Hệ thống pháp luật




Independence- Freedom- Happiness


No. 122/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, August 29, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2008 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP dated September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Phu Yen province in Report No. 43/TTr-UBND dated October 11, 2007, and considering the opinions of the Ministry of planning and Investment in Document No. 1281 BKH/TD & GSDT dated February 28, 2008, on the Master Plan on Socio-Economic Development of Phu Yen Province till 2020.


Article 1. - To approve the Master Plan on Socio-Economic Development of Phu Yen Province till 2020 (below referred to as the Master Plan), with the following principal contents:

1. Development viewpoints

a/ To develop economy in a fast and sustainable manner in order to narrow the gap between Phu Yen province and other provinces in the region and the whole country.




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c/ To speed up the province's economic restructuring toward higher industrial and service ratios; to mobilize all resources of different economic sectors; to tap industries with advantages in labor and natural resources while attaching importance to the expansion of industries with hi-tech content which are suitable to Phu Yen provinces advantages and the market trend.

d/ To raise the quality of human resources, adopt policies to attract high-quality human resources meeting the province's socio economic development requirements. To associate economic growth with social equity, gradually raising the living standards of people of all strata, particularly those in former resistance bases and mountainous and ethnic minority areas.

e/ To closely combine socio-economic development with defense and security consolidation and environmental protection; to strengthen the political system and the administration.

2. Development objectives

a/ General objectives

To continue maintaining fast and sustainable economic development, creating qualitative improvements in socio-economic development. To try to turn Phu Yen province into an industrial and service province by 2020. To accelerate economic and labor restructuring in the direction of industrialization and modernization with an industry-service-agriculture structure. To step by step raise the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. To step up the application of scientific and technological advances to manufacturing industries. To raise the quality of education and training and human resources. To effectively tap external economic relations. To build convenient infrastructure systems to meet the development requirements. To improve the material and spiritual life of people. To further hunger elimination and poverty alleviation activities and create jobs for laborers. To firmly maintain political stability, social order and safety, associating economic development with defense and security maintenance and environmental protection.

b/ Specific objectives

- The average annual economic growth rate will reach 13.6% in the period from now to 2010; 15.2% in the 2011-2015 period; and 15.3% in the 2016-2020 period.

- The average per capita in come will be US$ 750 by 2010; US$ 1,600 by 2015 and US$ 3,000 by 2020.




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and service: 40%; by 2020: agriculture: 10%, industry: 47% and service: 43%.

- The state budget revenue ratio against GDP: 11.5% by 2010; 15% by 2015 and 20% by 2020. Local budget expenditure will averagely increase 15%/year. By 2016, local budget revenue will meet local budget expenditure.

- Export turnover and foreign currency earnings from services will reach US$ 150 million by 2010; US$ 1 billion by 2015 and US$ 1.5 billion by 2020.

- The natural population growth rate will reduce to 1.26% by 2010; l.17% by 2015; and 1% by 2020. The malnutrition rate among under-five children will drop to 20% by 2010; 15% by 2015; and 10% by 2020.

- To universalize upper-secondary education throughout the province by 2015. The rate of trained laborers will be 40% by 2010; 53% by 2015; and 67% by 2020.

- The poverty rate will drop to 9% by 2010; below 3.4% by 2015; and basically 0% by 2020.

- The forest coverage rate will reach 45% by 2010; 47% by 2015 and 51% by 2020.

3. Branch and sector development orientations

a/ Agriculture, forestry and fishery




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- To step up afforestation, increase forest areas and develop raw-material timber trees for the processing industry. To intensify forest protection, restrict the exploitation of timber from natural forests and efficiently tap forest plantations.

- To develop fisheries in a sustainable and comprehensive manner in all aspects: aquaculture, exploitation, processing and fishery logistic services. To increase scientific and technological applications to exploitation, aquaculture and processing. To develop aquaculture zones on a scientific basis, promote marine aquaculture and create more tourist attraction sites. To expand product outlets and build up brands for aquatic products.

