Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 10/2016/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, April 5, 2016




Pursuant to the Law on Higher Education dated June 18, 2012;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19, 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education; the Government's Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 on revision and supplementation of the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006, elaborating and providing guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Education; the Government’s Decree No. 07/2013/ND-CP dated January 9, 2013 amending subparagraph b paragraph 13 Article 1 of the Decree No. 31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 amending and supplementing certain Articles of the Government's Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 2, 2006 elaborating and providing guidance on implementation of certain articles of the Law on Education;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 141/2013/ND-CP dated October 24, 2013 elaborating and providing guidance on certain articles of the Law on Higher Education;

Upon the request of the Director of the Student Affairs Administration;

The Minister of Education and Training hereby introduces the Circular that issues Regulations for student affairs in formal higher education programs.

Article 1. Regulations for student affairs in formal higher education programs shall be hereto attached.

Article 2. This Circular shall enter into force from May 23, 2016 and replace regulations for students and student affairs of universities, academies and higher education establishments that are set out in the Decision No. 42/2007/QD-BGDDT dated August 13, 2007 of the Minister of Education and Training adopting Disciplinary Regulations for students participating in formal education programs of universities, colleges and professional secondary education institutions.

Article 3. The Chief of the Office, Director of the Student Affairs Administration, Heads of affiliated entities of the Ministry of Education and Training, Directors of universities, academies and Provosts of higher education establishments shall be responsible for implementing this Circular./.





Nguyen Thi Nghia



(Issued together with the Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BGDDT dated April 5, 2016 of the Minister of Education and Training)

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope and subjects of application

1. These Regulations prescribe student affairs in formal higher education programs, including student's rights and duties; student's rewards and discipline; provisions for student affairs; system for organization, management of student affairs and implementation.

2. These Regulations shall apply to national or regional universities, academies or higher education institutions (including member colleges and departments of national or regional universities) belonging to the national education system that offer formal higher education programs (hereinafter referred to as higher education establishments) and other interested entities, organizations or individuals.

Article 2. Students

1. Students subject to these Regulations are learners who receive formal higher education offered by higher education establishments.

2. Students shall be at the centre of educational and training activities performed by higher education establishments, shall be accorded advantages in fulfilling their rights and duties during the learning and training process at educational and training establishments.

Article 3. Student affairs

1. Student affairs shall be deemed as part of the key activities, including a combination of student education and propagation, management, support and service activities, undertaken by higher education establishments in order to ensure fulfillment of higher education objectives.

2. Student affairs shall align with the Vietnam Communist Party's strategies and guidelines, and the State laws and policies as well as other regulations brought into force by the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. Student affairs shall ensure democracy, objectivity, equality, public availability and transparency for all student-related issues.

Chapter II


Article 4. Student’s duties

1. Observe the Vietnam Communist Party's strategies and guidelines, the State laws and policies, university’s statutes and rules and regulations of higher education establishments.

2. Carry out study and training activities according to education and training plans and programs developed by higher education establishments; show proactive and enthusiastic behaviors towards self-study and research, creativity and training in moral standards and lifestyle.

3. Respect teachers, administrative officers and personnel of higher education establishments; demonstrate solidarity and assistance for other students during their learning and training process; promote civilized ways of life in the educational context.

4. Preserve and protect school property; contribute their efforts to conserving, building and promoting traditions of higher education establishments.

5. Strictly comply with regulations of higher education establishments on health checks prior to commencement of their campus life and regular health checks while on campus.

6. Pay tuition and health insurance fees in full and on time.

7. Participate in community service, volunteering and social work activities, depending on their ability and physical condition, at the higher education establishment’s request.

8. Comply with obligations to work for a fixed period according to the State Personnel Decision after access to grants, scholarships or tuition subsidies given by the State or sponsored by foreign entities under Agreements with the State. In case of failing to comply with these obligations, students are required to repay these monetary amounts as prescribed by the Government.

