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d/ To accelerate industrialization and modernization:

- To build infrastructure and develop Can Tho city into a national-level urban center; an industrial, trade-service, tourist, education-training, science-technology, healthcare and cultural center and an important intra-regional and international transport hub; a key area of strategic defense and security position of the Mekong River delta and the whole country in line with the Resolution.

- To develop the city's industry in a rapid, qualitative and efficient manner, gradually raising its position in the Mekong River delta and the whole country, creating a prerequisite for building and developing a number of industries of hi-tech content and high added value. To step up industrial restructuring, form and develop raw-material zones and train high-quality human resources for industrial development. To accelerate the implementation of projects to build industrial park and hi-tech park technical infrastructure under planning in order to attract investment. To attach importance to investing in and developing such key industries as agricultural and fishery product processing, cement, steel, mechanical products, equipment, electronic equipment and components, computer software, high-grade construction materials, new materials, biotechnology, textiles and garments, and leather and footwear. To facilitate and encourage high-quality export and consumer-goods production industries and allied industries with a view to increasing the localization rate of products. To restore traditional craft villages to efficiently operate, and form agricultural industrial clusters and point in association with service, agricultural and rural development. To enhance cooperation and step up the application of advanced technologies, goods standards as well as quality and environment management systems so as to raise production efficiency, expand markets and proactively protect the eco-environment.

- To strongly develop services, especially potential ones, attaching importance to developing traditional services and expanding new services. To strongly develop such advantageous services as trade-import/export, tourist, financial, banking, insurance, transport, post and telecommunications, real estate business and securities trading floors to better meet social demands.

- To step up investment advertisement, promotion and attraction for tourist development. To further invest in and soon complete tourist infrastructure; to develop new tourist services: and to build a tourist service professional secondary school.

e/ To develop agricultural production:

- To review and assess the current situation of agricultural land use and preserve reasonable agricultural land for stabilizing production and ensuring food security, whereby adjusting land funds for the development of industries, service-trade, urban areas and resettlement areas up to 2015.

- To develop agricultural production and rural economy in the direction of producing farm produce of high quality and yield under sustainable multi-cultivation models on the basis of developing hi-tech agriculture: to form and develop specialized farming and intensive farming areas in association with the processing industry, meeting the requirements of boosting export and providing hi-tech agricultural services. To rapidly apply scientific and technical advances and new technologies to production; to build irrigation systems and mechanize agricultural production.

- To pay attention to developing non-agricultural trades in rural areas; to continue implementing the policy on development of a multi-sector economy and mobilize all resources for production development in association with agricultural production reorganization and rural economic development.




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f/ To accelerate urbanization so as to build Can Tho city into a grade-1 urban center

- To further review and adjust the master plan on building Can Tho city up to 2025: to make a master plan on administrative units, establishing new urban and rural districts. To mobilize all resources, prioritizing budget capital, for accelerating the construction of comprehensive socio-economic infrastructure and modernizing urban infrastructure, such as transport, electricity supply, water supply, information and communication, environmental sanitation and public-service works, up to grade-I urban center standards.

- To build and develop rational a network of urban centers linking with the delta's urban centers (including cities and towns in the Mekong River delta provinces), deserving to be civilized and modern urban centers imbued with cultural identities of the Mekong River delta.

- To accelerate urbanization in association with agricultural and rural economic restructuring; to develop comprehensive and sustainable rural socio­economic infrastructure. To further upgrade and improve rural transport networks and embank canals and ditches, electricity and water supply, information and communication and environmental sanitation systems, educational institutions, healthcare establishments and cultural and physical training-sports places: to step by step diversify forms of vocational training suitable to rural labor characteristics; to enhance the maintenance of social order and safety in rural areas.

- To manage and rationalize population distribution in the city and mobilize people of all strata to join in building and managing green, clean and beautiful urban centers and a civilized urban lifestyle.

g/ To develop culture, education-training, healthcare, sports and science and technology

- To build Can Tho city into a highly qualified human resource training center of the Mekong River delta and the whole country. To build modern material facilities for a number of universities in the city, such as- Can Tho University. Can Tho Medicine and Pharmacy University. To increase qualified teachers who can meet requirements, apply advanced training programs and assure international-level training conditions.