- To build new and modern rural areas in order to ease the population pressure on urban centers, and develop economy in a synchronous manner among areas in the province. To develop services and business lines associated with the consumption of commodities for farmers, increasing investment for mountainous districts and areas inhabited largely by ethnic minority people.

b/ Industries

- To attach importance to intensive investment and the application of new technologies and automation technologies in order to raise production and business efficiency. To raise the quality of, and build up brands for, products, promote trade, expand markets and increase capital for investment in industrial development.

- To develop industries in a sustainable manner in conformity with the national strategy for sustainable development. To prioritize the development of such industries with advantages, hi-tech content and high added value in order to create breakthroughs and boost economic development as electronics, oil refinery, petrochemistry, shipbuilding, aquatic product and farm produce processing, electricity and power supply, attaching particular importance to the projects on an oil refinery of 4 million tons/year and petrochemical plants.

- To invest in the development of the southern Phu Yen economic zone with the southern Tuy Hoa urban center, an oil-refining and petrochemical industrial park and a number of other industrial parks closely associated with Vung Ro and Hoa Tam seaports and Tuy Hoa airport. To further invest in the construction of industrial park and industrial cluster infrastructure, forming a network of industrial clusters and spots in districts on an area of 10-20 ha.

- To develop craft villages in rural areas with the introduction and development of a number of appropriate crafts, efficiently tapping raw material sources and creating more jobs for rural labor.

c/ Services




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- To build systems of providing trade services, support trade promotion, step up and diversify trade promotion activities. To intensify market control, stabilize prices and combat the production and trading of fake goods and poor-quality goods, speculation, smuggling and tax evasion. To expand markets and diversify exports, quickly increasing export turnover.

- To strongly develop tourism into a spearhead and clean industry with peculiar features. To embellish relics, scenic places and tourist site in association with environmental protection. To concentrate on the construction of infrastructure of the An Phu-An Chan high-grade tourist complex; tourist urban centers and high-grade service zones (Song Cau, Tuy An and Dong Xuan); ecological, cultural, convalescent and recreation tourist clusters.

- To raise the quality of transport, warehousing, port, post and telecommunications services. To diversify forms of services.

- To attach importance to, and create favorable conditions for, various economic sectors to strongly develop high-quality financial, banking, scientific and technological, informatics, insurance, consulting, accounting, auditing services well as legal consultancy, public notarization, property examination and auction, property and real estate dealing, and healthcare and education services.

d/ Social domains

- To well implement the population policy. To improve healthcare networks and basically eradicate contagious diseases. To raise the population quality, raising the height, physical strength and life span for people. To reach the target of 7 medical doctors/ten thousand inhabitants by 2010; 10.8 doctors/ten thousand inhabitants by 2020, and 100% of wards and communes will have doctors by 2010. To raise the living standards of households having got out of poverty and restrict the relapse into poverty.

- To raise the education and training quality and efficiency while expanding education and training at all levels in response to human resource development requirements. To rationally develop the scale of education and training along with investment in upgrading material foundations and teaching equipment towards standardization and modernization. To raise the quality of teachers and administrators. To diversify and socialize education with a view to increasing human resources for education.

- To expand vocational and professional training for laborers, raising the rate of trained labor. To annually create jobs for about 25,000 laborers in the period from now to 2010 and some 15,000 laborers in the 2011-2020 period.

- By 2010, the numbers of cultured families, hamlets and street quarters, communes and offices will respectively account for 85%, 70%, 40% and 90%. By 2020, the numbers of cultured families, hamlets or street quarters and communes will respectively represent over 95%. To establish cultural institutions, upgrade radio and television stations and press agencies of the province to satisfy people's demands for information.




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e/ Infrastructure development

Communications: To form synchronous communications networks, efficiently tapping sea, road, air and railway transport, linking various areas in the province and different provinces in the region, creating economic development corridors of the sub-region.

+ Roads: To complete and modernize road networks, taking national highways 1A and 25, provincial road 645, the eastern coastal trunk road, the western trunk road and provincial roads as strategic trunk roads. To form a number of new roads running from the North-South expressway and national highway 1A to industrial parks and tourist urban clusters along the coast. To build systems of car terminals, parks and stops. To build and upgrade district, intra-urban center roads, feeding roads, inter-communal roads, rural roads and intra-field passages, ensuring smooth traffic in all circumstances. To try to concrete the surface of 90-100% district and intra-urban center roads.