9. Participate in prevention and control of misconduct or dishonesty in learning, exams and other activities; report on time to departments, functional divisions, Heads of higher education establishments or other regulatory authorities whenever discovering such misconduct or dishonesty or any other offences against laws and other rules or regulations which are committed by students, staff and lecturers of higher education establishments.

10. Participate in public security, order, traffic safety, criminal and social evil prevention and control activities within the precinct of a higher education establishment, family and community.

11. Fulfill other relevant duties regulated by law and higher education establishments.

Article 5. Student’s rights

1. Gain admission to academic majors or professions that they have applied for if they satisfy all placement requirements set out by the Ministry of Education and Training and higher education establishments.

2. Get respect and equal treatment; receive all necessary personal information about their learning and training process as regulated by higher education establishments; have access to student education and training rules, and the State policies and regulations regarding students.

3. Obtain favorable conditions for their learning, scientific research and training, including:

a) Have access to libraries, necessary equipment and utilities for their learning, scientific research, cultural, artistic, sports and physical activities;

b) Participate in scientific researches, student competitions, student’s major Olympiad competitions, scientific and technological creativity contests;

c) Receive healthcare services prescribed by the State regulations in force;

d) Have opportunities to apply to study abroad and participate in international exchange programs; apply for transfer to a higher level of education as prescribed by regulations in force;

e) Have opportunities to be accepted into the Vietnam Communist Party, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and Vietnam National Union of Students; participate in student’s self-established organizations and social work activities inside and outside of higher education establishments as regulated by law; participate in cultural, artistic and sports activities which are worthwhile and match training objectives of higher education establishments;

f) Have access to social work services available at higher education establishment (including career orientation, employment counseling, physical and mental health counseling, underprivileged student support services, etc.)

g) Be entitled to temporary absence, intermission, low- or fast-progress study programs, dual degree programs or movement or transfer to other higher education establishments as permitted under training regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; be entitled to summer vacation, lunar new year holidays and public holidays prescribed by law.

4. Be entitled to benefits or incentive policies, assessment of their eligibility for study encouragement scholarships or grants offered by domestic and overseas organizations or individuals as per regulations in force; be entitled to exemption from or reduction in payment of charges for public services such as transportation, entertainment, museum, historic site and cultural structure visit services as per the state regulations in force.

5. Submit their opinions on or get involved in management and supervision of educational activities and criteria for educational quality assurance; suggest solutions to establishment and development of a higher education establishment directly or through their legal representatives; make their request or complaint to Heads of higher education establishments to solve issues relating to legitimate rights and interests of students.

6. Be entitled to apply for admission in dormitories and priority treatment for admission in dormitories in accordance with regulations in force.

7. Any student who fully satisfy requirements for recognition of graduation shall be awarded academic degrees, certificates, transcripts showing their scores and training outcomes and other relevant documents, and shall be permitted to go through other administrative formalities.

Article 6. Student’s prohibited acts

1. Defame the dignity and reputation of and inflict physical abuse on lecturers, administrative officers, staff members, employees and students of higher education establishments and other persons.

2. Commit academic misconduct during the learning, examination or assessment period, including but not limited to cribbing, bringing unpermitted materials into test rooms or pitching for expected scores; impersonation in learning, tests, assessments, internships or watchstanding; copying, recruiting or impersonating someone to make essays, theses or dissertations; organizing or getting involved in organizing impersonation in tests or commission of other academic frauds.

3. Smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or beer within the precinct of higher education establishment; come to class in a drunken stupor.

4. Illegally organize or join in gangs, marches or lawsuits; get involved in social evils, and cause harm to campus and social safety and security.

5. Organize, take part in and watch illegal street racing.

6. Organize or participate in gambling activities in any form.

7. Produce, trade, transport, spread, conceal, use or tempt someone to use weapons, explosives, drugs and prohibited chemicals or medicinal products; reactionary or depraved materials, publications, information or other prohibited resources in accordance with state regulations; organize, engage in or propagate superstitious practices or religious activities within the precinct of a higher education establishment and other violations against moral standards.