- To adopt mechanisms and policies to encourage the training and development of postgraduate talents in the branches and domains identified in the city's development strategy up to 2010-2020; to implement the scheme on enhancing vocational training capacity (under the national target program on education and training); to further implement the scheme on overseas training of postgraduate human resources during 2005-2011 (Can Tho Scheme-150) with a view to training human resources for Can Tho city and the Mekong River delta.

- To consolidate and improve the planning on networks of preschools and general schools (including ethnic minority boarding schools) in association with the planning on residential clusters. To implement the program on standardization of material facilities at preschools and general schools. To attract 20% of children in kindergarten age and 80% of children in preschool age (99.5% of 5-year preschool children) in schools; to increase the rates of primary school pupils, lower secondary pupils and upper secondary pupils in prescribed age to 99.5%, 98% and 50-55%. respectively. To increase the annual rate of enrolment of professional secondary students by 15-20% and the rate of trained people to 35% by 2010 and 65% by 2015.




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- To step by step build Can Tho city into the delta's healthcare center. To promote the effectiveness of national target programs on healthcare, striving for the target that all people will be provided with quality basic healthcare services. To consolidate and gradually improve grassroots healthcare networks; to develop healthcare human and technical resources to satisfy people's healthcare demands. To mobilize resources from all economic sectors for building healthcare establishments, hospitals, private medical diagnosis centers and international hospitals. To build specialized hospitals under the Resolution and the Prime Minister's Decision No. 42/2006/QD-TTg for better satisfying healthcare demands of people in Can Tho city and the Mekong River delta.

- To step up the reorganization, renewal, socialization and development of vocational training networks; to prioritize the development of vocational training at 3 levels (elementary, intermediate and collegial) with a view to raising the quality of production workers to meet the city's socio-economic development requirements. To develop vocational training colleges and secondary schools under planning. To build Can Tho vocational college into a leading high-quality college in the Mekong River delta in order to provide highly qualified workers for the city, other provinces in the delta and foreign countries. To increase the rate of trained labor to 54-55% and provide long-term vocational training for some 7,500 people or more. To increase the annual enrolment levels of professional secondary schools by 15-20%; to increase the enrolment levels of colleges and universities in the city and expand training disciplines to meet social needs. To complete the planning on vocational training institutions. To encourage enterprises to participate in human resource training.

- To provide vocational training for agricultural and rural laborers and ethnic minority young people, especially those in areas specializing in tree planting and animal rearing. To adopt policies to shift labor from agriculture to non-agricultural trades, especially in areas where agricultural land is planned to be converted into industrial and urban land.

- To further reform regimes on public duties and civil servants. To renew the training and retraining of civil servants and employees. To clearly define responsibilities of each cadre and civil servant. To implement the Government's Decree No. 158/2007/ND-CP on the list of work positions subject to periodical change of holders and the terms for change.

- To socialize and mobilize resources for effectively implementing national target programs on culture, and diversify sources of investment capital for cultural development and renovation and conservation of cultural works, historical relics and cultural heritages; to build regional-level Tay Do cultural center for educating about traditions and organizing festivals as well as tourist, recreation and entertainment activities. To attach importance to raising the quality of the "All the people unite to build a cultured life" campaign. To raise the quality of broadcasting, television and press; to diversify broadcasting and television services for disseminating guidelines and policies of the Party and State and reporting in time economic and social life activities.

- To continue the grassroots physical exercise movement and launch the "All the people do physical exercise following Uncle Ho's example" campaign. To accelerate the planning and construction of a region-IV physical and sports training center in Can Tho city in order to develop high-achievement and advantageous sports for the entire delta and build Can Tho city into a sports center of the Mekong River delta.

- To properly perform the state administration of tourism; to advertise and promote tourism and collaborate with other localities in organizing tourist promotion events and with agencies in increasing tourist advertisement in the mass media and overseas.

h/ To associate economic development with social advancement and attach importance to better addressing pressing social issues

- To create jobs while improving work quality and increasing laborer incomes, regarding this a regular task of all socio-economic development programs in the city; to support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises, especially labor-intensive ones. To supply labor market information and build a labor supply-demand database as a basis for policy making, labor-employment management and vocational training planning to supply laborers to enterprises, industrial parks and socio-economic development programs and projects in the city. To pay attention to sending guest workers and renew the training of laborers before sending them abroad.