+ Railways: To study the construction of a Phu Yen-Central Highlands railroad running to Cambodia, Laos and Thailand; a North-South express railway, stage I, the section running through Van Phong economic zone (Khanh Hoa) to Phu Yen, as a railway hub to the Central Highlands.

+ Sea-shipping: To complete, upgrade and efficiently tap Vung Ro seaport, to study the construction of some special-purpose deepwater seaports, including Hoa Tam, Xuan Phuong, Xuan Thinh and An Hoa ports in service of industrial and tourist development.

+ Airway: To upgrade Tuy Hoa airport and increase flights from Tuy Hoa airport to Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang, developing it into an international airport. To study mechanisms to call for and permit foreign investors to build an airport north of the province in service of tourism and regional development.

- Irrigation

+ To complete and commission irrigation works after Song Hinh hydropower station and Song Ba Ha hydropower reservoir. To raise the useful capacity of such hydro-electric reservoirs as Song Hinh, Dong Khon, Dong Tron, Phu Xuan and Xuan Binh. To upgrade and repair water reservoirs and dams prone to erosion or landslide. To build new irrigation reservoirs and dams, and inter-basin water works, ensuring freshwater for Ban Thach and Cau river areas, works against natural disasters, floods, flash floods, tidal waves and other irrigation works as planned.

+ To further embank intra-field canals, completing the construction and embankment of canal systems by 2020. To upgrade and build dikes, dams and embankments and ensure safety for key river and sea dike sections. The total area to be irrigated by such water works is expected to reach 93,000 ha by 2020, accounting for 65.8% of the total cultivated land area. To supply freshwater for aquaculture.




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+ To speed up the construction and commissioning of such hydropower stations as Ba Ha and Krong Nang. To build a number of new hydropower plants on Ba and Ky Lo rivers. To encourage the development of small-sized hydropower or wind-power stations and new energies in service of areas inaccessible to national power grids. To attract investment in a thermo-power plant of great capacity.

+ To further raise the capacities of existing transformer stations and build new ones with a view to well satisfying the demand for electricity in service of production in the province.

+ To encourage the development of small-sized hydropower stations with appropriate forms of investment in service of people in deep-lying and remote areas. To try to complete the construction of national power grids in 100% of hamlets in order to supply power to almost 100% of households by 2010.

- Information technology, radio and television.

To make intensive investment in communication, radio and television systems. To quickly develop public and special-purpose post and telecommunications networks with modern techniques, and proceed to build multi-service digital networks, bandwidth personal information networks and high-speed Internet. To develop commune cultural and post spots and universalize fundamental postal and telecommunications services. To try to achieve the targets of 40 telephone sets/100 inhabitants by 2010, which will rise to 50 sets/100 inhabitants by 2015 and 60 sets/100 inhabitants by 2020; and an average of 15 Internet users/100 inhabitants by 2010, which will rise to 35-40 users/100 inhabitants by 2020; and 100% of households will have audio-visual equipment.

- Water supply systems

+ By 2010, all urban centers in the province will have their own water plants to supply water for daily-life and production activities and 80% of rural population will be supplied with clean water. By 2020, 100% of population will be supplied with clean water for daily-life activities.

+ To complete the water supply system in Tuy Hoa city. To raise the capacities of water plants in the townships of La Hai, Hai Rieng, Chi Thanh, Cung Son, Song Cau and Phu Hoa to 8,000- 10,000 m3/day. To build new water plants in Hoa Vinh with a capacity of 8,000- 10,000 m3/day and new townships of Phu Thu, Son Long (Van Hoa) and Xuan Loc ward with a capacity of 3,000-5,000 m3/day each. To build water plants of 50,000 m3/day by 2010, of 200,000 m3/day by 2015 and 300,000 m3/day by 2020 in service of the southern Phu Yen economic zone and other areas.

+ To drill water wells in small residential quarters and complete water supply systems for large residential areas and the central areas of towns and townships on the basis of exploiting water sources suitable to the characteristics of each district in the province.




