Để sử dụng toàn bộ tiện ích nâng cao của Hệ Thống Pháp Luật vui lòng lựa chọn và đăng ký gói cước.
No: 2037/1999/QD-BKHCNMT | Hanoi, November 24, 1999 |
Pursuant to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents of November 12, 1996;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 22/CP of May 22, 1993 on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 355/TTg of May 28, 1997 on the establishment of the Government Steering Committee for General Revision and Systemization of Legal Documents;
At the proposal of the Head of the Steering Committee for General Revision and Systemization of Legal Documents of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment;
Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.
Chu Tuan Nha
(From 1976 up to now)
(Issued together with Decision No. 2037/1999/QD-BKHCNMT of November 24, 1999
of the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment)
1. Joint Circular of the Finance 34/TC- 17/12/1980 Guiding the spendings on key State Ministry and the State UBKHKTNN programs for scientific and technical Commission for Sciences advances and Techniques
2. Joint Circular of the Finance 18-TC/KHKT 16/07/1983 Stipulating the responsibility allowance Ministry and the State regime for directors and members of Commission for Sciences program management boards andand Techniques managers of key State projects for managers of key State scientific and scientific and technical research
3. Decision of the Director 370-QD 06/12/1983 Promulgating the organization and of the State Commission operation Charter of the Sciences and for Sciences and Techniques Techniques Departments of the provinces, cities and special zones under the Central Government
4. Decision of the Director 1312-TCCB 06/09/1984 On the establishment of Scientific Staff of the State Commission Group for Sciences and Techniques
6. Joint Circular of the Finance 28/TC-KHKT 24/09/1986 Guiding the deduction for setting up Ministry and the State and use of concentrated scientific and Commission for Sciences technical development fund and Techniques
7. Decision of the Director 116/QD 19/03/1987 On the establishment of Scientific and of the State Commission Technical Personnel Board under the for Sciences and Techniques existing State Commission for Sciences and Techniques
8. Decision of the Director 427/QD 26/08/1987 On reorganizing the structure and of the State Commission apparatus of the Information Institute for Sciences and Techniques
9. Decision of the Director 04/QD 07/01/1988 On the transformation of the Scientific and of the State Commission Technical Application Center into a unit for Sciences and Techniques with socialist business cost-accounting
10. Decision of the Director 105/QD/TCCB 30/03/1988 On the merger of the Scientific and of the State Commission Technical Management Training and for Sciences and Techniques Fostering Section into the Scientific and Technical Management Research Institute
11. Decision of the Director 108/QD/TCCB 30/03/1988 On the merger of the Scientific and
of the State Commission Technical Personnel Board into Depart-
for Sciences and Techniques ment of Organization and Personnel
12. Circular of the State 1050/QLKH 21/07/1988 Guiding the scientific and technical Commission for Sciences organization and operations applicable and Techniques to cooperative, individual, private and family economies under Decrees No. 27-HDBT, 28-HDBT and 29-HDBT of the Ministers’ Council of March 9, 1988
13. Joint Circular of the State 788/KHKT 23/06/1989 Providing provisional guidance on Commission for Sciences -TC mode of fund allocation to scientific and Techniques and the and technical activities Finance Ministry
14. Decision of the Director 480/QD/ 20/09/1990 On the establishment of the Social of the State Commission TCCB Sciences Management Board under for Sciences the State Commission for Sciences
16. Decision of the Director 462/QD/ 31/07/1991 On reorganizing the apparatus of the of the State Commission TCCB Scientific and Technical Management for Sciences Research Institute
17. Circular of the State 1060/THKH 01/10/1991 Guiding the elaboration, implementation Commission for Sciences organization and management of the State-level scientific and technological programs in the 1991-1995 period
18. Decision of the Director 489/QD/ 25/07/1992 On the establishment of the Financial-of the State Commission TCCB Auditing Section under the State for Sciences Commission for Sciences
19. Decision of the Director 551/QD/ 15/08/1992 On the dissolution of the Local Scientific of the State Commission TCCB and Technical Work Management Board for Sciences under the Office of the State Commission for Sciences
20. Regulation of the State 1041/THKT 17/08/1992 On the use of the State scientific and Commission for Sciences technological development support fund
21. Joint Circular of the 1213/ 26/09/1992 Guiding the financial management of the Finance Ministry and KHCN-TC State-level scientific and technological the State Commission programs in the 1991-1995 period for Sciences