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- To implement children's rights, ensuring that children in special circumstances are protected and taken care of; to create a safe and healthy environment for children's all-sided development; to prevent and eliminate child abuse risks.

- To closely control, prevent and stop social evils; to improve the outcome of the campaign on building communes and wards free from social evils in combination with the "All the people unite to build a new cultured life" campaign.

i/ To enhance environmental protection and assure sustainable development

- To study and collaborate with concerned central and local agencies in applying specific measures to implement the Law on Environmental Protection and include environmental protection issues in plannings, plans, programs and projects right from their formulation.

- To enhance environmental protection and minimize pollution in residential areas and industrial parks; to raise the quality and effectiveness of managing and protecting water sources and environment in river basins; to closely control groundwater exploitation and properly address rural clean water and environmental sanitation issues; to step up waste collection, treatment and recycle; to accelerate the construction of the city's consolidated wastewater and rubbish treatment systems; to take measures to improve the quality of air in urban centers and industrial parks.

- To raise the capacity to evaluate environmental impact assessment reports of investment projects and supervise environmental protection from the time of formulation of investment projects to the time of putting the projects into production. To further supervise the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 328/2005/QD-TTg of December 12, 2005, on the national plan to control environmental pollution up to 2010, and Decision No. 64/2005/QD-TTg on the plan to thoroughly handle seriously polluting establishments.

- To promote public information for raising environmental awareness of management agencies at all levels and all the people for properly implementing the sustainable development strategy. To socialize and diversify forms of investment in environmental protection and integrate rational exploitation of natural resources and environmental protection into socio-economic development target programs.

j/ Defense and security

To build all-people defense and defense posture in association with firm people's security posture; to enhance the fight against crimes and law violations in the city. To maintain political stability and social order and safety and prevent and defeat all sabotage tricks of hostile forces; at the same time, the armed forces are ready to successfully deal with all possible complicated circumstances.




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- To direct more resolutely the accelerated implementation of objectives and tasks in the spirit of the Resolution and clearly define key tasks and issues for concentrated direction; to specify the implementation schedules and responsibilities of ministries, central branches and People's Committee of Can Tho city as assigned.

- To consolidate and raise the state management capacity of ministries, branches and Can Tho city in each specific domain with a view to enhancing effective administration.


1. Ministries, government-attached agencies, provinces and cities

Ministries and government-attached agencies shall regularly collaborate with Can Tho city in adopting centralized and specific administration mechanisms and enhancing coordination between the central and local levels in order to implement the Resolution, focusing on:

a/ Studying the promulgation of mechanisms, policies and solutions for raising development investment capital for the city to fulfill the requirements and tasks set forth in the Resolution;

b/ Working out specific plans for implementing the Resolution; assigning specific tasks to functional agencies assisting in the formulation of sectoral development plannings. plans, mechanisms and policies in Can Tho city;

c/ Further decentralizing power to the city in implementing the objectives and tasks set forth in the Resolution; concentrating investment resources for soon completing key projects and works identified in the Resolution;

d/ Monitoring, urging and reviewing the implementation of the objectives and tasks set forth in the Resolution and annually reporting thereon to the Prime Minister.




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The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall:

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in adjusting the socio-economic master plan during 2009-2015 with a vision toward 2020.

- Add to the planning on development of Vietnam's industrial parks up to 2010 and orientations toward 2020 a list of industrial parks in Can Tho city, facilitating the construction and formation of specialized ones.

- Formulate development investment plans up to 2010 and 2015 in compliance with the Resolution.

- Study and formulate specific mechanisms and policies applicable to grade-I urban centers. Include the contents of Can Tho city's development planning in regional and national development strategies and plannings; promote and attract investment from big domestic and foreign groups and companies in hi-tech product manufacture projects and technical infrastructure projects in the city.

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with the Ministry of Finance in. balancing development investment capital sources, including annual budgets, government bonds, capital for national target programs. ODA, targeted central-budget supports, for implementing infrastructure projects mentioned in the Resolution. Notice No. 180-TB/TW of August 28, 2008. on the Party Secretariat's conclusions, and the Prime Minister's conclusions following his working meetings with leaders of Can Tho city since 2005.

- Collaborate with the Ministry of Finance in supporting Can Tho city to establish investment funds and raise capital on domestic and foreign capital markets.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in mobilizing, seeking and prioritizing ODA sources for investment in key works and projects in the city.

