Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 12/2009/TT-BNN

Hanoi, March 6, 2009




Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.01/2008/ND-CP of January 3, 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No.07/2006/QD-TTg of January 10, 2006, approving the program on socio-economic development of exceptionally difficult communes in mountainous and ethnic minority regions in the 2006-2010period (the second-stage Program 135);
Pursuant to September 15, 2008 Joint Circular No.01/2008/TTLT-UBDT-KHDT-TC-XD-NNPTNT guiding the implementation of the second phase of Program 135;

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guides a number of specific contents on implementation of the production development support project under the second phase of Program 135 (project) as follows:


1. To sustainably increase income for poor households, helping them quickly get out of poverty.

2. To raise production and market knowledge for poor households, assisting them in increasing efficient production so as to get out of poverty in a sustainable manner.





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- Being commune People’s Committees.

- If commune People’s Committees are not fully qualified to act as investors (prescribed in Circular No. 01/2007/TT-UBDT of June 21, 2007, of the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas), district People’s Committees will temporarily act as investors. Meanwhile, district People’s Committees shall train commune cadres and appoint their cadres to assist communes so that within 12 months after the project is implemented, these communes can undertake the tasks of investors.

- Investors may employ the common project management units and/or Program 135 Supervision Boards of communes to organize the implementation of the production support project in their localities.

2. Project participants:

a/ Poor households: To be identified under the Prime Minister’s Decision No.170/2005/QD-TTg of July 8, 2005, on the poverty line applicable in the 2006-2010 period (if the poverty line is adjusted, the new poverty line will apply).

b/ Household groups: Eligible household groups must satisfy the following conditions:

- Each comprises poor and non-poor households living in the same village or hamlet, sharing the aspiration to develop a production or service activity and voluntarily joining the group. A household group has a leader elected by households to manage and administer activities of the group.

- A household group has its own operation regulations, clearly defining the responsibilities, obligations and interests of its members for efficient realization of production plans set forth by the group, ensuring the efficient use of support capital, contributing to creation of jobs and increase of income for group members.

- Non-poor households joining a group account for no more than 20% of the total number of households in the group (for household groups of 5 or more households) and they must have production experience be eager and capable to assist other households, and voted for by a majority of group members and approved by the commune People’s Committee.




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1. Support contents:

According to regulations, the project will provide supports according to 4 contents described below. Investors shall base on production development plans of districts, communes and people’s support need to identify appropriate and practical contents (making the fullest use of local advantages,-directing people into the production of commodities or the provision of services associated to markets, ensuring sustainable incomes and attaching importance to food security). In order to concentrate capital and avoid thinned-out investment, it is unnecessary to make investment in all contents in one geographical area.

The support contents are specified as follows:

1.1. Support for agricultural- forestry- fishery production extension activities (referred to as agricultural extension for short)

a/ Purposes: To help poor households improve their production and market knowledge (firstly for production lines selected by households) for efficient production and higher incomes.

b/ Activities eligible for supports:

- Training, fostering and passing crafts to producers in order to raise their knowledge about and skills of production and economic management in agriculture;

- Organizing tours to study advanced production models.

c/ Spending items:




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- Printing of training documents;

- Renting training halls, classrooms and equipment;

- Payment of remunerations to lecturers and experts;

- Supports for technical practice instructors;

- Payment for drinking water, stationery documents, meals, travel, accommodation (for overnight stay) for trainees in the training period;

- Supports for tours to study advanced production models: round trip fares, meals during the tours and room rentals (for overnight stay);

- Expenses for class management.

1.2. Support for building advanced and efficient production models:

a/ Purposes:




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- To organize tours to study good models for popularization and widespread development by persons covered (or not covered) by the project.

b/ Activities eligible for support (applicable to households and household groups applying the models):

- Building models for economic restructuring in communes in association with the application of scientific and technical advances in breeds, farming process, husbandry, farm produce processing, preservation and sale;

- Building models of economic cooperation between households, household groups and enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative teams, peasants associations and scientists in production, processing, preservation and sale of farm produce.

c/ Spending items:

- Strains, principal supplies (livestock feeds, chemical fertilizers, veterinary drugs, plant protection drugs, machinery and equipment necessary for model building);

- Purchase of copyrights, new technologies;

- Hiring of technicians directing the application of models;

- Training of producers, study tours, model review, remuneration for technical practice instructors.