8. Establish and participate in illegal activities that have the political nature; organize and participate in collective activities in the name of higher education establishments without obtaining any consent from Heads of these establishments.

9. Post, comment on and share articles or images that convey vulgar, violent or depraved messages, may cause harm to national security, protest against the Communist Party and the State, distort, slander or defame reputation of an organization, or honor and dignity of an individual on the Internet.

10. Organize or get involved in other offences.

Chapter III


Article 7. Contents and form of rewards

1. Individual or collective rewards shall be conferred upon individual students or classes of students that have shown their deserving performance, specifically comprising:

a) Winning any prize or award in academic subject Olympiads, scientific research competitions, engineering or technological creativity, academic, cultural, artistic and sports contests;

b) Making an effective contribution to the Communist Party, Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, National Union of Vietnamese Students, standing in the front line of youth, volunteering, public security, order assurance and other activities performed within the context of classes, departments, dormitories, or society, culture, arts and sports activities;

c) Earning some merit in carrying out programs for all people’s protection of national security, maintaining public security and order at campus, preventing and controlling criminals, social evils, and bravely rescuing victims, combating corruption and misconduct;

d) Gaining other special achievements.

Contents, forms and amounts of regular rewards shall be regulated by Heads of higher education establishments.

2. Assessment of competition results and grant of comprehensive and periodic rewards to individual students or classes of students shall be carried out at the end of academic year or course, including:

a) With respect to individual students:

- 3 individual titles comprise Good, Very Good and Excellent.

- Criteria for determination of the abovementioned titles:

+ A student will hold the title of Good Student if his/her learning and training outcomes reach at least the fair level;

+ A student will hold the title of Very Good Student if his/her learning and training outcomes reach at least the good level;

+ A student will hold the title of Excellent Student if his/her aggregate learning outcome is at least 3.6 (on the 4-point scale) or at least 9.0 (on the 10-point scale), and his/her training level is outstanding.

- Individual titles shall be recorded in student management documentation.

- Students who have been disciplined or gain total mark of a unit of study in an academic year which is lower than the average shall not be eligible for any reward.

b) With respect to classes of students:

- There shall be 2 collective titles granted to classes of students, including Progressive Class of Students and Excellent Class of Students.

- Heads of higher education establishments shall define eligibility criteria for the title of Progressive Class of Students and Excellent Class of Students.

Article 8. Reward procedures

1. At the beginning of an academic year, higher education establishments shall allow students and classes of students to register their competitive individual and collective title.

2. Reward procedures:

a) Based on learning and training outcomes of individual students, classes of students shall send a list of deserving students and statements of individual and collective achievements, all of which must be signed by class teachers, to their host departments or student affairs units for consideration of their decisions;

b) Departments or student affairs units shall convene meetings, undertake preliminary assessments and request the Student Reward and Discipline Board of a higher education establishment to give its approval;

c) Based on the requests made by departments or student affairs units, the Student Reward and Discipline Board of a higher education establishment shall make final assessments and request the Head of that higher education establishment to decide to recognize individual or collective titles.

Article 9. Forms of discipline and details of violation

1. Violating students may, depending on the nature, extent and consequence of their violation, receive warnings, reprimands or may be subject to one of the following disciplinary actions:

a) A disciplinary action represented in the form of reprimand shall be imposed on students who commit less serious violations for the first time;

b) A disciplinary action represented in the form of warning shall be imposed on reprimanded students who continue to commit violations, or those who commit less serious violations in a continual manner, or those who commit violations for the first time which are relatively serious;

c) A disciplinary action represented in the form of fixed-term academic suspension shall be imposed on students who breach rules and regulations or commit serious violations against regulations on student's prohibited acts during the warning period; those who contravene laws and are subject to a suspended sentence. As the case may be, Heads of higher education establishments may consult training rules to make decisions on the suspension term, i.e. the term of one semester, one academic year or the term the same as the suspended sentence period.

d) A disciplinary action represented in the form of forced expulsion shall be imposed on students who continue to breach rules during the fixed-term suspension period, or commit violations for the first time which have extremely serious nature or level and cause adverse effects on their higher education establishments and society; those who contravene laws and serve jail sentences.