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To upgrade systems of water draining pipes and canals. To build separate systems for drainage of daily-life wastewater and rainwater. To build water drainage pump stations and wastewater treatment stations in industrial parks, hospitals and production establishments. All hazardous liquid wastes must be locally treated before being discharged into common systems. To ensure that 100% of urban centers will have their own water drainage and wastewater and garbage treatment systems; 100% of production establishments will have their own waste treatment systems or vehicles carrying wastes to common waste treatment zones.

- Urban infrastructure

To complete the construction of infrastructure in existing and new urban centers. To build Tuy Hoa city into a grade-II and ecological urban center functioning as a political, economic, cultural, scientific and technical, tourist and service center as well as a traffic hub in the province and a big traffic hub in the southern Central Vietnam coastal region and the Central Highlands. To form industrial, service, education and training, scientific and technological centers in the region. To upgrade Song Cau and Dong Hoa districts into towns. To complete the construction of townships in new districts (Phu Hoa, Phu Thu, Hoa Vinh); to build the southern Tuy Hoa urban center and a chain of new tourist and industrial urban centers in coastal districts and towns, Van Hoa township in the new district of Van Hoa, Hoa Hiep Trung, and An My townships.

- Material foundations of the education and training sector

+ To further upgrade schools and classrooms so that 30% of pre-schools, 70% of primary schools, 50% of lower-secondary schools and 50% of upper-secondary schools will reach the national standards by 2010 and 100% of general education schools in the province will reach the national standards and all schools will have enough rooms for two classes a day by 2020.

+To develop Phu Yen university into a multi-discipline and multi-level training and scientific research center of the province and the region. To support Construction College No.3 and Tuy Hoa Industrial College in their upgrading into universities, to expand and upgrade the Banking Institute's branch, upgrade the intermediate medical school into a medical college then a medical faculty of Phu Yen university. To create conditions for investors to open private universities and vocational training schools to train high-quality human resources.

+ To invest in the vocational training college, upgrade the vocational training center of Son Hoa district into an intermediate vocational training school for ethnic minority youths in mountainous districts. After 2010, the vocational training centers of other districts will be developed into vocational training schools.

- Material foundations of the healthcare sector

+ To basically complete the construction of the province's central general hospital by 2009 and soon complete the northern general hospital. To form obstetrics, pediatrics, ophthalmology and dermatology hospitals, to build other specialized centers and stations. To create favorable conditions for investors to open private hospitals of high quality. To strive for the target that all commune health stations will reach the national standards by 2015.




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- Material foundations of the culture and sport sector

To further invest in and efficiently use cultural institutions. To strive for the targets that by 2020, 100% of hamlets and street quarters will have their own cultural houses (or places for public cultural activities) and public bookcases; 100% communes, wards and townships will have their own libraries or reading rooms or cultural houses; 100% of cities, districts and provincial towns will have their own cultural centers, culture-sport centers, libraries, children's entertainment and play grounds, and parks. At the provincial level, to complete such cultural institutions as museums, cultural and historical relics, a central cultural house, a conference-seminar-exhibition center, a theater, a literary and art creation house, libraries, parks and children's playing centers. To build a new physical training and sport center of the province according to planning.

f/ Science, technology and environmental protection

- To step up basic surveys, attaching importance to the research into the Ba river basin and social and humanity studies in service of socio-economic development and into advantageous domains of Phu Yen. To apply scientific and technological achievements to production, quickly boosting economic development. To make intensive investment, gradually replacing old technologies with modern ones. To prevent and strictly handle cases of importing and using polluting technologies. To widely use new technologies, equipment and computer systems in leadership and management work, to train experts, skilled workers, promote general education, raise the people's intellectual levels and step up cultural exchange.

- To further prevent pollution, conserve biodiversity, attaching importance to the rational and thrifty use of natural resources and improving the environment, and developing environmentally friendly industries and technologies.

- To establish regulations for the inspection of environmental protection and natural landscape preservation. To attach importance to environmental protection in industrial parks, urban centers and along the coast. To adopt mechanisms to encourage investment in the construction of waste treatment plants equipped with new technologies in Tuy Hoa city, provincial towns and townships.

g/ Defense and security

To maintain political stability as well as social order and safety. To be prepared to cope with peaceful evolution plots of hostile forces, and serve socio-economic development. To consolidate the entire-people defense associated with the strong people's security posture. To build comprehensively strong armed forces for combat readiness. To complete the construction of defense works according to schedule and planning. To supply adequate means and equipment to the armed forces for their efficient operation, protecting the territorial sovereignty and security and domestic safety, and participating in rescue and salvage operations.