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a/ Purposes: To assist especially difficult households in acquiring good strains and initial necessary supplies for the project implementation.

b/ Activities eligible for support:

- Providing good plant varieties, animal breeds and aquatic breeds, which are on the lists of those already registered in the project by households;

- Providing supplies suitable to production lines in the project (livestock feeds, chemical fertilizers, veterinary drugs and plant protection drugs);

- Providing technical instructions to households on the use of varieties and breeds as well as supplies in accordance with the production process.

1.4. Support for the purchase of equipment and machinery for production, processing and preservation of farm produce

a/ Purposes:

- To assist poor households in reducing their heavy manual labor, raising productivity and increasing incomes.

- To create conditions for poor households to shift to and develop new crafts, boosting the social labor distribution in localities.




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- Purchasing machinery, mechanical or semi-chemical equipment for production (mechanical ploughs, harrows, pumps; mechanical rice threshers,...) and for farm produce processing or preservation (drying machines, livestock feeds mincers and mixers,...); prioritizing supports for equipment, machines and tools using available raw materials and highly needed by localities;

- Providing technical guidance, transferring techniques for skilful use of equipment, machines and tools provided as supports.

2. Support levels: The levels of budget funding support for the spending items in Section 1, Part III of this Circular will be set by provincial People’s Committees in accordance with current regulations, which are, however, not lower than the support levels prescribed in the national target program on poverty reduction.


1. Allocation of support capital

- Provincial People’s Committees shall allocate central budget support capital to districts in compliance with criteria, not on an egalitarian basis.

- Capital allocation criteria are based on poverty rate; geographical position, land area, number of poor households and peculiar conditions of each commune, ensuring priority for communes with high poverty rates.

- Provincial People’s Committees shall establish support criteria and norms for submission to provincial People’s Councils for approval, which will serve as bases for allocation of support capital to communes (villages, hamlets).

2. Establishment of support norms




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- Maximum support level per household or household group;

- Support norms for the spending items in Section 1, Part III of this Circular, taking into account peculiar areas of the provinces.

b/ At the beginning of a production harvest or once every six months, provincial People’s Committees shall, based on price notices of provincial Finance Services, decide on the adjustment of the norms to suit the reality.

3. Capital allocation

a/ Provincial People’s Committees: Based on the central budget support capital sources and provincial budgets, provincial People’s Committees shall work out plans for capital allocation:

Managerial and direction funds for key units: The Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas, the provincial Services of Agriculture and Rural Development, districts... (provided for in September 15, 2008 Joint Circular No. 01/2008/TTLT-UBDT-KHDT-TC-XD-NNPTNT);

- Allocation to districts funds in support of communes and villages or hamlets.

b/ District People’s Committees shall allocate capital to communes (investors), based on the approved project plan of each commune.

c/ Commune People’s Committees (investors) shall allocate capital directly to households or household groups according to the registered plans.




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At present, as agricultural production harvests do not coincide with the fiscal year, provincial Peoples Committees should propose the State Treasuries to approve advances for investors having their capital plans already approved and filing their applications. The minimum advance level will represent 30% of the support funds for households.


1. Commune People’s Committees:

a/ To organize information and propagation on the production support project under Program 135

Based on capital allocation plans and suppor. norms prescribed by provincial People’s Committees, commune People’s Committees shall organize propagation in various forms: through public-address systems, posting up at public places for commune inhabitants to be aware of the undertakings and policies of the Party and the State through the project for the poor as well as the project’s details.

b/ To organize meetings for people in villages, hamlets or inter-villages to select production schemes, select households and household groups for participation in the project (districts and communes shall dispatch their cadres in charge of Program 135 and agricultural extension cadres to assist village or hamlet chiefs in performing this task). Such a meeting will dwell on the following contents:

- Announcement of support policies of the Program, support beneficiaries (giving first priorit) to households eligible for social policies, households with disabled members and poorest households). On that basis, communities will elect and make lists of households and household groups participating in the project in the initial and subsequent phases.

- Dissemination of guidelines of districts and communes on local agricultural production development plans, crops and domestic animals and production crafts being given importance to, and having advantages for development,... so that households can understand before selecting them for registration for participation in the project. Such selection should focus on a number of activities with advantages in the localities, which are easily accessible by poor local households, in order to avoid thinned-out investment.