2. A disciplinary action which is at least a warning must be recorded into student administration documentation and informed to student's families. Where students are subject to fixed-term suspension or expulsion, higher education establishments must inform local authorities and student's families for their coordination in supervision and education of these students.

3. Details of violation and disciplinary framework shall be prescribed in the Appendix hereto attached.

Article 10. Disciplinary procedures and documentation

1. Disciplinary procedures:

a) Violating students shall be forced to write self-criticism reports in which appropriate disciplinary actions imposed on them are clearly stated. If these students fail to comply, the Student Reward and Discipline Board shall proceed to hold a meeting that discusses and agrees on disciplinary actions to be imposed on these students based on available evidence;

b) Head teachers of classes attended by these students shall join meetings with all students in these classes, discuss and agree on recommended disciplinary measures on which departments or student affairs units will then make their decisions;

c) Departments or student affairs units shall make their assessment before recommending the Student Reward and Discipline Board to make its decision on these recommended measures;

d) The Board will then convene a meeting over disciplinary actions to be imposed which is attended by Board members, representatives of class attended by violating students and violating students themselves. If violating students who have been invited to such meeting are absent (for no sound reasons) and do not submit their self-criticism reports, the Board shall hold the meeting as planned and charge them with lack of organizational self-discipline.

The Board shall then vote on disciplinary actions to be applied and request Heads of higher education establishments to issue written decisions on approval of these actions.

2. Student’s disciplinary documentation:

a) Self-criticism reports (whenever available);

b) Minutes of the meeting in which other students give their opinions on violating students;

c) Reports issued by host departments or student affairs units;

d) Other relevant documents.

Article 11. Invalidation of disciplinary decisions

1. With respect to students subject to the disciplinary action represented in the form of reprimand, after 03 months of receipt of the disciplinary decisions, if students do not repeat violations or do not commit any violation to the extent that they have to be subject to disciplinary actions, disciplinary decisions shall be invalidated by default, and their rights and benefits will be restored from the date on which such decisions are invalidated.

2. With respect to students subject to the disciplinary action represented in the form of warning, after 06 months of receipt of the disciplinary decisions, if students do not repeat violations or do not commit any violation to the extent that they have to be subject to disciplinary actions, disciplinary decisions shall be invalidated by default, and their rights and benefits will be restored from the date on which these decisions are invalidated.

3. With respect to students subject to fixed-term suspension, after expiration of the suspension period, students shall be obliged to submit certificates of accomplishment of citizen's obligations issued by local jurisdictions (communes, wards or townlets) where they reside; certificates of competent authorities for completion of the suspended sentence period, to higher education establishments to seek their decision on whether they are permitted to continue their learning if all requirements are fully satisfied.

4. Competent authorities issuing disciplinary decisions shall clearly provide terms and conditions which specify the disciplinary duration that starts from the date of issue of these decisions and end on the date of expiration of the disciplinary duration in accordance with regulations in force.

Article 12. Organizational structure and duties of the Student Reward and Discipline Board

1. The organizational structure of the Student Reward and Discipline Board:

a) The Board’s chair is the Head or a deputy to Head of higher education establishment.

b) The Executive Committee of the Board is the Head of the Division (Subdivision) of Political – Student Affairs.

c) Members are representatives of related departments, divisions or subdivisions, Ho Chi Minh Youth Union and National Union of Vietnamese Students of higher education establishments.