- Allocate targeted central-budget funds for ground clearance for the State's important projects and works in the city to serve the Mekong River delta.




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- Further apply incentive budgetary and financial mechanisms to Can Tho city under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 42/2006/QD-TTg and revise these mechanisms to be more complete and suitable to the city's development requirements and compliant with current law.

- Collaborate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in submitting to the Government for consideration and decision the additional allocation of targeted central-budget capital for local budgets to implement projects listed in the Resolution.

- Submit to the Government the partial allocation of legal capital for the formation of the city's development investment fund, provide guarantee for the city to take loans and issue project bonds for implementing important infrastructure projects.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in working out plans and organizing their implementation in order to turn Can Tho city into a financial center of the delta and the whole country.

The Ministry of Transport shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with Can Tho city and direct investors in. further improving investment procedures with a view to accelerating the construction of key works, such as upgrading Tra Noc airport into an international one; upgrading and expansion of Can Tho ports; upgrading and expansion of Cai Cui port, phase II; renovation of Dinh An fairway; dredging of Quan Chanh Bo canal. Can Tho II bridge and Can Tho bridge feeder-road.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city, ministries and central agencies in further improving procedures for accelerating the implementation of the following projects: a road linking Vi Thanh town, Hau Giang province, with Can Tho city; upgrading of national highway 91 (including the new car terminal-Tra Noc section); a project to link national highway 91 with southern Hau river route and national highway 1A section with national highway 80 and Bon Tong-Mot Ngan route; and Mau Than-Tra Noc airport section.

The Ministry of Construction shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with Can Tho city in. reviewing and adjusting the master plan on building Can Tho city up to 2030 in association with the planning on O Mon-Co Do new urban center; and support Can Tho city to be recognized as a grade-I urban center by 2010.




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The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for, support and collaborate with Can Tho city in, formulating schemes and projects for implementing the planning on Can Tho city's industrial development up to 2020, contributing to building Can Tho city into a large industrial center of the delta and the whole country.

- Boost development collaboration and cooperation in such activities as production management and support, trade and investment promotion, industrial extension, market control, export, and human resource training cooperation. To develop clean and sustainable hi-tech industries of high grey-matter content and enhance deep-processing for increasing the value of commodities.

- Devise a mechanism for coordination between it and Can Tho city in formulating and implementing plannings and plans on industrial and trade development in compliance with laws, mechanisms and policies of the State.

- Accelerate the implementation of its units' existing large industrial projects in the city. Direct its corporations and units to increase investment in the city-based projects.

- Collaborate with and support Can Tho city in building a regional-level trade center and developing e-commerce in order to turn the city into a really big trade center of the whole country.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

- Support Can Tho city in implementing projects to develop hi-tech agriculture, meeting industrialization and modernization requirements and develop areas specializing in commodity agricultural production and irrigation and hygienic daily-life water supply systems in rural areas, contributing to economic, rural and agricultural development toward modernization and urbanization.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city, ministries and central agencies in further improving procedures for accelerating the investment in projects on Hau river-Can Tho river embankments, Tra Noc river embankments, O Mon river anti-landslide embankments, dredging of Thot Not canal, and Thot Not township protection embankments.




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The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall:

- Collaborate with and support Can Tho city in formulating plannings and plans on the use of land in urban and rural districts and plannings on exploration, exploitation and use of water and mineral resources in the city.

- Guide Can Tho city in conducting strategic environmental assessment for strategic projects and development plannings and plans for stable and sustainable development in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in adjusting and supplementing land use plannings.

The Ministry of Home Affairs shall:

- Step up administrative reform and assist Can Tho city in training state administrators for industrialization, modernization, modern urban management and socio-economic development so that the city can become an industrial, trade-service, tourist, education-training, science-technology, healthcare and cultural center of the Mekong River delta.

- Guide Can Tho city in completing the adjustment of administrative boundaries, separation, split-up and establishment of new urban districts, rural districts, communes and wards suitable to the city's characteristics and conditions in order to stabilize the boundaries of district- and commune-level administrative units beyond 2010.

The Ministry of Health shall:

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with concerned branches and Can Tho city in, improving the mechanism for socialization of healthcare activities, creating conditions for other sectors to join in developing healthcare networks in order to better satisfy demands for healthcare and prevention and control of social diseases and dangerous epidemics; properly implement and guide food hygiene and safety and HIV/AIDS prevention and control work in the city in the context of industrialization and modernization.