- Households’ voluntary registration (using registration cards) to select activities for participation in the project.




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c/ Making lists of project-participating households, household groups:

- Village or hamlet chiefs shall sum up activities registered by households, household groups, make lists of registering households and household groups, attached with their activities and support levels (made according to Form 03, not printed herein);

For households or household groups registering activities incompliant with regulations, village or hamlet chiefs should meet and exchange ideas to guide such households or household groups in making adjustments before making lists for posting up;

- Posting up the lists at public places and announcement on public-address systems;

- If within one week after the public posting there are no opposing opinions from the communities, village or hamlet chiefs shall base on the posted results to formulate project plans (made according to Form 04. not printed herein) for submission to commune People’s Committees.

d/ Commune People’s Committees (investors) shall draw up implementation plans enclosed with detailed spending estimates (made according to Form 05, not printed herein). The plans will be worked out for the period up to 2010 and split up for every year before they are submitted to district People’s Committees for approval.

2. District People’s Committees: To appraise and approve plans for communes and formulate general plans of their districts and report them to provincial People’s Committees.

3. Provincial People’s Committees: Based on plans of districts, to incorporate them into the provinces’ general plans and report them to the Program’s standing body being the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas and the project-managing agency being the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (via the Department of Cooperative Economy and Rural Development).





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2. Capital contributed by people, including workdays, supplies, kinds,... shall all be converted into Vietnamese currency. Investors shall open books for monitoring and recording and supplying them to finance agencies for unified conversion. Finance agencies shall issue orders for collection of these capital amounts as budget revenues and also budget expenditure orders for sending them to the State Treasuries for accounting into the value of the support project.

3. Budget capital accounting and settlement can be effected only when investors supply adequate accounting dossiers, including capital allocation plans approved by district People’s Committees; lists of project-participating households/household groups approved by commune People’s Committees; plans and detailed expense estimates approved by district People’s Committees; and financial documents under current regulations.

- For training and technical instruction activities without material volume, there must be reports on outcome acceptance.

- For the procurement of supplies and services by units or individuals with business registration papers, financial invoices are required. In case of trading among households without financial invoices, only receipts between trading households are required, but unit prices must not exceed estimated norms and must be certified by village or hamlet chiefs.


1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The Department of Cooperative Economy and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned units in. performing the following tasks:

- To guide, inspect and urge localities in the project implementation and propose policies, adjustments and supplements in order to accelerate the effective project implementation;

- To formulate and promulgate documents, materials and manuals guiding the project implementation;




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- To make preliminary and final reviews of the project implementation in localities covered by the Program, aiming to review and evaluate the implementation and boost the project for effective operation and the set schedule.

2. Provincial People’s Committees

2.1. To bear responsibility for the results of project implementation in their localities.

2.2. To decide on:

- Support norms for the project’s activities in their localities;

- Establishment of criteria for capital allocation in localities;

- Allocation of central budget support capital and local budgets for the project to districts, and the management and direction funds to concerned units of provinces.

- Mechanisms and contents of integration of capital sources in the localities (related to communes, villages and hamlets covered by Program 135) in order to concentrate capital sources and raise the use efficiency of capital.

2.3. To review, evaluate and periodically report on results of project implementation in their respective localities to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to regulations.




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3. District People’s Committees

- To take responsibility for the outcomes of project implementation in their districts;

- To appraise, approve projects for communes and allocate capital to communes (according to the approved criteria and plans);

- To train and support commune People’s Committees in well performing the tasks of investors;

- To integrate and mobilize resources for project implementation in districts;

- To direct, inspect and assess the results of project implementation in the districts;

- To review, evaluate and periodically report on the implementation situation to the provincial

- Agriculture and Rural Development Services and Program 135’s standing bodies of the provinces.

4. Commune People’s Committees:




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- To approve the lists of households, household groups participating in the project implementation;

- To well organize the project implementation of the project’s contents;

- To regularly inspect and monitor the implementation by households, household groups in order to assist them in well implementing the project;

- To review, evaluate and periodically report on the results of project implementation to district People’s Committees.


1. Reporting regime:

1.1. Quarterly report:

- To send periodical reports from the grassroots to the provincial People’s Committees (via provincial Agriculture and Rural Development Services for sum-up).