The Board may invite representatives of classes of students, class teachers or academic consultants. They shall be entitled to voice their opinions, suggest levels of reward or discipline but shall not have voting rights.

2. Heads of higher education establishments shall issue a decision on establishment and define functions, duties, organization and operations of the Student Reward and Discipline Board.

Article 13. Right to appeal against rewards or disciplinary actions

If individual students and classes of students have found that rewards or disciplinary actions are not based on reasonable grounds, they shall be entitled to file their complaints to relevant departments or divisions or Heads of higher education establishments; if these higher education establishments continue to issue unreasonable decisions after receipt of such appeals, an appeal shall be sent to competent authorities in accordance with laws on appeal and denunciation.

Chapter IV


Article 14. Organization of educational and propagation campaigns

1. Ideological and political education

a) Carry out education and propagation activities so that students can thoroughly understand the Communist Party’s policies and guidelines, develop their political confidence and love for Vietnam’s socialism, watch out for and refute distorted arguments or reactionary activities against the Communist Party and the Government;

b) Collaborate with Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, Vietnam National Union of Students and other relevant political – social organizations in carrying out student training activities. Provide students with favorable conditions to train themselves and strive for accession to the Communist Party.

2. Moral and lifestyle education

a) Carry out education and propagation activities so that students can understand Vietnam’s elegant traditional values and heritages, common social and professional ethics; criticize any act incompliant with moral standards;

b) Guide and educate students towards healthy, civilized and progressive lifestyles which fit into Vietnam's cultural and traditional values; educate students about a sense of responsibility to their teams and communities.

3. Legal education and dissemination

a) Carry out education and dissemination to improve awareness and consciousness of compliance with laws, and create law-compliance living and working habits;

b) Legal education for students shall focus on learning and training rules and regulations; laws on prevention and control of crimes and social evils; traffic order and safety and other relevant Laws.

4. Skill-based education: Life skill, job and career skill education, etc.

5. Physical education

a) Provide students with education and guidance on physical training techniques and methods, and organize sports and physical activities competitions under regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training that students can attend;

b) Carry out dissemination and communication programs to raise student's awareness of nutritional diet, food hygiene and safety, healthy lifestyle, vigorous activities, to prevent them from overuse of alcohol, beer, stimulants or addictive substances; to provide them with knowledge and skills of health care, prevention and control of epidemics, diseases and injuries resulted from accidents, etc.; organize and initiate activities of medical care stations of higher education establishments as per regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

6. Aesthetic education

a) Provide students with knowledge and skill-based education so that they would love and feel beauty existing in the nature, social life and arts.

b) Cultivate aesthetic prediction and assessment capabilities; develop righteous aesthetic tastes or ideas; create artistic creativity abilities, ambitions and capabilities of conveying beauty in their learning, working life and behaviors. Show their hatred of evils and unaesthetic things existing human souls, conducts, behaviors, appearance and fashion, etc.

Article 15. Student administration affairs

1. Administrative affairs

a) Organize reception, placement of students passing admission exams; staff the interim classroom management board (e.g. class monitor or vice monitors), issue student ID cards, library membership cards; manage and organize awarding of degrees or certificates to students;

b) Enumerate and compile data, manage and store student-related documentation; deal with administrative work relating to students.

2. Reward and disciplinary affairs

a) Monitor and assess learning awareness; organize assessment of student’s training outcomes; classify and grade students at the end of each semester, academic year or course in accordance with regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Initiate and organize competitions or emulative campaigns amongst students; carry out assessment, nomination of classes of students or individual students achieving high-level learning and training results before deciding to give them rewards; create opportunities for students to participate in scientific researches, academic major Olympiad competitions, young talents’ creativity contests and other academic encouragement programs;

c) Provide guidance on, check and supervise implementation of learning and training rules or regulations applied to students;

d) Counsel, monitor and make a review report on disciplinary actions to be imposed on violating students in accordance with regulations in force.