22. Joint Circular of the 1291/ 08/10/1992 Guiding the deduction for setting up Ministry of Science, KHCNMT- and use of scientific and technological Technology and TC development fund of the ministries,Environment and provinces and cities the Finance Ministry
23. Decision of the Minister 61/QD 16/02/1993 On the establishment of the State of Science, Technology enterprise: The Technical Export and and Environment Import Company
24. Decision of the Minister 63/QD 16/02/1993 On the establishment of the State of Science, Technology enterprise: The Center for Application and Environment of Scientific and Technical Advances under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
26. Decision of the Minister 88/QD 04/03/1993 On the establishment of Technological of Science, Technology Development Department under the and Environment Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
27. Circular of the Ministry 28/TT-QLKH 22/01/1994 Guiding the transfer of foreign of Science, Technology technologies into Vietnam
and Environment
28. Decision of the Minister 1762/QD- 17/11/1995 Stipulating general technical of Science, Technology PTCN requirements for the import of used and Environment equipment
29. Decision of the Minister 2183/QD- 16/12/1995 Supplementing Article 3 of Decision of Science, Technology PTCN No. 1762/QD-PTCN of November 17, and Environment 1995
30. Decision of the Minister 2691/QD-TCCB 16/11/1996 Promulgating the Statute on organization of Science, Technology and operation of Technological and Environment Management Department
31. Decision of the Minister 2692/QD-TCCB 16/11/1996 Promulgating the Statute on of Science, Technology organization and operation of Scientific and Environment Management Department
32. Joint Circular of the 01/TT/LB 18/01/1984 Management and use of money for Finance Ministry, the forest nursing Forestry Ministry and the State Commission for Sciences and Techniques
33. Circular of the Ministry 715-TT/MTg 03/04/1995 Guiding the making and evaluation of of Science, Technology reports on the assessment of and Environment environmental impacts of foreign direct investment projects
35. Circular of the Ministry 1100-TT/MTg 20/08/1997 Guiding the making and evaluation of of Science, Technology reports on the assessment of environmental and Environment impacts of investment projects
36. Circular of the State 361/SCPM 31/03/1981 Guiding the implementation of the Statute Commission for Sciences on technical innovations - rationalization and Techniques of production and invention
37. Joint Circular of the 892/TT/LB 04/08/1982 Guiding the implementation of financial Finance Ministry and the and bonus payment matters stipulated in State Commission for the Statute on technical innovations Sciences and Techniques - rationalization of production and invention
38. Joint Circular of the 1119/SC 19/09/1983 On the fees for invention patents Finance Ministry and the State Commission for Sciences and Techniques
39. Circular of the State 1258/SC 18/10/1983 Guiding the implementation of the Commission for Sciences Statute on trademarks and Techniques
40. Decision of the Director 785/SC 15/11/1986 Amending the index of trademarks of the State Commission registration fees for Sciences and Techniques
41. Decision of the Director 199/SC 27/05/1988 Amending the index of trademarks of the State Commission registration fees for Sciences and Techniques
42. Joint Circular of the Finance 796/LBKH/TC 30/05/1988 Readjusting levels of bonuses for Ministry and the State authors of technical innovations -Commission for Sciences rationalization of production and and Techniques invention
44. Circular of the State 628/SC 23/05/1989 On utility solutions patent fees Commission for Sciences and Techniques
45. Decision of the State 309/QD 12/06/1990 Promulgating the Regulation on Commission for Sciences industrial property representatives and Techniques
46. Circular of the State 1134/SC 17/10/1991 Guiding the implementation of Decree Commission for Sciences No. 84/HDBT of March 20, 1990 of the and Techniques Ministers Council
47. Joint Circular of the Trade 1254-TT/LB 08/11/1991 Guiding the implementation of the Ministers and Tourism Ministry Council’s Decree No. 140/HDBT on the and the State Commission inspection and handling of fake goods for Sciences and Techniques production and trading
48. Decision of the Minister 199/QD 21/12/1992 Promulgating the Regulation on of Science, Technology industrial property representatives and Environment
49. Circular of the Ministry 437/SC 19/03/1993 Providing additional guidance on of Science, Technology trademarks registration and Environment
50. Joint Circular of the 99/TC- 02/12/1993 Guiding the management of financial Finance Ministry and KHCNMT revenues and expenditures in innovation the Ministry of Science, and industrial property activitiesTechnology and Environment