- The general report form complies with Decision No.04/2008/QD-UBDT of August 8, 2008, of the Committee for Echnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas, promulgating the regulations on the reporting regimes and forms applicable to programs on socio-economic development of especially difficult communes in mountainous and ethnic minority regions in the 2006-2010 period.




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2. Project implementation inspection and monitoring

2.1. Purposes: To detect weaknesses, problems and risks in the project implementation in order to take timely measures to redress them, provide support and ensure the project implementation in the localities with high efficiency.

2.2. Contents: To attach importance to grassroots inspection, focusing on the following:

- The allocation of capital from province to poor households;

- The selection and approval of project participants;

- The procurement of supplies and equipment (quality, unit prices of goods suppliers or service providers; types and quality of commodities purchased by households themselves,...);

- Results of project implementation by households and household groups.

2.3. Inspection methods:

- Superior bodies should inspect their subordinates once every six months. If many superior agencies simultaneously inspect one subordinate body, there must be plans for coordination, avoiding overlapping inspection;




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3. Evaluation of the project implementation

- Annually. People’s Committees of various levels and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall organize the evaluation of results of project implementation in each commune, district, province and the whole country.

The evaluation shall comply with the evaluation criteria promulgated by Decision No.04/2008/QD-UBDT of August 8, 2008, of the Nationalities Committee;

- In addition, commune People’s Committees (investors) should monitor and annually evaluate the following:

+ The total increased incomes of poor households joining the project;

+ The rate of female laborers joining the project;

+ The rate of households facing risks and capital loss in the project;

+ The rate of households getting out of poverty after a project participation cycle, etc.





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2. This Circular replaces Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BNN of January 15, 2007, and Circular No. 79/2007/TT-BNN of September 20, 2007, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and takes effect 45 days after its signing. Other provisions contrary to this Circular are all annulled.

3. Localities should report any problems arising in the course of implementation to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for supplementation and adjustment.




Ho Xuan Hung



(To Circular No. 12/2009/TT-BNN of March 6, 2009)





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2. Joint Circular No. 102/2007/TTLT/BTC-BLDTBXH of August 20, 2007, of the Finance Ministry and the Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs Ministry, guiding the financial management mechanism applicable to a number of projects under the national target program on poverty reduction (Joint Circular 102):

3. Circular No. 02/2008/TT-BXD of January 2, 2008, of the Ministry of Construction, guiding the estimation and management of expenses for construction of infrastructures facilities under the program on socio-economic development of especially difficult communes in mountainous and ethnic minority regions in the 2006-2010 period (Circular 02).

4. Circular No. 23/2007/TT-BTC of March 21, 2007, of the Finance Ministry, defining the regimes of working travel allowances, the regimes of expenditures on organization of conferences by state agencies and public non-business units (Circular 23);

5. Joint Circular No. 30/2006/TTLT/BTC-BNN&PTNT-BTS of April 6, 2006, of the Finance Ministry, the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry and the Fishery Ministry, guiding the management and use of economic non-business funds for agricultural and fishery promotion activities (Joint Circular 30);

6. Joint Circular No. 50/2007/TTLT-BTC-BNN&PTNT-BTS of May 21, 2007, of the Finance Ministry, the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry and the Fishery Ministry, supplementing and amending Joint Circular 30 (Joint Circular 50);

7. Circular No. 87/2001/TT-BTC of October 30, 2001, of the Finance Ministry, guiding the contents and levels of expenditures on formulation of framework programs for university, college, professional secondary training disciplines and compilation of curricula and syllabuses for study subjects (Circular 87).

Joint Circular No. 01/2008/TTLT-UBDT-KHDT-TC-XD-NNPTNT of September 15, 2008 of different ministries, guiding the implementation of Program 135- stage II (Joint Circular 01).






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a/ Translation and edition of documents translated from foreign languages into Vietnamese: VND 35.000/page.

b/ Formulation of framework programs and subject curricula:

- Program, curricula compilation: VND 50.000/period.

- Correction, general edition: VND 25.000/period.

- Reading of critical remarks: VND 20,000/period.

c/ Syllabus compilation:

- Syllabus writing: VND 35,000/page.

- Correction, general edition: VND 20.000/page.

- Reading of critical remarks: VND 10,000/ page.




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2. Printing of training documents: Expenditures will be made according to current regulations (according to the Circulars).