3. Boarding and non-boarding student affairs

Make arrangements for implementing requirements and methods of boarding and non-boarding student affairs in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

4. Campus security and safety affairs

a) Issue rules, regulations, set up plans, organize inspection and supervision of implementation of directive and legal normative documents of the Communist Party and the Government on public security and social order maintenance, prevention and control of crimes and social evils that may arise amongst students. Collaborate with local police forces to implement approaches to maintaining campus security and safety;

b) Create healthy educational environment, ensure safety for student’s learning and training activities. Observe and grasp any change in student’s thought or behaviors to orient and educate them; collaborate in preventing students from being seduced into participating in any opposition against the Communist Party, the Government, social evils, illegally preaching religious beliefs and committing violations against laws; collaborate in solving problems relating to campus security and order, and dealing with on- or off-campus issues relating to students.

5. Implementation of student's policies and regulations

Propagate, guide, monitor, synthesize and comply with the state student policies and regulations as prescribed by laws in force.

Article 16. Student support and service

1. Academic consultancy

Provide advice or support for students to create learning plans and methods that match their predetermined objectives and competency; provide information about training programs and instruct students to have access to available (academic, financial or technical, etc.) resources with the intention of helping to improve their capabilities and effective learning.

2. Career orientation, employment counseling services

Make necessary arrangements for implementing requirements and methods of career orientation, employment counseling services as per regulations adopted by the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. Psychological consultancy and health care services

a) Give advice and support to students who face with psychological – social issues; collaborate with accredited consultancy and health care organizations in providing necessary support or making timely intervention in case of students’ difficulties that cause harm to their physical and mental health;

b) Organize pre-admission and regular health check-ups for students; provide students with advice on and ensure their compliance with laws on Health Insurance; render medical first aid, emergency and primary healthcare services to students.

4. Financial aid

Cooperate with charity organizations or individuals in establishment and management of scholarship funds; confer scholarships or grants upon outstanding students or underprivileged students.

5. Special support

Provide on-campus social work services that create favorable conditions for disabled students, students recognized as subjects of government policies and extremely disadvantaged students.

6. Organization and management of student’s public

Provide students with campus utilities such as internet, telephone, canteen, parking, playground, training field and cultural institutions, etc.

Chapter V


Article 17. Organizational and management system of student affairs

The system shall encompass Head(s) of higher education establishment, units in charge of student affairs, departments, class teachers, academic consultants and classes of students.

Based on Statutes of higher education establishments, Head(s) of higher education establishment shall have authority to issue regulations on the organizational and management system of student affairs which is appropriate and ensure compliance with requirements of student affairs.

Article 18. Head of higher education establishment

1. Direct and manage activities of student affairs. Allocate resources to ensure compliance with requirements of student affairs.

2. Plan and organize implementation of the Vietnam Communist Party's strategies and guidelines, and the State laws and policies as well as other regulations brought into force by the Ministry of Education and Training, sectoral departments and local authorities in the student affairs sector; create favorable conditions for students to fully implement their rights and duties.

3. Take charge of holding “citizen – student guide week” at the beginning of a course, academic year or at the end of a course under guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education and Training; annually, organize conversations with students to provide them with necessary information, listen to their desires and expectations and deal with their questions and demands on time.

4. Assure necessary conditions to promote effective roles of Ho Chi Minh Youth Union and National Union of Vietnamese Students in student affairs; put emphasis on ideological and political, moral and lifestyle education for students.

5. Make a decision on participation of students as representatives of higher education establishments upon demand of local jurisdictions, all-level authorities, sectoral departments and other organizations.

Article 19. Entities and individuals undertaking student affairs

1. Based on Statutes of higher education establishments, Head(s) of higher education establishment shall have authority to issue the decision on establishment of and define functions and duties of Departments and units in charge of work contents of student affairs on campus and designate Divisions (Subdivisions) of political – student affairs as units taking charge of giving advisory opinions and review reports on on-campus student affairs to the Head of higher education establishment.