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- Collaborate with Can Tho city in adjusting and supplementing the planning on hospitals in the delta and the city.

The Ministry of Education and Training shall:

- Collaborate with and support Can Tho city in improving the quality of human resources, associating economic development with social advancement and equitability. addressing social issues and improving people's material and spiritual life; consolidate the quality of lower secondary universalization and accelerate upper secondary education universalization. Introduce partners for and facilitate the construction and development of international schools at all educational levels in Can Tho city. Build Can Tho city into a human resource training center of the Mekong River delta.

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with Can Tho city and concerned ministries and agencies in planning, building and developing universities and colleges in the city in line with the approved planning on education, training and vocational-training development in the Mekong River delta up to 2020.

The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:

- Build scientific and technological potential for Can Tho city to step by step conduct science and technology transfer and application in the delta. Support the implementation of the city's big scientific and technological projects; build a technology application center of the Mekong River delta in the city; collaborate with and support the city in planning and building a hi-tech park.

- Work out a plan and implementation steps for developing Can Tho city into a science and technology center of the Mekong River delta; build scientific and technological potential for the city to gradually become the delta's science and technology transfer and application center. Support the implementation of the city's big scientific and technological projects; build a technique and technology application center of the Mekong River delta in the city. Collaborate with and support the city in planning and building a hi-tech park.

- Assume the prime responsibility for, and collaborate with Can Tho city in, accelerating the construction of central works in the city, e.g., a biotechnology institute.

The Ministry of Information and Communication shall:




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- Attract investment in Can Tho city so that it will become a center for manufacturing information technology products for domestic consumption and export.

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

- Guide Can Tho city in reviewing the capacity of existing vocational training institutions and adjusting the planning on networks of vocational training institutions in the city to comply with the Law on Vocational Training and meet labor demands for socio-economic development of the city and the entire delta; support to build Can Tho Vocational College into a regional high-quality vocational college. Support investment in a job transaction floor, ensuring coordination, uniformity and linkage with other floors in the region and the country. Support and create conditions for the city to get information on overseas labor markets in order to facilitate labor export, and introduce prestigious enterprises to select local laborers to work overseas as guest workers.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in adjusting and supplementing the planning on vocational training schools.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall:

- Collaborate with the People's Committee of Can Tho province in implementing the project on Tay Do Cultural Center for educating traditions and organizing festivals and tourist, recreation and entertainment activities for the entire Mekong River delta. Allocate capital from the national target program on culture for renovating and embellishing national historical and cultural relics in the city.

- Collaborate with concerned ministries and branches in assisting Can Tho city to develop tourism in the city and successfully organize the National Phu Dong Sports Festival in 2012; study the increase of investments in national big projects on tourism in the city and improve procedures for building a physical training and sports center in the Mekong River delta; support the city in accelerating investment in physical training and sports service facilities and developing key sports.

- Assume the prime responsibility for. and collaborate with Can Tho city and direct investors in. accelerating the construction of central works in the city, e.g., a national physical training and sports center of the Mekong River delta.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in adjusting and supplementing the planning on regional relics and tourist sites.




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The Ministry of Defense shall:

- Collaborate with and support Can Tho city in increasing its defense potential and maintaining political stability and security as well as social order and safety; build Can Tho city into a firm defensive zone and a key area of strategic defense and security position of the Mekong River delta and the whole country.

- Collaborate with Can Tho city in working out a plan on combination of economic and defense activities in the city, especially in important defensive locations; collaborate in planning land for defense purposes in the city, ensuring socio­economic development while consolidating and increasing its defense potential.

The Ministry of Public Security shall collaborate with the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Steering Committee for the Southwestern Region and the Party Committee and People's Committee of Can Tho city in implementing the Resolution; identify plots, intentions and activities of hostile forces and crimes in the southwestern region in general and Can Tho city in particular; prevent, detect, fight and defeat all hostile forces' sabotage plots and activities aiming to incite secessionism, contributing to political stability maintenance and socio-economic development in Can Tho city.

Other ministries and agencies shall, based on their functions, tasks and powers defined by the Government, collaborate with concerned ministries and branches in supporting Can Tho city to efficiently implement specific objectives and tasks mentioned in this Plan in order to further successfully implement the Resolution.