51. Circular of the Ministry 163/TT-SHCN 15/04/1994 Guiding the implementation of the of Science, Technology regulations on approval and registration and Environment of license contracts
52. Circular of the Ministry 238/TT-SHCN 02/05/1994 Guiding the submission and handling of of Science, Technology international applications for invention and Environment and utility solutions protection according to Patent the Cooperation Treaty in Vietnam
53. Decision of the Director 195/QD-KHKT 27/05/1976 Standard Determination Institute is a
of the State Commission body under the State Commission for
for Sciences and Techniques Sciences and Techniques, which assists the Commission in management of measurement and quality inspection standardization activities
54. Circular of the State 341-KHKT/TT 11/09/1976 Guiding the implementation of the Commission for Sciences Statute on inspection of products and and Techniques goods quality
55. Joint Circular of the State 415/TT-LB 23/11/1976 Guiding a number of measures to Commission for Sciences manage products and goods quality in and Techniques, the State implementation of Decree No. 62-CP of Planning Committee and April 12, 1976 of the Government the State Pricing Committee Council
56. Decision of the Director 27-KHKT/QD 26/01/1977 Supplementing to forms of expertise of the State Commission seals of the State measurement for Sciences and Techniques management agencies of all levels
57. Circular of the State 197-KHKT/TT 15/04/1977 Guiding the State inspection of goods Commission for Sciences quality and Techniques
58. Decision of the Director 452/QD 24/09/19987 On the renaming of a number of units of the State Commission under the General Department of Stan-for Sciences and Techniques dardization, Measurement and Quality
59. Joint Circular of the State 1191/TTLB 29/06/1991 On the management of labels and Commission for Sciences products and goods advertisement and the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism
60. Decision of the Director 873-QD 23/12/1991 Promulgating the Regulation on of the State Commission recognition of laboratories for Sciences
61. Decision of the Director 879-QD 27/12/1991 Promulgating the Regulation on of the State Commission certification of goods compatibility with for Sciences the Vietnamese standards
63. Decision of the Director 397-QD 10/06/1992 Promulgating the Regulation on the of the State Commission State inspection of export and import for Sciences goods quality
64. Decision of the Director 398-QD 10/06/1992 Promulgating the list of export and of the State Commission import goods subject to the State for Sciences inspection of quality
65. Decision of the Director 399-QD 10/06/1992 Stipulating the competence and proce-of the State Commission dures for sanctions against violations of for Sciences the legislation on goods quality
66. Joint Circular of the 04/TTLB 24/04/1993 Guiding the implementation of the Ministry of Science, Ordinance on Measurement and the Technology and Ordinance on Goods Quality in people�s Environment and the health protection Ministry of Health
67. Decision of the Minister 514/QD 27/09/1993 Promulgating the list of export and of Science, Technology import goods subject to quality inspection and Environment
68. Joint Circular of the 48/TTLB 19/01/1995 Guiding the management of engines� Ministry of Science, lubricants quality Technology and Environment and the Trade Ministry
69. Decision of the Minister 2577/QD-TDC 28/10/1996 Promulgating the 1997 list of goods of Science, Technology subject to quality registration and Environment
70. Decision of the Minister 2578/QD-TDC 28/10/1996 Promulgating the regulations on the of Science, Technology State inspection of export and import and Environment goods quality
71. Decision of the Minister 2579/QD-TDC 28/10/1996 Promulgating the list of export and import
of Science, Technology goods subject to the State inspection of and Environment quality
Chu Tuan Nha
- 1Circular No. 163/TT-SHCN of April 15, 1994, guiding for implementation of regulations on approval and registration of license contract.
- 2Circular No. 28/TT-QLKH of January 22, 1994, on transfer on foreign technology into Vietnam.
- 3Circular No. 1100/TT-MTg of August 20, 1997 guiding the drawing and evaluation of reports on the assessment of environmental impact of investment projects
- 4Circular No. 1100/TT-MTg of August 20, 1997 guiding the drawing and evaluation of reports on the assessment of environmental impact of investment projects
Decision No. 2037/1999/QD-BKHCNMT of November 24, 1999, annulling legal documents
- Số hiệu: 2037/1999/QD-BKHCNMT
- Loại văn bản: Quyết định
- Ngày ban hành: 24/11/1999
- Nơi ban hành: Bộ Khoa học, Công nghệ và Môi trường
- Người ký: Chu Tuấn Nhạ
- Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
- Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
- Ngày hiệu lực: 09/12/1999
- Tình trạng hiệu lực: Kiểm tra