2. Class teachers

Based on specific conditions, Head of a higher education establishment or Head of an Academic Department shall assign lecturers or staff members as heads of classes of students who assist in managing and providing guidance on on-class learning and training activities.

3. Academic consultants

Based on specific conditions, Head of a higher education establishment or Head of an Academic Department shall assign lecturers as student’s academic consultants who give students advice or guidance on compliance with training rules and regulations. The higher education establishment may appoint a lecturer as an academic consultant cum a class teacher.

Article 20. Classes of students

1. Classes of students shall comprise students studying the same major and attending the same course. Classes of students shall remain stable in the entire course, shall serve as places where higher education establishments organize and manage implementation of learning, training duties, activities of associations, social work, competitive, rewarding and disciplinary activities.

2. Classroom monitoring board shall be comprised of:

a) Class monitor and deputy monitors who are elected by all students of a class, and recognized by the Head of higher education establishment (or head of an academic department or unit undertaking student affairs who are assigned by the Head of higher education establishment). The term of the classroom monitoring board shall coincide with an academic year.

b) Duties of the classroom monitoring board:

- Organize implementation of learning and training duties, personal, routine life and social responsibility activities according to the plan of higher education establishment, department, division or subdivision;

- Promote student’s strict compliance with academic and training rules and regulations. Establish class self-management principles;

- Give encouragement and support to students who face difficulties in learning and training. Act on behalf of all students in a class to contact the class teacher and teachers of majors; request departments and units in charge of student affairs and the campus managing board to deal with issues relating to duties and rights of students in a class;

- Strictly and frequently collaborate with Ho Chi Minh Youth Union and National Union of Vietnamese Students in performing class activities;

- Fully and accurately report learning and training performance of students based on an academic semester or year, and unexpected events to departments or units in charge of student affairs;

c) Advantages granted to members of the classroom monitoring board:

Have access to bonus training marks and other benefits prescribed by higher education establishments.

Article 21. Study unit-based classes

1. Study unit-based class shall comprise students registering the same unit of study. Such class shall be organized in agreement with the period during which a unit of study is completed, shall be the place where a higher education establishment monitor and manage student’s in-class learning activities and awareness of discipline.

2. The monitoring board of a study unit-based class shall be composed of a class monitor and other deputies appointed by the higher education establishment. The term of the monitoring board of study unit-based class shall depend on the duration of completion of a unit of study. The monitoring board shall be responsible for reporting compliance with rules and regulations of students in a class to departments or student affairs units. The Board shall be given bonus training marks and other benefits under regulations of higher education establishments.

Chapter VI


Article 22. Responsibilities of higher education establishment

1. Based on these Regulations, establish their own regulations, set out detailed rules of student affairs which are relevant to functions, duties and practical conditions of educational and training organization affairs of the higher education establishment.

2. Actively and closely collaborate with associations, student's families and other relevant entities located within the same local jurisdictions to deal with student affairs in an effective manner.

3. Review and assess student affairs, report to the Ministry of Education and Training at the end of an academic year; send an emergency report to the Ministry of Education and Training and other direct senior entities on complicated and serious events involving students.

Article 23. Inspection, examination, rewarding and disciplinary affairs

1. The Ministry of Education and Training, educational and training establishments and other higher education establishments shall have power to organize inspection and examination of implementation of student affairs.

2. Higher education establishments, entities or individuals giving outstanding performance in student affairs may have access to rewards prescribed by regulations in force.

3. Individuals violating regulations on student affairs shall be sanctioned depending on their degree of violation.



(Issued together with the Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BGDDT dated April 5, 2016 of the Minister of Education and Training)


Details of violation

Times of violation and respective disciplinary action

(Times measured in the entire academic course)




Fixed-term suspension

Forced expulsion









Coming late for theoretical or practical classes; being absent from class without permission or in excess of the allowed number of days-off.