4. Spatial and territorial development planning




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- To put bare hills and waste land to use; to protect, manage and efficiently use the existing forest land area.

- To prioritize food security tasks and form industrial crop zones; to increase land use coefficients and soil fertility, and restrict pollution and degradation. To rationally structure agricultural land; to spare land areas for industrial and tourist development, forming industrial parks and clusters, new tourist urban centers and economic zones.

- To develop urban systems in conformity with economic restructuring. To prepare land and infrastructure for the formation of new urban centers and expansion of existing ones.

- To use land to meet the demands for residential land, special-purpose land; satisfy economic, cultural and social development requirements and satisfy the demands for defense and security land. In land exploitation and use, attention must be paid to environmental protection, the control of soil degradation and pollution, the stable and sustainable use of land, and the combination of immediate use with long-term use.

b/ Regional socio-economic development orientations

- The sea and coastal region: This constitutes a driving-force region of the province, bearing a strategic economic, defense and security significance.

To comprehensively develop marine economy, synchronize and modernize such infrastructure works as roads, storehouses, yards and ports, creating a lever for regional economic development. To preserve the marine environment and settle social problems in the coastal region in order to meet the industrialization and modernization requirements.

- The delta region: This region has great potential in labor and constructed infrastructure. Its development will focus on intensive farming of food crops and husbandry for high-quality and clean products, planting of short-term industrial plants, fruit trees, flower and ornamental plants. To form specialized production zones and commodity production zones to supply raw materials for the processing industry.

To develop rural industries, cottage industries and handicrafts. To form medium-and small-sized processing establishments and develop craft villages, with diversified products and developed services, acting as satellites for big enterprises and creating jobs for locals. To develop types of countryside tourism and craft village tourism in association with sea and mountain tourism.




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To strongly develop mountain tourism in association with ethnic minority culture and natural landscape, forming tours between the coastal region and the Central Highland provinces. To build Van Hoa plateau and Ba Ha and Hinh river reservoirs into tourist sites of Phu Yen. To build a number of ethic minority hamlets for cultural tourism.

c/ Orientations for administrative boundary adjustment

When conditions permit, to consider the establishment of a new district in Van Hoa area.

d/ Urban development orientations

By 2020, the urban network of the province will include 1 city, 2 towns and 9 townships; to develop Tuy Hoa city into a grade-II urban center by 2015-2016; Song Cau district into a provincial town of grade IV by 2010; and Dong Hoa district into a provincial industrial town of grade IV by 2019-2020. To develop new township of Phu Thu (Tuy Hoa); Hoa Dinh Dong (Phu Hoa); Hoa Vinh and Hoa Hiep Trung (later to become 2 wards of Dong Hoa provincial town); Van Hoa (new district) and An My (Tuy An). To prepare necessary conditions for the development of Cung Son and Hai Rieng townships into provincial towns after 2020.

5. Major solutions to materializing the Master Plan

a/ Investment solutions

The investment capital in the 2006-2020 period is estimated at around VND 238 trillion; averagely about VND 4.2 trillion/year in the in the 2006-2010 period and around VND 38 trillion/year in the 2016-2020 period.

- To formulate and promulgate a list of projects calling for investment till 2020, focusing on the construction of essential infrastructure works, intensive labor industrial production projects using local raw materials, tourist and service projects, hi-tech agricultural, forest planting, export production projects, projects on investment in potential areas in mountainous districts; waste and wastewater treatment projects; and projects on energy and industrial park infrastructure.




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To well exploit the concentrated budget capital sources while taking advantage of investment capital of ministries and central branches, credit capital and target programs for investment in key, decisive and necessary domains.

b/ Solutions regarding human resource training and attraction

To raise the quality and efficiency of human resource training in order to tackle the shortage of skilled labor. To step up vocational training, restructure networks of training schools and centers, raise the training quality to meet the demands for local human resources and suit the socio-economic structure of the province.