1. Can Tho city shall:

- Further direct the expeditious implementation of its programs and schemes to implement the Resolution. Direct the city's services, departments and branches, based on their functions and tasks, to review, examine and supplement this Plan for its efficient implementation.

- Periodically review and assess the implementation of the Resolution in order to promptly supplement the Resolution (important priority projects during 2009-2015 on the attached list).

2. In the course of implementation of this Plan, ministries, government-attached agencies and the People's Committee of Can Tho city should report necessary amendments or supplements to the Prime
Minister for consideration and decision.




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(Attached to the Prime Ministers Decision No. 366/QD-TTg of March 20, 2009)


1. Upgrading and expanding national highway 91's section linking Tra Noc port and national highway 80

2. Upgrading and expanding Can Tho port cluster

3. O Mon Electricity Center

4. Upgrading and expanding Cai Cui port (phase 2)

5. Renovating Dinh An fairway and dredging Quang Chanh Bo canal

6. Can Tho 2 bridge




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8. Upgrading Can Tho University into a national key multi-disciplinary university

9. Architecture University

10. Technique and Technology University

11. International (High Quality) University

12. Region-IV Politics-Administration Institute

13. Biotechnology Institute

14. Physical training and sports center of the Mekong River delta

15. Regional vocational training college

16. Tourism secondary school of the Mekong River delta




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18. Can Tho Medicine and Pharmacy University

19. Hi-tech healthcare center

20. Can Tho bridge feeder road


1. Upgrading national highway 91 (including the new car terminal-Tra Noc port section)

2. Mau Than-Tra Noc airport road (including Rach Ngong I bridge)

3. Bon Tong-Mot Ngan route

4. Motorways to centers of communes (22 communes)

5. Can Tho-Vi Thanh road (the section running through Can Tho city)




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7. A route linking the arc highway with national highway 80

9. Expanding Quang Trung-Cai Cui road

10. Building a bridge over and road running through Khuong hillock

11. Upgrading roads leading to the Southern Industrial Park and Cai Cui port, phase II (the Can Tho-Cai Cui Bridge Crossroad section under the project on the southern Hau river national highway)

12. Tra Noc-Lo Buc-Thoi An Dong and Phong Dien-national highway 91 routes

13. Embankments to prevent landslides in Chai Hamlet, Tra Nien river. O Mon river, Tra Noc river and Thot Not township

14. Dredging Thot Not canal

15. Embanking Can Tho river

16. Building infrastructure of Thot Not. O Mon and northern O Mon industrial parks




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18. Can Tho City General Hospital (500 patient beds)

19. Can Tho Cardiovascular Hospital

20. Can Tho Otorhinolaryngology Hospital

21. Can Tho Pediatrics Hospital

22. Can Tho Odonto-Stomatology Hospital

23. Can Tho Oncology Hospital

24. Can Tho Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Hospital

25. Can Tho Obstetrics Hospital

26. Can Tho Central Preventive Medicine Center




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28. Traditional medicine hospital

29. District and regional general hospitals

30. Medicine, cosmetics and food testing center

31. HIV/AIDS prevention and control center

32. Tay Do Cultural Center

33. Technical and technology application center of the Mekong River delta region

34. O Mon District Cultural Center (Khmer Cultural Center)

35. Can Tho Plastic Surgery and Functional Rehabilitation Center

36. Can Tho City Job-Placement Center




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38. Providing supports for newly separated or split-up rural districts, urban districts, communes and wards

39. Transport Training School of the Mekong River delta

40. Tay Do center for testing drivers and granting driver licenses (under the Transport Training School of the Mekong River delta)

41. Upgrading Can Tho city (WB)

42. Water drainage and wastewater treatment in Can Tho city (WB)

43. Thoi Thuan-Thanh Loc road (WB5)

44. Oil refinery (of a capacity of 2 million tons/ year)

45. Law University

46. Foreign Languages University.-




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Decision No. 366/QD-TTg of March 20, 2009, promulgating the plan for further implementation of the Political Bureau''s Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of February 17, 2005, on building and development of Can Tho city in the 2009-2015 period

  • Số hiệu: 366/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 20/03/2009
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 04/05/2009
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Chưa xác định
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