Subject to regulations of the higher education establishment


Making noise, doing personal business in theoretical or practical classes and during self-study moments.





Subject to regulations of the higher education establishment


Badly and disgracefully behaving towards lecturers and staff members of the higher education establishment.





Depending on seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion


Impersonating another student or employing another student to impersonate himself/herself in learning.





Depending on seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion


Rendering or employing impersonation in taking tests or exams; rendering or employing impersonation in making or copying essays, theses and dissertations.



1st time

2nd time



Organizing impersonation in learning, taking tests or exams; organizing impersonation in making essays, theses or dissertations.




1st time

Depending on seriousness, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Bringing unpermitted materials into test rooms, sending test questions to the outside person who helps to complete the test, throwing materials into test rooms and untidily scrawling across answer sheets; being absent from tests without sound reasons and committing other frauds in learning, tests or exams.





Subject to training regulations


Intentionally making late payment for or refusing to pay tuition and health insurance fees regulated by the higher education establishment without any sound reason.





Depending on seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reminder or reprimand and forced expulsion


Damaging student hostel’s property and other school property





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion, and compensation for any loss or damage must be paid


Drinking alcohol or beer in class; coming to class in a drunken stupor.

1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th time



Smoking cigarettes in class, inside meeting rooms, laboratory rooms and at areas where smoking is prohibited in accordance with regulations in force.





From the 3rd time onwards, disciplinary action may be between reprimand and warning


Participating in gambling activities in any form.

1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th time

Depending on seriousness, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Concealing, circulating, accessing, using depraved cultural products or participating in superstitious activities or illegal religious practices.

1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th time

If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Trafficking, illegally transporting, concealing and seducing other persons to use drugs.




1st time

A competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Using drugs





A disciplinary action may be imposed as per regulations on imposition of sanctions on students involved in drugs.


Harboring and brokering prostitution




1st time

A competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Participating in prostitution activities

1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th time



Stealing property, concealing or consuming stolen property





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between warning and forced expulsion. If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Harboring, trafficking weapons, explosives and goods which are prohibited by laws.




1st time

A competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Taking bad persons into campus or dormitories that can cause harm to campus security or order.





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between warning and forced expulsion


Fighting each other, organizing or participating in fights.


1st time

2nd time

3rd time

If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Inciting and involving other persons to illegally go on a demonstration, print propaganda leaflets or posters.



1st time

2nd time

If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Illegally participating in demonstrations, gathering many people and filing lawsuits.

1st time

2nd time

3rd time

4th time

If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Post, comment on and share articles or images that convey vulgar, violent or depraved messages, may cause harm to national security, protest against the Communist Party and the State, distort, slander or defame reputation of an organization, or honor and dignity of an individual on the Internet.





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion. If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Carry out abuse, obscenity, infringing upon dignity or privacy of other persons





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion. If these violations are serious, a competent authority may be requested to make its decision to impose a proper disciplinary action in accordance with laws.


Breaching traffic safety regulations.





Depending on the seriousness, disciplinary actions may be between reprimand and forced expulsion


Committing other violations





Depending on seriousness, higher education establishments may carry out assessment, give notice or warning, make criticism or deduct training marks or impose disciplinary actions which are between reprimand and forced expulsion.




Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BGDDT dated April 5, 2016 issuing Regulations for student affairs in formal higher education programs

  • Số hiệu: 10/2016/TT-BGDDT
  • Loại văn bản: Thông tư
  • Ngày ban hành: 05/04/2016
  • Nơi ban hành: Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo
  • Người ký: Nguyễn Thị Nghĩa
  • Ngày công báo: Đang cập nhật
  • Số công báo: Dữ liệu đang cập nhật
  • Ngày hiệu lực: 23/05/2016
  • Tình trạng hiệu lực: Còn hiệu lực
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