To step up socialization of training and encourage various economic sectors to participate in vocational training and job recommendation service activities. To support the raising of the capacity of training and job recommendation centers. To work out incentive regimes and policies to attract talented people and highly professionally qualified laborers to work permanently in the province.

c/ Solutions to raising administrative management capacity

To step up administrative reform, swiftly and neatly carry out administrative procedures between Services, Departments, branches, districts and towns. To create the most favorable conditions for the settlement of administrative procedures in the quickest manner. To reform the management and exploitation of licensed projects. To reform the administrative procedures in the land and housing domains, minimizing the administrative procedures and interventions in transactions on the real estate market. To improve the material and technical foundations for administrative agencies and raise the capability and qualifications of cadres and public servants.

d/ Solutions regarding scientific and technological development, efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection.

To prioritize application, research and development in order to renew technologies with a multi-level structure. To increase investment in basic surveys so that sciences and technologies efficiently contribute to the province and industries. To invest in scientific and technological development, creating breakthroughs in goods output and quality. To build up and develop the province's scientific and technological potential, attaching importance to biotechnology, information technology and processing technology.

To efficiently exploit and use natural resources: The formulation of socio-economic development plannings and plans must be associated to the protection of natural resources and ecological environment for sustainable development. In annual state budget allocations, priority should be given to projects on waste and wastewater treatment and environmental protection projects.




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To strongly develop domestic markets, attaching importance to rural, deep-lying and remote markets. To raise the salability of farmers' commodities. To apply measures to stimulate demand in production, construction and consumption in order to increase the consumption of products. To work out plans on training of talented entrepreneurs in order to search for and expand markets, consolidate and stabilize the existing export markets while finding new ones.

To synchronously develop markets and create an environment for fair competition between investors. To step by step form the real estate, capital, export labor, and science and technology markets to meet the international economic integration demands.

To realize multilateralization and diversification in the development of export labor markets. To develop a network of labor exporting enterprises, creating favorable conditions for rural inhabitants to approach and get jobs.

f/ Development of economic sectors

To facilitate the development of various economic sectors in the locality, creating a clear and unified production and business environment for fair competition without discrimination among economic sectors. To encourage the development of medium- and small-sized enterprises and form a number of big ones.

g/ Solutions regarding international, regional and inter-provincial cooperation

To enhance economic cooperation based on multilateral or bilateral agreements which Vietnam has concluded with other countries or international organizations; to step up the alignment and cooperation with other provinces in the materialization of the Master Plan with a view to boosting and creating markets for the province's production.

h/ Mechanisms and policies

In addition to the existing mechanisms and policies, the province will coordinate with ministries and central branches in formulating a number of new peculiar mechanisms and policies to boost its socio-economic development for achieving the set targets.




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i/ Organization of implementation

Based on the approved Master Plan, branches and authorities at all levels shall formulate their respective plannings, five-year and annual plans in accordance with the province's development orientations; elaborate their action programs and development programs in each period according to the orientations charted out in the Master Plan on Socio-Economic Development till 2020.

To announce and publicize the Master Plan in various forms in order to attract attention of the entire population, domestic and foreign investors for participation in the implementation of the Master Plan. To coordinate with ministries, central branches and other provinces in realizing the development programs and cooperate with them for mutual development. To clearly define the responsibilities for the implementation of the Master Plan and inspect and oversee the implementation of the Master Plan.

Article 2. - This Master Plan provides orientations and a basis for the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of specialized plannings and investment projects in the province according to regulations.

Article 3.

- The Peoples Committee of Phu Yen province shall base itself on the socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations of the province set out in the Master Plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following:

- Socio economic development plannings of districts and towns; plannings on development of the systems of urban centers and population quarters, construction planning; land use plannings and plans; and branch and domain development plannings in order to ensure the overall and synchronous development.

- A number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the provinces development requirements and laws in each period for promulgation by itself according to its competence or by competent state agencies in order to attract and mobilize resources

for materializing the Master Plan.




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- Adjustments and supplements to the Master Plan, which will be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision, suitable to the socio-economic development of the province and the whole country in each phase of the Master Plan.