3. Renting training halls, classrooms and equipment.

4. Payment of remuneration to lecturers and foreign experts (if any) according to the levels prescribed in Circular No. 51/2008/TT-BTC of June 16, 2008 of the Finance Ministry, guiding the management and use of funds for training of state cadres and civil servants.

5. Support for technical practice instructors: VND 40,000/person/day (Joint Circular 102).

6. Support for drinking water, stationery and documents for poor trainees in the training period must not exceed VND 20.000/person/day (Joint Circular 102).

7. Meal supports for poor trainees in the training period: VND 20.000/person/day (Joint Circular 102).

8. Travel fares. If the training place is 15km or more from trainees’ residence places, travel support will be provided according to the ticket prices of mass transit, but must not exceed VND 200,000/ person/training course (Joint Circular 102).

9. Support for poor trainees in tours to study successful agricultural and fishery extension models in localities (Joint Circular 102):

- Support for round trip fares according to common train or car tickets on study tours.




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- Support for room rent (in case of overnight stay) must not exceed VND 100,000/person/day.

10. Expenses in support of management of the inspection, evaluation and monitoring of agricultural extension activities in localities and grassroots establishments shall not exceed 5% of the total expense for agricultural extension activities, including 2% for superior agricultural and fishery extension agencies and 3% for units applying the models (Joint Circulars 30 and 50).

11. Expense for class management must not exceed 5% of the estimated value (Circulars 01 and 102).


1. Strains, principal supplies: The state budget will provide 80% supports for households applying the models (feeds, fertilizers, chemicals, plant protection drugs) if they apply new technical progresses to production.

2. For some models of peculiar nature, the specific support levels will be as follows:

- For hi-tech models: The maximum support levels will be 40% of expenses for strains and technological transfer; 20% of expenses for principal supplies, which, however, must not exceed VND 50 million for a model;

- For models of application of technically modified instruments: The maximum support level will be 30% of the value of the instruments, which, however, must not exceed VND 10 million for a model;

- For models of agricultural mechanization, farm produce preservation and processing and other crafts (excluding the drying kilns of the processing models, the improvement of salt fields of salt models): The maximum support level will be 75% of the principal equipment, which, however, must not exceed VND 125 million/model;




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- For onshore aquatic product processing and preservation models (excluding factories, workshops), fishery logistical mechanical services: The maximum support level will be 30% of the equipment, but the total support amount must not exceed VND 30 million/model; on islands, the maximum support level will be 50% of the equipment, but the total support amount must not exceed VND50 million/model.

- For agricultural and aquaculture extension models on islands: 100% support for strains, breeds and principal supplies.

3. Support for the purchase of copyrights and new technologies associated to models: The Stale will provide 70% support for copyright purchase (excluding funds for the purchase of workshops, net-houses, glass-houses, technological equipment).

4. The expense for hiring technicians to direct demonstration models will be calculated as equal to the monthly minimum wage for a person in the workdays; the contractual period will be based on the cycle of each crop or each kind of domestic animals, but must not exceed 9 months for a year.

5. Expense for model demonstration, including:

- Training of producers, study tours, review of models, for which the expense must not exceed VND 7 million/model or particularly VND 10 million/model for models requiring high techniques. These include allowances, expenses for training and study tours for producers in each agricultural or fishery extension model, with meal support level of VND 15,000/person/day for trainees being peasants or fishermen.

- Allowances for technical practice instructors: VND 40,000 person/day.

III. SUPPORT FOR PLANT VARIETIES, ANIMAL BREEDS, PRODUCTION SUPPLIES (applicable to poor households): The State will provide 100% support for plant varieties and animal breeds as well as principal supplies, which, however, must not exceed VND 3 million/household (Joint Circular 102).





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2 .Machinery support will comply with the Joint Circulars 30 and 50 as stated in Section II.


Circular No. 12/2009/TT-BNN of March 6, 2009, guiding the implementation of the production development support project under Program 135 in the 2006-2010 period

  • Số hiệu: 12/2009/TT-BNN
  • Loại văn bản: Thông tư
  • Ngày ban hành: 06/03/2009
  • Nơi ban hành: Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn
  • Người ký: Hồ Xuân Hùng
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 20/04/2009
  • Ngày hết hiệu lực: 01/01/2011
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Hết hiệu lực
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