Article 4. - Concerned ministries and branches shall, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, support the Peoples Committee of Phu Yen province in studying the formulation of the above-said plannings and plans; studying the formulation and submission to competent state agencies for promulgation of a number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the province's socio-economic development requirements in each period, in order to mobilize and efficiently use available resources, encourage and attract investment and well achieve the objectives, perform the tasks and realize the province's socio-economic development orientations stated in the Master Plan; stepping up the investment and execution of regional projects important to the province's development in which investment has been decided; studying and considering the adjustments and supplements to branch development plannings and plans for investment in relevant works and projects stated in the Master Plan.

Article 5. - This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 6. - Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of the People's Committee of Phu Yen province shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung






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1. Investment program on important infrastructure works;

2. Investment program on socio-economic development for implementation of the Political Bureau's Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW of August 16, 2004;

3. Program on hunger elimination and poverty alleviation and job creation;

4. Program on rural clean water and environmental sanitation;

5. Program on education and training development;

6. Cultural program on embellishment and renovation of historical and cultural relics;

7. Program on population and family planning;

8. Program on eradication of makeshift shelters for poor households;




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10. Program on the East Sea and island;

11. Program on support for investment in tourist infrastructure;

12. Program on investment in infrastructure for agricultural production, support for investment in craft village infrastructure;

13. Program on investment in infrastructure of consolidated aquaculture areas;

14. Program on support for investment in construction of essential infrastructure works in poor communes in coastal banks;

15. Program on development of farm economy;

16. Program on forest protection and development;

17. Program on environmental protection based on sustainable development.





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1. My Lam water reservoir (Tay Hoa);

2. Deo Ca road tunnel (Dong Hoa);

3. Cu Mong Pass road tuunel (Song Cau);

4. Upgrading and expansion of Tuy Hoa airport (Tuy Hoacity);

5. Tuy Hoa-Central Highlands railway;

6. Upgrading of North-South railway stations (districts);

7. Upgrading of national highway 1A, the section running through the province (Tuy Hoa city, Dong Hoa, Tuy An, Song Cau);

8. Infrastructure of agricultural and forest product wholesale market (Song Hinh);

9. Upgrading of information and communication systems (the whole province);




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II. Provincially managed projects

1. Southern Phu Yen economic zone infrastructure (Dong Hoa);

2. Infrastructure of industrial parks (the whole province)

3. Western trunk road (Dong Xuan, Son Hoa, Song Hinh);

4. Coastal defense roads (Tuy Hoa city, Tuy An);

5. Infrastructure of Dong Bac-Song Cau economic zone (Song Cau);

6. Tourist infrastructure (the whole province);

7. Vung Ro port (Dong Hoa);

8. Infrastructure of Song Cau provincial town upgraded from Song Cau township (Song Cau);




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10. Improvement of district power grids (the whole province);

11. The province's central general hospital (Tuy Hoa city);

12. A hospital north of the province (Tuy An);

13. Phu Yen university (Tuy Hoa city);

14. Project on use d water from Song Hinh hydropower reservoir (Song Hinh);

15. Program on building of permanent school buildings (the whole province);

16. Roads in districts bordering on the Central Highlands (Dong Xuan, Son Hoa, Song Hinh);

17. Bien Ho water reservoir and Song Moi spillway dam (Dong Hoa);

18. Water supply system for southern Phu Yen-northern Khanh Hoa economic zone (Dong Hoa);




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20. Infrastructure of the aquatic product wholesale market (Song Cau);

21. Infrastructure for the raw-material sugarcane zone (Son Hoa);

22. Improvement and development of cow herds;

23. Infrastructure of the hi-tech agricultural zone (Phu Hoa);

24. Infrastructure of the salt- producing and -processing zone (Song Cau);

25. Infrastructure for coastal bank communes hit by exceptional difficulties (Tuy An, Song Cau, Tuy Hoa);

26. Program on rural roads, canal embankment and craft village infrastructure (the whole province);

27. Irrigation canals conducting water from Dong Tron water reservoir (Tuy An);

28. Coast embankment in Song Cau township (Song Cau);




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30. Ky Lo river embankment against landslides (Dong Xuan);

31. Suoi Cai water reservoir (Phu Hoa);

32. Ky Chau water reservoir (Dong Xuan);

33. Tan Hien water reservoir (Son Hoa);

34. Infrastructure d the shrimp-rearing area in Ban Thach river downstream (Tuy An);

35. Coast embankment in Tuy Hoa city and Tuy An district (Tuy Hoa city, Tuy An);

36. Investment under the program on the East Sea and islands (Tuy An);

37. Aquaculture infrastructure (Tuy An, Song Cau);

38. Song Cau storm shelter anchorage and moorage areas (Song Cau);




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40. Construction of infrastructure for caged marine animal rearing on sea (Song Cau, Tuy An);

41. Craft village infrastructure (the whole province);

42. REII rural energy (Tuy An, Phu Hoa, Tuy Hoa city, Dong Hoa, Tay Hoa);

43. Construction of infrastructure of Tuy Hoa city upgraded into gradea-II city (Tuy Hoa city);

44. Construction of infrastructure of newly separated townships (Phu Hoa);

45. Construction of infrastructure of new townships (Dong Hoa, Tay Hoa);

46. Water supply and sanitation in towns and townships (Tuy Hoa city and districts);

47. Preparation of infrastructure for Van Hoa plateau and investment in the infrastructure (Van Hoa plateau);

48. Investment supports for provincial and district healthcare (the whole province);




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50. Vocational training schools and centers in mountainous districts (Dong Xuan, Son Hoa, Song Hinh);

51. Provincial stadium (Tuy Hoa city);

52. Embellishment of historical relics (districts);

53. Projects on defense tunnels, barracks and wharves for Naval Fleet 2, patrol, search and rescue vessels (Tuy Hoa, Dong Xuan).

III. Production and business projects

l. Oil refinery (Dong Hoa);

2. Petrochemical industrial park and group of petrochemical plants (Dong Hoa);

3. An Phu-An Chan high-grade tourist complex (Tuy An);

4. Petroleum general depot and oil pipelines to the Central Highlands;




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6. Dong Hoa eco-tourism cluster (coastal districts);

7. Van Hoa plateau eco-tourism resort (Van Hoa);

8. Dong Cam (Phu Hoa) hydroelectric power plant;

9. La Hien 1 and 2 hydro-electric power stations, Khe Cach (Dong Xuan);

10. Paper pulp mill and planting of paper raw-material forests (Song Hinh);

11. Shipyard (Song Cau);

12. Processing of refining-support powders and products from diatomite mineral (Tuy An)

13. Flooring granite tile factory (Dong Xuan);

14. Micro-organic fertilizer and bio products plant (Song Cau);




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16. Building of raw-material tree zones (Dong Xuan, Son Hoa);

17. Planting of economic forests and paper raw-material forests (Song Cau, Dong Xuan);

18. Development of cow herds and milk processing (districts);

19. Food processing (Tuy Hoa city);

20. General and specialized hospitals (Tuy Hoa city)

21. Transport service centers (districts);

22. Trade and tourist service complex (Song Cau);

23. Department stores and trade centers (districts);

24. Tourist sites, hotels and restaurants in Tuy Hoa (Tuy Hoa city);




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26. Kitchenware and electric metal articles factory (Hoa Hiep industrial park);

27. Electric motor and mechanical pump factory (Hoa Hiep industrial park);

28. Rattan export processing (Hoa Hiep industrial park);

29. Aquaculture (Tuy An);

30. Tourist villa resort (Tuy An);

31. Expansion of the Saigon beer factory (Tuy Hoa city);

32. Thermo-electric power plant.

Note: The locations, land areas and total investment of the above-named projects will be calculated, selected and specified at the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on investment capital demand, allocation and mobilization in each period.



Decision No. 122/2008/QD-TTg of August 29, 2008, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Phu Yen province till 2020.

  • Số hiệu: 122/2008/QD-TTg
  • Loại văn bản: Quyết định
  • Ngày ban hành: 29/08/2008
  • Nơi ban hành: Thủ tướng Chính phủ
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 02/10/2008
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Ngưng hiệu lực
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